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The Xbox Series S will be released in November for $299

We've seen evidence of the Xbox Series S's existence before, such as when the name was leaked on the controller's packaging. However, now Microsoft has officially announced the console, its release date and its price of $299.

Xbox Series S debuts

This news originally came to us from Twitter user @_h0x0d_, who leaked a trailer for the Xbox Series S. The trailer shows off what the Xbox Series S can do, as well as revealing a $299 price tag. .

However, shortly after the leak, Microsoft decided to take matters into their own hands. Announcing that the company will be “making it official,” the @Xbox Twitter account confirmed the price in a tweet. The company also revealed that the Series S would be the smallest Xbox yet.

What was revealed for Xbox Series S?

While the Xbox Twitter account refrains from revealing more information, we can still learn a lot from @_h0x0d_'s tweet. Since Microsoft was in a rush to officially announce the console after the leak, this is proof that the trailer is legit.

The end of the trailer displays a stat card that shows the power of the Xbox Series S. It will be a digital console, without the ability to play physical CDs to keep costs down.

The console will also handle 1440p resolution at 60 frames per second and comes with a built-in 512MB SSD. More importantly, the trailer reveals that the console will be released in November 2020. A specific day has yet to be revealed.

A short wait until the Xbox Series S release date

With the combination of the leak and the official confirmation from Microsoft, we can now gather a lot of information about the new Xbox Series S. However, there are still a lot of unanswered questions.

As the holiday season approaches, Microsoft has provided fans with information about its new Xbox Series X. Recently, the company clarified accessory compatibility when switching from Xbox One to Series X.

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The Xbox Series S will be released in November for $299