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7 amazing 3D movies that are really worth watching in 3D

3D entertainment is a gimmick, they say. And you know what? For the most part, I agree:There are too many movies where 3D doesn't add anything to the overall experience. However, when done correctly, 3D has the potential to blow you away.

To 3D or not to 3D

Directors and moviegoers tend to use 3D technology. A notable example is Christopher Nolan, who believes that stereoscopic images are detrimental to the movie-going experience:

That said, there are cases where 3D really enhanced the final result. These examples are few and far between, so they can be hard to find, but do exists. So let's take a look at some of the best 3D movies and see what they got right.

To get the best possible experience, you must watch 3D movies in theaters Cinema is dying:how theaters can ensure its survival Cinema is dying:how theaters can ensure its survival Cinemas need to offer more than just a way of seeing the latest movies. They need to stop competing on "convenience" and start focusing on "experience." That is how. Read more . Obviously that's not possible with the movies listed below, but that doesn't mean you're out of luck. If you have something like a 3D Smart TV 3D Smart TV:Is it all set to go? Smart TV 3D:is everything ready to be? If you're new to smart TVs, now may be the time to catch up and see what you've been missing. With 3D Smart TV technology, you have even more options to consider. Read More

Avatar (2009)

Here's the movie that set the 3D trend on fire. Before Avatar , the “3D is a gimmick” mentality was an almost universal opinion. But then Avatar ? Well, I'm going to let the table below, taken from this Reddit thread, speak for itself:

7 amazing 3D movies that are really worth watching in 3D

What was it that he did with this movie that made everyone go crazy? I would have to aim for the beautiful surroundings. It's one thing to be introduced to a fascinating new world, but it's another to feel like you're actually moving through that world and even living in it.

And seeing as Avatar Successfully transporting us to the world of Pandora, the 3D added just enough depth to push us to the brink of total immersion. It's a perfect example of a movie where you really miss the world building when you see it in 2D.

Tron:Legacy (2010)

TRON:Legacy , The sequel to the 1982 cult classic was a blast, racking up more than $170 million in gross sales. Older fans crossed their fingers that it didn't destroy the franchise, while younger kids had no idea what to expect. Turns out it was a pleasant surprise..

There are so many elements that make TRON:Legacy A nice watch. Daft Punk's soundtrack is perfectly suited to the cyber environment, while the CGI dances the line between elegant and over-the-top with finesse.

But in reality, the visual effects are so fascinating that you have to see them in 3D. Yes, the movie works fine without her, but if love Eyes, then you owe it to yourself to give this one a try.

Life of Pi (2012)

Life of Pi is an excellent example of a successful novel-turned-film. The beautiful story is combined with mesmerizing visuals and a wonderful score, resulting in an emotional journey from start to finish. Even without 3D, it's considered a winner.

Featuring Life of Pi , Director Ang Lee proved that 3D doesn't have to be over the top or visually explosive to have an impact on the audience. It's subtle, reserved, but you know it's there as you watch. There's a reason this movie won four Academy Awards.

The Great Gatsby (2013)

Here's another novel-turned-movie, except this time we're playing with one of the great classics of American literature. As the other movies on this list demonstrate, 3D is usually reserved for high-action movies with a lot of great set pieces.

So when The Great Gatsby The release date was pushed back to accommodate 3D, people wondering if a sensitive story like this would benefit from the technology. It would go on to win Outstanding Live Action 3D Feature Film at the International 3D Society Creative Arts Awards.

The Great Gatsby it's just a visual treat. That's really what it boils down to. That and the copious amounts of close-up shots that are made that much more amazing with the depth that 3D offers.

Gravity (2013)

Gravity is the first movie since Avatar That has become synonymous with 3D success. Not that there isn't any 3D success between the two, but Gravity His execution was so good that you really can't be separated from it. Without 3D, this movie suffers a lot..

I like Avatar , Gravity it takes us to “another world” that we simply cannot experience on Earth, and the cinematography was specifically designed to transport us there. Not only can we see these people floating in space, but we can also be there with them .

While the film doesn't break new ground in terms of story (it's a bit predictable in places), many viewers, even those who normally hate 3D gimmicks, found Gravity In 3D it was worth the extra cost.

the Pacific coast (2013)

If you haven't seen the Pacific coast still, find a way to watch it, and when you do, be sure to watch it in 3D. In fact, even if you've already seen it, consider revisiting this movie with a pair of stereoscopic glasses. You won't regret it.

This movie was meant for 3D. There are very few movies out there that blend high concept with high action to this degree, and among those that do try, none of them pull it off as well as Pacific Rim. does.

Larger-than-life monsters and robots A Timeline of Robots in Movies A Timeline of Robots in Movies Read More are infinitely cooler when viewed in 3D. It's like an amusement park ride, that's how exciting it is. Just make sure to watch it on as big a screen as possible to get the full effect.

Godzilla (2014)

I like the Pacific coast , Godzilla it involves a handful of monstrous terrors wreaking havoc on human populations. But unlike the previous one, Godzilla The use of 3D is not so in your face. It's more subdued, more intricate and, in a sense, "smarter".

Sure, there are times when 3D enhances the gigantic qualities of on-screen monstrosities, but the true beauty of Godzilla The 3D is in the way that it adds depth and complexity to the cinematography. The world feels more alive as a result.

As for everything else, the film is on par with most summer blockbusters:predictable story, shallow characters, and a heavy focus on the visceral rather than the intellectual. 3D definitely makes this one easier to swallow.

Even more 3D content to see

These days, you probably need a 3D smart TV 3D TVs:What are they, how do they work and what can they show in 3D? [MakeUseOf Explains] 3D TVs:What are they, how do they work, and what can they show in 3D? [MakeUseOf Explains] If you're in the market for a new TV, it's probably 3D, not because you particularly want one that can do 3D, but simply because 3D TVs tend to have better screens... Read More that way. If you are thinking of buying one, we do not recommend spending. too much money, but can be useful if you're a true 3D fan.

If you already have one, here are some free ways to get 3D content. 5 ways to get 3D content for your new 3D TV. 5 ways to get 3D content for your new 3D TV. So luckily you have a new 3D TV for Christmas. ? Let me be the first to say it, congratulations; you obviously understand that 3D is not a fad, and in… Read More for your 3D TV. If none of them work for you, you should at least be able to watch 3D content on YouTube. How to find and watch 3D content from YouTube. How to find and watch 3D content from YouTube. It's a natural progression from visual displays, and I'm a little bored to hear that it's a fad. So let's take this opportunity to look... Read More .

Have you seen any 3D movies that have impressed you? Or are you completely against the idea? Do 3D movies have a future or will they die soon? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below!