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The Surface Duo gets a much-needed update

If you saw the negative reviews when the Surface Duo was released, you'll know how reviewers scorned the device's camera for its poor quality. Now Microsoft is releasing an update for the Surface Duo to fix issues with the camera.

Microsoft fix for the Surface Duo camera

News broke Windows Latest, which reported a "big software update" currently in the works for the Surface Duo.

It's worth noting the long list of features entirely dedicated to the Duo's camera:

It looks like Microsoft fully understood the gripes reviewers had with the device's camera and will hopefully address those issues with the update.

What else is included in the update?

While camera fixes are a very welcome addition to the Surface Duo, that's not the only thing this patch does. Reviewers also found that apps tended to freeze or slow down during use.

As such, Microsoft is also including some performance tweaks with this new patch. If it goes well, Surface Duo users should notice a smoother and faster experience than before.

Is this enough to save the Surface Duo?

Reviewers found plenty of flaws with the Surface Duo right after release, and Microsoft is working to fix them all. However, with the scores now set and public opinion swayed by the initial wave, will this new update save the Duo or go unnoticed?

Unfortunately, while the Surface Duo gets all of Microsoft's attention, the Surface Neo is still missing after its recent delay. Hopefully this delay gives Microsoft time to apply what it learned with the Duo to the Neo, so that it receives positive praise upon release.