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These 5 post-apocalyptic films that will make you worry about the future

If there is one genre of film that is particularly appreciated, it is the post-apocalyptic theme. Some, very striking, left lasting memories and made us worry about the future.

Overall, the future evoked in big budget films is not positive. Between invasion of zombies, killer robots and total disappearance of flora, it must be said that the future is quite scary. But after all, that is what is sought with the "postapocalyptic" theme. However, if some are clearly entertainment films, others can approach by their harrowing realism.

I am a legend - 2007

Marking an entire generation, I Am Legend is one of the most significant post-apocalyptic films of the 21st century. A virus that turns the inhabitants of the planet into zombies, a story already told, but realized here to perfection.

The brilliant interpretation of Will Smith, the well-crafted script that mixes action and horror, and Sam the dog (everyone loves Sam) will make Francis Lawrence's work a must in the genre.

The Book of Eli - 2010

The Hughe brothers direct with The Book of Eli one of the finest post-apocalyptic works in history. Against the backdrop of nuclear war, the audience follows Eli's long walk through the desert that has become the United States. In his bag is a book. This famous manuscript will arouse a lot of covetousness, because it is the last of its kind. The action scenes, cinematography and acting by Denzel Washington are the three strong points of the film released in 2010.

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Mad Max 2:The Challenge - 1981

The successful sequel to the first volume Mad Max starring Mel Gibson as Max Rockatansky, is also a must-see movie. Exhausted oil, chaos between gangs, mad racing car... Elements that made the Mad Max legend. For the search of the sacred essence, Mel Gibson will make a lot of enemies for the happiness of the spectators.

    Wall-E - 2008

    Relatively different style from anything written before, but just as concerning, Wall-E turns out to be a reference in the anticipation film and in the postapocalyptic genre. In the near future, humanity has turned the Earth into a giant dumping ground by totally neglecting biodiversity. Cleaning robots are then programmed to correct the problem except that only one will still be in operation:Wall-E. We then learn that men have gone into space and that their way of life has completely changed. This animated film, like many, delivers a strong message to current generations.

    Welcome to Zombieland - 2009

    Much more classic style of the postapocalyptic genre, Welcome to Zombieland is not a zombie movie like the others. His unique humor brought him the notoriety he deserved. Quirky, completely wacky, gore... Characteristics, which even more than 12 years after its release, still work. And what about the duo Jesse Eisemberg and Woody Harrelson if not that it is excellent and absolutely hilarious?