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10 Absurd Things Spotted In Movie Scripts

Some scenarios contain stupidities so obvious that they can offend our immersion. A brief overview of the 10 biggest absurdities in cinema.

10 Absurd Things Spotted In Movie Scripts

Futuristic extraterrestrial civilizations that poorly plan their invasion plan, anthropomorphic toys that do not have a constant behavior… our films are full to bursting with “plot holes”, these screenplay inconsistencies that can be irritating. Granted, directing a film must be a Herculean task, but some nonsense is so big it can ruin any viewing.

What is a “plot hole” again?

We have just said it:writing a film script is extremely complicated work. It's about creating characters, giving them depth, designing a plot, developing a universe, with its rules and sometimes its own geopolitics...

This design is sometimes so dense, that even the best make a few oversights. Sometimes, therefore, certain scenario elements contradict the rules or details presented previously; but it can also be a plot element that is simply not explained by the writer/director.

In storytelling, this is called a “plot hole”, or script hole. If we can ignore some of them, others undermine our...

Consensual Suspension of Disbelief

Do not be intimidated by this barbaric term, the suspension of disbelief (from the English “willing suspension of disbelief”), it is quite simply the fact of temporarily accepting that what one is looking at does not is not realistic.

Examples ? Lightsabers in Star Wars . In truth, they make almost no sense, but we accept their existence in this distant, very distant universe. One could find endless other times when you unconsciously suspended your disbelief (dreams within dreams of Inception ? Being able to enter the Matrix?). What you have to remember is that too big script holes have the power to break this suspension.

Here are 10 examples of scriptwriting absurdities.

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