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Watch this space 10 essential documentaries about the universe

The universe is fascinating. Billions of stars, millions of planets and the vastness of space. Experience space exploration in 3D on NASA visualizations Experience space exploration in 3D on NASA visualizations Are you a fellow space explorer? If you had the chance to experience what it's like to be an astronaut, or even one of the many tech support teams that support space exploration, could you… Read More attract our attention and make us want to contribute to science? Can we contribute to space? Exploration? These 7 online tools say we can contribute to space exploration? These 7 Online Tools Say We Can What about the man on the sidewalk? The high school student in science class? The mother who once dreamed of preparing for a space flight? Will dreams continue like this or can they contribute to... Read More Documentaries about the Universe help show the greatness of galaxies. 7 Cool iPhone and iPad Apps from NASA [iOS] 7 Cool iPhone and iPad Apps from NASA [iOS] NASA and its astronauts have boldly gone where many of us can only dream of going - the depths of space. Their website is packed with information, thought-provoking images, and a couple of incredible... Read More

Some documents focus on amazing graphics and stunning visuals. Others focus on explaining why the Universe is the way it is. The best combine everything:stunning visuals, great explanations, amazing music, and great hosts to deliver truly valuable content.

Here is a list of some of the best documentaries about the Universe. Because, as William Shatner once suggested in his role as Captain Kirk, space really is the final frontier. After seeing all this, you might just want to become an astronaut Become a Virtual Astronaut with NASA Moonbase Alpha Free Game Become a Virtual Astronaut with NASA Moonbase Alpha Free Game Read more. Or maybe not. Either way, we're sure these documents will inspire you to think about the worlds beyond our own.

2015:The year of Pluto

Let's start with the recent. #PlutoFlyby New Horizons probe mission. The probe has already delivered photos of Pluto and is expected to send back more data to capture our attention. Space is cool again! What's new in the new space race? What's new in the new space race? It's 2015, and space is cool for the first time in decades. What happened after the moon landing? Where did it all go so wrong? Read more finally.

A fascinating one-hour documentary was made before the investigation set out on its mission to give us answers about how the journey began and why it matters. Interviews with Dr. James Green, Mark Showalter, and John Spencer give us great insights into the hard science and why the spacecraft is an important tool for finding answers about Pluto and the Kuiper Belt, the doughnut-shaped region of the planets. frozen objects.

The Hubble era

Before New Horizons became the most popular man-made object in the cosmos, the Hubble Space Telescope was all the rage. Incredible images from the telescope were transmitted to scientists after it was launched into low Earth orbit in 1990. The still-operational spacecraft has been taking extremely high-resolution images of space and time, often leading to breakthroughs in astrophysics, as the measurement of the speed of Expansion in the Universe. How cool is that?

If you want to see the awesomeness of space captured by different telescopes, including Hubble, you must watch The Age of Hubble .

BBC Horizon:Voyager encounter with Jupiter

We can't talk about New Horizons and Hubble without mentioning Voyager, the two space probes launched "to extend NASA's exploration of the solar system beyond the neighborhood of the outer planets to the outer limits of the Sun's sphere of influence, and possibly beyond.”

The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) created a documentary to explain Voyager's Jupiter mission, which took place in 1979. The 1980 documentary explains the probe missions very well, with additional information about Jupiter's moons, the Great Red Spot and much more. being explained.

Knowing that the probes began their journey more than 30 years ago, they are still tracking each other and eventually contacting another star is impressive. Seeing how Voyagers got started is even more impressive, which makes this movie a must-see.

Deciphering the universe:the great mathematical mystery

Is mathematics an invention or a discovery made by man? That is the main question explored in this PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) documentary that aired in April 2015. The document below “Mathematics from Pythagoras to Einstein and beyond,” with astrophysicist and writer Mario Livio helping to explain. “the great mathematical mystery”.

