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Similarities Between Valorant Neon And Zeri From League Of Legends Addressed By RIOT

Similarities between Valorant Neon and Zeri:Since the 19th agent of Valorant, Neon and the champion Zeri of League of Legends were introduced, players have been divided into the similarities and differences between these two agents, and much of the base of fans claims they are the same person. .

Responding to these misconceptions among the playerbase of both games, RIOT Games recently released their explanation. The article talks about the League of Legends Valorant Neon and Zeri similarities that were addressed by RIOT Games earlier today.

Similarities Between Valorant Neon And Zeri From League Of Legends Addressed By RIOT

Similarities between Valorant Neon and Zeri

Valorant recently released its 19th agent from the roster, Neon, the new Duelist in Valorant. Valorant is Riot Games' take on the tactical first-person shooter genre. Valorant seemingly exceeds all expectations while giving its audience brand new gear to get excited about, every day.

Hailing from Manila, VALORANT's 19th recruit is a young Duelist who can outrun the rest of the roster, shocking the competition and sliding straight into combat.

The new League of Legends champion is a sniper who can dash over walls. Zeri is the new champion of League of Legends and Riot has finally unveiled her complete kit.

It was mentioned in the official blog:“We design agents through a process called DNA. A re game author, n narrative author and concept a Artists are assigned to an upcoming agent, and in the beginning there is only a starting seed, such as a design, storytelling, or diversity goal.

Similarities Between Valorant Neon And Zeri From League Of Legends Addressed By RIOT

This could be creating another Radiant, adding another Duelist to the roster, or exploring another area of ​​the world with a character that calls it home.

As the two RIOT Games teams said, “Listen, we’re going online. We've seen your fan theories and side-by-side comparisons of Neon and Zeri, the new League champion. And to officially set the record straight:no, they're not the same characters, no, they're not related, but they were made in tandem by the League and VALORANT teams.