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Beware of summer sores!

Beware of summer sores!

Summer ailments are making a comeback. One thing is certain:insect bites, sunburn or dehydration will not ruin your beautiful season. No more suffering! This year, you put the odds on your side to avoid worries.

We prevent heat stroke

When the mercury panics, beware of heatstroke. Avoid exposures longer than 30 minutes under the sun and go to the beach between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m.

What to do in case of heatstroke ? At the slightest symptom (fever, increased heart rate, thirst, vomiting, dizziness, etc.), you must react quickly. Place the person in the shade and give them water. A lukewarm shower is recommended to bring the temperature down. Alternatively, apply a damp towel all over your body. If the symptoms are more severe (loss of consciousness, convulsions, etc.), call the emergency services immediately.

No aspirin!

Be careful, in case of heat stroke, do not give aspirin or paracetamol. They could damage the liver or cause blood circulation problems.

Keep away bees and wasps

To prevent wasps and bees from bothering you, take a few simple steps:

  • Avoid wearing bright colors and scented products (body cream, hairspray, etc.), wasps love them;
  • Do not walk barefoot on the grass;
  • Close your trash cans;
  • If an insect circles around you, stay calm, avoid sudden movements that excite them;
  • Do not drink your drinks directly from the can, you risk being stung in the throat by swallowing a wasp that has fallen into it.

Unfortunately, you were stung :unlike the bee, the wasp loses its stinger once it has stung. Arm yourself with tweezers and a little patience to extract it, then disinfect. Apply apple cider vinegar, lavender essential oil, or cortisone cream to relieve pain. If the bee or wasp sting is often mild, the reaction in case of allergy or multiple stings can be much more impressive. Calling a doctor is then preferable.

The case of mosquitoes and ants

Even if they are not painful, mosquito or ant bites have a way of ruining a good summer evening. To repel undesirables, wear light-colored clothes, apply mosquito repellent, and decorate your table with citronella candles (mosquitoes hate them!). Got bitten? Clean your skin with soap and water to avoid possible infection.

Beware of burns

On vacation, our mind is elsewhere and a domestic accident can quickly happen. You will need to be as vigilant as possible.

Did you get burned? In case of superficial wounds, you can heal yourself. Relieve pain by cooling the burn under cold running water for 5-10 minutes. Ice cubes are to be avoided:they would cause a second cold burn! Disinfect the skin with a non-alcoholic antiseptic and apply a burn cream. If you are burned on 2 e deep or 3 e degree degree, go to the emergency room or call the emergency services immediately.

We avoid dehydration

Dehydration occurs when the body has lost a significant amount of water and mineral salts, after diarrhea or excessive sweating for example. When it is hot, it is therefore essential to drink regularly, at least 1.5 liters of water during the day.

Some people are more at risk, such as infants, the elderly or those with a chronic illness. A few signs don't lie:

  • Fatigue and depression (dark circles in the eyes);
  • Confusion, dizziness;
  • Dry lips
  • Low quantity urine;
  • Restlessness, apathy;
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss.

What if this happens? Give the dehydrated person regular fluids and monitor them. For infants, there are oral rehydration solutions (ORS) available from pharmacies.

Protect yourself from sunburn

No one is immune to sunburn, not even dark skin. To prevent them:

  • Do not expose yourself to the hottest hours of the day (12 p.m.-4 p.m.);
  • Apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 30 or even 50 every 2 hours and after swimming;
  • Children must wear a t-shirt, hat and sunglasses.

Didn't read our article and the worst happened? Relieve the burn with an "after-sun" cream or pain reliever several times a day. Cool the burned area with compresses soaked in cold water or immerse yourself in a tub of cool water. If you have blisters, fever or dizziness appear, a consultation is necessary.

The case of mosquitoes and ants

Even if they are not painful, mosquito or ant bites have a way of ruining a good summer evening. To repel undesirables, wear light-colored clothes, apply mosquito repellent, and decorate your table with citronella candles (mosquitoes hate them!). Got bitten? Clean your skin with soap and water to avoid possible infection[1].

Prevent diarrhea

Like you, bacteria love summer! In hot weather, they grow in food at lightning speed, which can lead to diarrhea and severe dehydration. To avoid catching the "turista", wash your fruits and vegetables well, consume only bottled water, avoid raw vegetables, undercooked meat and even ice cubes.

You have been contaminated ? Take an antidiarrheal and drink plenty of water. The most severe forms require antibiotic treatment.

Bye bye heatstroke, wasps and turista! Thanks to our tips and advice from the pros, you're sure to have a great summer, and above all without sores.

[1] Based on the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers &Prevention.