This is a must-see documentary for anyone interested in the place of mathematics in the Universe, and eager to hear what we might discover next.

Journey to the edge of the universe

In 2008, a fascinating documentary aired on National Geographic and the Discovery Channel. The visually stunning space travel takes the audience on a journey to the edge of the Universe and explains the beautiful yet extreme nature of the cosmos. The American version is narrated by Alec Baldwin, and Sean Pertwee narrates the British version.

In the Universe with Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking is one of the most acclaimed scientists of this generation. His ideas about the Universe are what many people want to hear. The 2010 TV miniseries written by the British physicist features Aliens , Time travel , and The story of it all , With incredible graphics and interesting explanations from the theoretical physicist and cosmologist..

There's nothing not to like:great stories, great cinematography, and exceptional insights from Hawking himself. Do yourself a favor and check it out, you won't be disappointed.

Through the wormhole with Morgan Freeman

Through the Wormhole is a science television series narrated and hosted by actor Morgan Freeman. Explore the deepest mysteries of the universe, with explanations from renowned scientists on string theory, the beginnings of life, astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and more. The thought-provoking episodes seek to answer the big questions:Is time travel possible? , What happened before the start? , Are robots the future of human evolution? , and Is reality real? , among others.

With a mix of personal stories and the help of renowned scientists, Freeman is able to give us a simplified and equally interesting take on these dense topics. Which makes this worth watching..

Cosmos:a personal journey

This 13-part television series inspired millions of viewers, and is often referred to as the best space documentary there ever was, or ever was. Cosmos:A Personal Journey es presentado por Carl Sagan y emitido en 1980 en PBS, pasando los próximos 10 años como el programa más visto en la televisión pública estadounidense y ganando dos premios Emmy y un premio Peabody. Ha envejecido bastante bien, sigue siendo estimulante y educativo, y seguramente interesará a cualquiera que quiera aprender sobre el cosmos..

Cosmos:una odisea del espacio-tiempo

Neil deGrasse Tyson fue una de las personas inspiradas en Sagan. Cosmos . Para marcar su aprecio, Tyson presentó una secuela en líneas similares, con información y gráficos actualizados. Al igual que el original de 1980, esta secuela de 13 partes también ganó un Peabody y otros premios de televisión..

Cosmos:una odisea del espacio-tiempo es un documental que hay que ver y ofrece una nueva perspectiva de lo que Carl Sagan quería enseñarnos. Es decir, que “En algún lugar, algo increíble está esperando a ser conocido”.

Ovnis:fuera del azul

Cualquier persona interesada en aprender sobre el Universo también estará interesada en los extraterrestres. Se han realizado muchos documentales sobre el tema, pero Inesperadamente Es considerada una de las películas más completas que analiza la posibilidad de vida en otros planetas. Explora la idea de que no estamos solos en el Universo, con una perspectiva educativa sobre las posibilidades de que otros mundos con vida inteligente estén ahí afuera esperando a ser descubiertos..

Incluso si te consideras un escéptico, después de mirar Inesperadamente Usted puede estar convencido de que los extraterrestres están ahí fuera.

Ahora es un buen momento para estar vivo

Stephen Hawking ha declarado previamente, “ahora es un buen momento para estar vivo.” Y tiene razón en su evaluación. Finalmente, hemos empezado a invertir más tiempo y dinero en comprender el cosmos, el espacio vuelve a ser genial y hay una cantidad sorprendente de futuras misiones espaciales que esperamos.

Toda esta actividad seguramente llevará a más documentales entretenidos y educativos que se producirán en el futuro. Que es algo de lo que todos deberíamos estar entusiasmados..

¿Cuál de estos documentales sobre el espacio es tu favorito? ¿Hay algún documental que no hayamos mencionado y que usted personalmente considere que debería haber hecho la lista? Por favor, háganoslo saber en la sección de comentarios a continuación. Después de todo, esta es una conversación, no una conferencia..