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35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Reading classic works of fiction is one of life's great pleasures. And for true bibliophiles. Hear up, Book Lovers:10 of the Best Podcasts for Bibliophiles. Hear up, Book Lovers:10 of the Best Podcasts for Bibliophiles. “read” Make a comprehensive list and offer some insightful commentary on the lives of authors around the world. Read More

Fortunately, copyright laws being what they are, there is a gold mine of classics that have outlived their authors long enough to be completely free to download. So if you want to read more books 5 Tips to Read More Books Every Year 5 Tips to Read More Books Every Year There are so many amazing books out there. Never having finished, at least, is a regret waiting to be felt. Avoid it by reading further and reading smart with the following tips. Read More

There's a treasure trove of free, copyright-free books available on to download to your Kindle right now. Here are our recommendations...

Children's book

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll) [No Longer Available]

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Alice goes down a rabbit hole full of imagination and meets some of the most outrageous characters in literature, from the Mad Hatter to the Queen of Hearts. This is Carroll's parody of Victorian society and the complications of children growing up.

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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Mark Twain)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Being transported back to the Mississippi towns of Twain's own childhood. The exciting adventures of Tom Sawyer are full of nostalgia for an innocent childhood, mixed with the tension of a mundane reality of poverty, superstition, and slavery.

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Grimm's Fairy Tales (Jacob Grimm)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

This classic children's book is the home of the world's most famous fairy tales. From Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella , to Rapunzel and Little Red Riding Hood , among many more.

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Peter and Wendy (J. M. Barrie) [No Longer Available]

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Barrie's imagination has brought joy to millions of children around the world. His stories about the boy who never grew up, Captain Hook, The Lost Boys and of course Wendy offer a perfect world in which to escape..

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Gulliver's Travels (Jonathan Swift)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

When Lemuel Gulliver is cast adrift, he has to fight for his survival against various groups of strange and surreal societies. These societies are Swift holding up a mirror for us. Deep Down We are All Monsters. That's why social media is cool deep down, we're all monsters. This is why social media is great. We all know that social media updates aren't always authentic, but what really happens to our identity when we post that update on Facebook or send that video on Snapchat? Read More

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Literary classics

A Tale of Two Cities (Charles Dickens)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

A twisted and complex history of London and Paris during the period of the French Revolution. This is a novel laced with sly humor, masterful prose, and a gaggle of Dickens's most beloved characters.

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Les Miserables (Victor Hugo)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

An instantly popular novel that shows the darkest part of the 19th century in Paris. Hugo makes clear his criticism of the French political system through this dense web of larger-than-life characters and plot twists.

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David Copperfield (Charles Dickens)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

This tragicomic novel was the novel of which Dickens was most proud. This is the story of a humble peasant on a quest to become a successful novelist, passing through the lives of countless fascinating characters along the way.

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Dracula (Bram Stoker)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

A famous gothic horror, in which Stoker sets the benchmark for what vampires should be for modern authors. This is a story of Count Dracula's migration from Transylvania to England, in search of fresh blood.

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The Call of The Wild (Jack London) [No Longer Available]

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Based on the London philosophy of life's struggles and the power of nature, The Call of the Wild It is an enduring masterpiece. Follow Buck, the central canine character, on his journey from luxury to slavery as he passes between masters to endure conditions he could never have imagined.

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The Iliad (Homer)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Written over 2000 years ago, The Iliad It is one of the best war stories ever told. Throughout this sprawling epic, Greek mythology is interwoven with intense character development as the Greeks make a final attack on Troy.

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The Odyssey (Homer)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

The Odyssey it is indeed the sequel to The Iliad . This is an epic poem that follows Odysseus' moral and physical resilience after the Trojan War, on his adventurous journey home.

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Great Expectations (Charles Ditckens) [No Longer Available]

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Pip's desire to become a rich gentleman sees him caught up in crime, guilt, revenge, love and "great expectations". This is not just a rags-to-riches story, but also a moral redemption.

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Heart of Darkness (Joseph Conrad)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

This dark and exciting allegory tells the story of the sailor Marlow as he searches the heart of Africa for the infamous ivory trader, Kurtz. Showing us how Western civilization gained its power, this short novel forces us to question our values ​​and principles in fundamental ways.

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Ulysses (James Joyce)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Ulysses is a modernist novel, telling the story of Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus in Dublin, 1904. Not for the faint of heart, this is a book as elusive and as challenging as it is rewarding.

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Don Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Known as the “first modern novel”, This is an experimental story of the adventures and misadventures of the knight-errant Don Quixote and his squire. Influential to hordes of great writers, this 1,000-page novel is well worth the effort.

