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The 10 worst fake Jurassic Park and Jurassic World cutoffs

As great as it is, the Jurassic Park/Jurassic World saga still has a lot of mismatches. While some are imperceptible on first viewing, others are coarser.

In 1993, Steven Spielberg was dating Jurassic Park , one of the biggest hits in the history of cinema. More than a very lucrative blockbuster, it is a work that will mark an entire generation and will be timeless. The quality of the technical and special effects, the scenario different from that of Michael Crichton's book but effective, the fear present throughout the film and the incredible acting of the trio Sam Neil, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum brought Jurassic Park in the Hall of Fame of Greatest Films. The sequel to the core trilogy, Jurassic World , much more popular but less appreciated by purists, was a huge commercial success. However, as successful as the five films in the universe can be, there are major mismatches.

Jurassic Park - 1993

Everything is perfect in this film. From the script to the production, from the general atmosphere to the action scenes... Steven Spielberg created a monument in 1993 that we enjoy seeing and seeing again today. However, if you pay close attention, you will see some gross errors. The first very light, during the appearance of John Hammond. Alan Grant rushes into the mobile home where the billionaire is waiting for him, and opens the door one way on the first plan, and the other way on the second, which clearly shows two different places.

    Second false connection and second door concerned. That of the famous yellow and green Jeep of the children, blocked in front of the enclosure of the T-Rex. Gennaro, the lawyer, fleeing as the monster approaches, leaves the door open. The latter magically closes when the dinosaur appears and opens again, without explanation.

    Third glaring mismatch that happens some time after the one above. Where does the big ditch come out of where Lex and Alan go down when two minutes earlier the T-Rex came out of it and was on the ground? Mystery.

    The Lost World - 1997

    Sequel much less successful than the 1993 work, The Lost World entrance sign a huge mismatch. Kelly, the young daughter of Ian Malcolm, finds herself in the shed where the vehicles of the future expedition are stored. She stops in a van where a map is and looks precisely at an archipelago called "Las Cincos Muertes ". A few minutes later, Nick and the team find themselves on a fishing boat. Its captain does not want to go to the islands and the heroes seem to be surprised at the name of the territory when... it is registered on travel maps.

    Jurassic Park 3 - 2001

    This is more of a totally inexplicable although terrifying sequence. On the boat at the very beginning where Eric and Ben are having a good time together, the team gets savagely attacked, so much so that there are no bodies left. But what animals could have done this? Marine dinosaurs? Impossible. Pterosaurs? We would have seen them fly away. This is simply a colossal mistake, and this at the very beginning of the film. Something to set the tone for the rest of the work...

    Jurassic World - 2015

    First opus of the second saga dedicated to the Jurassic Park universe , Jurassic World is a big success. If the scenario is not innovative and the special effects, with so much budget, impress much less than the original work, it is overall a successful film. But like those predecessors, some gross errors are present. During the attack scene of the winged dinosaurs, we clearly see a man running away… with his cocktails in his hand.

    Another striking sequence, that of the attack on the sphere of the two children by the Indominus Rex. This flips around like magic so the heroes don't get bitten.

    Small error of realization, or staging, but at the time of the arrival of Ingen on the island, the commando shoots down a flying dinosaur which was going towards the island, whereas it should rather go in the other meaning.

    Jurassic World 2 - Fallen Kingdom

    Surely the film of the saga the least appreciated of all and rightly so:a horrible camera, decisions that have the sole purpose of advancing the scenario, and a mixture with the horror style that leaves something to be desired. Obviously, this creates big false connections. First mistake, the Mosasaur enclosure at the beginning of the film, which is glued to the sea whereas in the previous film it was in the middle of the island.

    Another grotesque scene, the one where the heroes find themselves in the museum of the manor and that the Indoraptor eats one of the guards in 3 seconds, without leaving a single trace of blood. In terms of realism, we are light years away from the first films.

    Hopefully in the third installment, Jurassic World:Dominion , there is no type of mismatch!