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After patch update, Fortnite players plead for return to Mighty Monument glitch

Due to the live service nature of battle royales like Fortnite, issues are common. When they appear, developers normally act quickly to ensure they don't interfere with the gameplay experience.

Players noted that the landmark could be dislodged from its perch with a small tire blow shortly after the Fortnite 19.20 patch. As entertaining as the interaction was, the developers fixed it with a February 2 patch release.

People were quickly shocked by the upgrade because there wasn't much downtime between when the bug was identified and when it was fixed.

Fortnite Mighty Monument issue

"Boys, the good times are over. "Time to pack it all up," someone said. "Shit," said another. And I still have an hour of work ahead of me. "What makes you feel the need to be so efficient, Epic?" »

Meanwhile, other players were hoping for a return so they could spend more time with the Might Monument glitch, pleading with the devs to "bring it back," while others pleaded with them to "reverse this, at least." in combat labs".

After patch update, Fortnite players plead for return to Mighty Monument glitch

Although it was an exciting race for its duration, Epic had to act quickly to prevent individuals from reproducing the issue, which would create a huge lag throughout the match lobby.

People were complaining about a lot of missing frames, that's probably why the Fortnite devs decided to fix it right away.

Although players can no longer remove the Foundation monument from its perch, some members of the Fortnite community hope that Epic will bring back the issue (or a memory) in the future.