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18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

Some books should be on everyone's reading list. 5 Essential "Best Books" Lists:How Many Have You Read? 5 Essential "Best Books" Lists:How Many Have You Read? "What should I read next?" It is the most common question. And so you search the lists of the best books. Find the right list with these resources. Read More That's where audiobooks come in. Even if you don't have time to sit down and read a book, these recordings will help you experience some of the greatest publishing in human history.

And since they're all free, you can get started right away! Here are 18 of the best free audiobooks we could find for your listening pleasure.

1. Pride and Prejudice

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

Jane Austen's romance story is a classic for a reason. It's exquisitely written, contains a cast of memorable characters, and is cleverly witty from page one. And her influence on modern love stories cannot be overstated. This free audiobook, provided by LibriVox, is narrated by Karen Savage, who provides a lively but not overly dramatized read (and with an appropriate British accent).

Download or stream Pride and Prejudice .

2. Heart of darkness

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

Another classic, Joseph Conrad's. Heart of Darkness is possibly best known as the inspiration for Francis Ford Coppola's masterpiece Apocalypse Now . A harrowing journey into the human psyche and the darkness within men's souls masquerades in what appears to be a fairly normal journey up the river in Africa. The anonymous narrator of the Loyal Books recording does a great job on this one.

Download or stream Heart of Darkness .

3. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

Love of children and adults. Alice in Wonderland . It is a story almost unmatched in its strangeness, and Carroll's fantastic storytelling has left an indelible mark on the world of literature. The fact that this version is read by Cory Doctorow, cyber author and co-editor of Boing Boing, makes it even better.

Download Alice's Adventures in Wonderland .

4. a christmas story

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

Christmas ghost stories are 10 cents, but A Christmas Carol rises above the rest. It's a story of friends, family, love, redemption, and (of course) ghosts. And it never gets old. Dickens did many readings of his novel, and made edits and notes on his personal copy. Neil Gaiman read the story from that edited copy at the New York Public Library, and the performance is second to none.

Current A Christmas Carol .

5. 1984

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

In an age of rampant surveillance, is there anything you can do about CIA surveillance, or is it game over? Is there anything I can do about CIA surveillance, or is it game over? At first, it was dismissed as a tinfoil conspiracy theory. But the revelations and declassifications show that global surveillance is at an all-time high. Has he finally won surveillance status? Read more and suppress freedom of expression, by George Orwell 1984 is invoked a lot. But she can't appreciate how terrifying his world is until he has read (or heard) the book. Frank Muller's narration does this difficult classic justice - you won't want to miss it.

Stream or download 1984 .

6. A Brave New World

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

Whether you think we're headed for dystopia or not, Aldous Huxley's haunting vision of the future will haunt you. Seeing the new world, heavily influenced by Henry Ford's assembly lines, through the eyes of John the Savage is an affecting experience. This radio drama Where to find awesome free audio dramas Where to find awesome free audio dramas A long time ago, it was very common to sit around the radio and listen to the latest episodes of radio series and old series (like The Shadow) . However, when people were able to put a... Read More

Current A Brave New World .

7. Call of Cthulhu

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

. Lovecraft's stories about Cthulhu have influenced an entire generation of weird fiction. The madness that hides behind the thin layer of the world we see has seeped into movies, books, and games of all kinds. This is the story that started it all. Gareth David-Lloyd's narration is somber and brooding, and is a perfect fit for this chilling short story.

Stream Call of Cthulhu on Spotify.

8. Walden

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

“I went to the forest because I wanted to live deliberately, to face only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, to discover that I had not lived.” Thoreau's reflections on life and nature are some of the most enduring in the literary canon. Gord Mackenzie goes to great lengths to capture the poetic sound of Thoreau's prose on this recording.

Stream or download Walden .

9. The image of Dorian Gray

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

The protagonist with a hidden life is a common herd in modern thrillers Top 10 Free or Very Cheap E-Book Thrillers [MUO Book Club] Top 10 Free or Very Cheap E-Book Thrillers [MUO Book Club] You'll be hard-pressed to find them on any long-haul trip where none of the passengers are reading a thriller. Full of suspense, tension, and emotion, this kind of novel has become a staple... Read More There is perhaps no better classic example of this kind of story than that of Oscar Wilde. The image of Dorian Gray , in which a sultry socialite hides a dark truth. This version comes with the full text, which is great if you want to follow along.

