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Netflix:why does the platform publish its original content at 9:01 a.m.?

Have you ever wondered why Netflix releases its original movies and series at 9:01? This particular schedule was not chosen at random. And if you don't know the reason, we'll explain it to you!

If like us, you are addicted to Netflix, you know that the streaming giant does not publish its content at any time. For those who had never really paid attention to this detail, know that the platform posts its original content at 9:01. Moreover, the Netflix France Twitter account never fails to remind its subscribers. But why this schedule and not another? No, it's not a pure coincidence, there is a real explanation behind this choice.

Why does Netflix publish its original content at 9:01 a.m.?

Choosing 9:01 a.m. as the time of publication was not done at random. Indeed, this corresponds to 00:01 PST, the time zone of California. In short, in the United Statesall original programs leave at 12:01 a.m. A slightly more understandable schedule. This way, all the programs are available at the same time and it avoids users to spoiler others, by disseminating information on programs which are not yet available in such and such a country.

An anti-VPN system

This also helps prevent Internet users from overusing VPNs. For information, VPNs allow you to bypass restrictions, and in the case of Netflix, to be able to connect to the catalog of another country. For example, in France with this tool, you can connect to all American programs.

So we know that 9:01 a.m. is not the most practical time for those who prefer to live at night, but the early risers among us find it perfectly suited to this.