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These 5 board games that might be lying around your living room are worth a fortune

Some board games have gained enormous value since their release. Maybe one of them is gathering dust in the bottom of a drawer in your house...

It is almost impossible to guess what rating an object will take, several years or even decades after its launch. Who, in the late 90s, could have predicted that certain Pokémon cards would be sold for astronomical sums 20 years later? Thanks to a subtle blend of rarity and nostalgia, vintage board games that were insignificant yesterday can be had for many times their original price today. Enough to motivate you to take a little walk in your grandparents' attic...


Honestly, is there a more iconic board game than Monopoly? Available in all flavors (Marvel, World Cup 98, cheaters edition, etc.), this board game has delighted many families... and broken many friendships!

Some editions nevertheless stand out and are particularly sought after by collectors. According to It's Rosy, the first edition of Monopoly, released in 1933, was sold for 146,000 dollars (about 139,000 euros) . Other original editions, such as an all-leather Monopoly were sold for 300 dollars (about 285 euros) on Ebay. It's significantly less than the original edition, but it's still a nice added value.

    A Parisian slide

    We now move on to a REALLY vintage object:the Parisian slide. Designed in 1903, on the occasion of the Lépine competition, this game of skill using marbles is a real collector's item. If you find one in a forgotten drawer in your apartment (or rather, your grandparents' house), you could get a small jackpot. Indeed, a copy of this game is sold at 749 euros on Ebay .

    Full Metal Planet

    We take a leap of several decades with Full Metal Planète. Published by Ludodélire in 1989, it is a strategy game considered as a collector's item by many specialists. The reason ? Ludodelire no longer exists, which makes it extremely rare. And the few remaining copies do not necessarily have all the detailed parts. If you have a box of Full Metal Planet complete and in good condition, you could sell it for at least 250 euros.


    Cluedo is certainly less known than Monopoly, but it is still a very popular board game. Created in 1943, the game has been re-edited many times since its first release. This is why your recent edition of Cluedo is unlikely to interest collectors... On the other hand, if you have one of the oldest versions of the game, it has increased significantly in value. According to Barneby's, a copy of the original classic edition sold for £150 (about 178 euros).


    In the same way, some editions of the Backgammon cult are worth their weight in gold. This is the case, for example, of the “Aries of Mexico” version of this game of chance playable for two. This can easily exceed a thousand euros at auction . But as always, the golden rule is the condition of the object. The more a used board game increases in value.

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