Download Sequence The Picture of Dorian Gray .

10. Frost of the Ancient Mariner

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Nautical Poem is a masterclass in poetic storytelling. So much so that it has been referenced in everything since Interview with the Vampire to Fallout New Vegas . It's a short audiobook, about 30 minutes long, but it packs a lot of history and emotion into half an hour.

Stream or Download The Rime of the Ancient Mariner .

11. The land of waste

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

T.S. Eliot is one of the most famous poets of all time, and The Land of Waste It is considered one of his most important poems. Eliot isn't easy to get into, but his mastery of language shines through in the audio format of this work. It's not a happy job, but the legacy, influence and artistry of it make it worth listening to..

Stream or download The land of waste .

12. frankenstein

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

Human beings have always had a tumultuous relationship with science. Here's Why Scientists Think You Should Care About Artificial Intelligence Why Scientists Think You Should Care About Artificial Intelligence Do you think artificial intelligence is dangerous? Can AI pose a serious risk to the human race? These are some of the reasons why you may want to worry. Read more . And there is no better study of that relationship than Frankenstein . This acclaimed gothic horror novel has influenced modern works in many ways, but you haven't really experienced it until you heard the original tale (which might differ from what you imagine). It is an absolute classic, and one of my favorite books. I've linked the abridged version here:while the full novel is better, this one is read by Christopher Lee, and there's no one better to read it.

Current Frankenstein (abbreviated) on Spotify.

13. The art of war

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

It is possible that the reputation of this book is actually more famous than the book itself. However, Sun Tzu's treatise is a major influence on strategic thinking, and if he has read books on management, business strategy, or even creativity, he has probably seen it as a reference. It's a quick listen, but the short playtime belies its importance in modern culture.

Stream or Download The Art of War .

14. A tale of two cities

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

There are few opening lines as famous as "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.." But Two Cities It's much more than that. Dickens might be best known for his Christmas stories, but this novel deals with darker and more significant themes. His signature storytelling ability is absolutely on point for this novel. You can't miss it.

Stream or Download A Tale of Two Cities .

15. Jabberwocky

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

Originally published on Through the Looking Glass , the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland , Jabberwocky Since then he has taken on a life of his own. Carroll's no-nonsense style is on display in this poem, and while it may not make much sense, it's a lot of fun to read. The following link contains 34 different versions of the reading, but you may want to start with this Neil Gaiman recitation:

Stream or download Jabberwocky .

16. Les Miserables

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

Victor Hugo's historical novel has been required reading for decades, and both Jean Valjean and Inspector Javert have influenced countless characters in modern literature. This radio drama is an adaptation created by Orson Welles. Old school drama is a great way to experience this classic tale, especially if it's your first time.

Stream or download Les Miserables .

17. Aesop's Fables

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

There are few collections of stories that have had such an effect on modern storytelling as Aesop's Fables . This collection of over 600 stories includes some that are very familiar and many that are not, but just as good. These fables not only entertain, but also teach, and can help you learn a great deal about life, both modern and ancient times.

Stream or Download Aesop's Fables .

18. Grimm's Fairy Tales

18 of the best free audiobooks you need to listen to

I like Aesop's Fables , These famous fairy tales have made their way into modern culture in many ways. Family stories of witches, princesses, and talking animals abound. While the collection of fairy tales at one time contained more than 200 stories, this audiobook collects 62 of the most loved and cherished in one volume.

Stream or Download The Tales of the Brothers Grimm .

Start listening today without paying a dime

Audiobooks are a great way to fit more reading into your life Getting Started With Audiobooks:How To Finally Finish Your "Reading List" Getting Started With Audiobooks:How To Finally Finish Your "Reading List" , but it can be hard to get started with they. Let's keep it simple. Read More All 18 of these books are completely free to download and listen to. All you need to do is start streaming or downloading them to your phone. Then you'll have some of the most important books in the history of literature to listen to as you go about your daily life.

What are your favorite free audiobooks? And what are your favorite places to get free audiobooks? Please share your best suggestions in the comments below!