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Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

A witty story of love, fortune, and flirtation between the ever-popular Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet, as the latter struggles with the manners and morals of early 19th-century landed gentry.

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Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Shipwrecked on an uninhabited island, Robinson Crusoe must learn to survive, using only his pipe, tobacco and knife as his tools. This is more than just a survival story, with contemplation (and a Christian message) at the center.

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Treasure Island (Robert Louis Stevenson)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

On a trip to a distant island, Jim is looking for his fortune. Throughout his journey, when he becomes a man, his friendship with his shipmates explores the complex relationship between good and evil..

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Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

The theme of this original English novel is the intense love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw. Unfortunately, that love is far from simple, destroying not only the lovers, but also those close to them.

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The thirty-nine steps (John Buchan)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Set in World War I, this is an espionage thriller that is incessantly popular. From being bored in London, to hiding from the Germans in Scotland, this is a tale that has been so adapted to the movies.

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Moby Dick (Herman Melville)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

A deep exploration of the human mind and faith, Captain Ahab is on a quest against an allusive and terrifying creature. Packed with metaphors about life and society, this is a book that truly stands the test of time.

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The image of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Dorian Gray sells his soul so that his portrait grows old, instead of himself. Free to act in the most sinful and hedonistic way possible, the only way Dorian can see the state of his soul is to work up the courage to make eye contact with that fateful painting...

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The importance of being honest (Oscar Wilde)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

This satirical look at the social conventions of Victorian London tells a light-hearted tale of mistaken identities and secret romances.

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Frankenstein (Mary Shelley) [No Longer Available]

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

As life is given to the lifeless, a tale of the "Progress" of Science is told. Frankenstein is a being created from stolen body parts. A being that quickly descends from innocence to evil to carry out a violent revenge against the creator of him..

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

A series of tales, these detective tales show nothing but a genius storyteller. Each tale keeps you hooked from the start as Sherlock Holmes solves one complex case after another.

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The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Much more than a novel, this is an allegory of the American dream. You'll be transported back to the decadent jazz era of 1920s America as Jay Gatsby goes to great lengths to win the affections of Daisy Buchanan.

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The Scarlet Letter (Nathaniel Hawthorne) [No Longer Available]

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

This is the novel that introduces you to the first heroine of American literature:Hester Prynne, as she struggles with an illegitimate birth. It is this birth that pits two sides of Hester's self against one another, provoking a fascinating look at one's relationship with oneself.

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Three Men in a Boat (Jerome Klapka)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

This hilarious story of (you guessed it) three men in a boat is full of jokes that will leave you on point, even today. What is supposed to be a pleasant jaunt down the River Thames soon turns into a series of comedic adventures.

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Science Fiction

The Time Machine (H.G. Wells)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

A dystopian novel from 1895, this isn't just the novel that popularized the idea of ​​time travel. He also beat H.G. Wells el título de “El padre de la ciencia ficción”. Este libro es imprescindible para cualquier geek de ciencia ficción..

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El talón de hierro (Jack London)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

La crítica de Londres a la sociedad capitalista se cuenta junto con las luchas de una revolución socialista encabezada por los infames. “Hermandad de los hombres”.

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La vuelta al mundo en 80 días (Julio Verne) [Ya no está disponible]

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Siga las desventuras de Phileas Fogg después de que él le apuesta a un amigo que puede viajar alrededor del mundo en 80 días o menos por cualquier medio posible (incluido el elefante). Este viaje acelerado ha cautivado a los lectores desde que el libro se publicó por primera vez en 1872..

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El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y el Sr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson) [Ya no está disponible]

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Este horror gótico es conocido como una de las piezas de ficción más originales que se hayan escrito. Una poción desarrollada por el Dr. Jekyll sirve para transformar al educado caballero en algo retorcido y siniestro. Algo quizás parecido a la real yo del Dr. Jekyll?

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La carrera que viene (Edward Bulwer-Lytton)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Inspirándose en la teoría de la evolución de Charles Darwin, esta es una visión distópica de un mundo futuro. Un mundo futuro donde las poblaciones subterráneas muestran un futuro imaginario donde el progreso tecnológico y la perfección física se elevan por encima de todo..

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El mundo perdido (Arthur Conan Doyle)

35 Classic Novels You Can Read For Free On Your Kindle

Esta misteriosa isla, hogar de criaturas prehistóricas, no solo ha inspirado la imaginación de los lectores desde 1912. También es la inspiración directa para las películas de Jurassic Park. En un lugar que la evolución apenas ha tocado, siga al periodista Malone y al profesor Challenger mientras exploran esta tierra intacta..

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Cual leerás primero?

El número de libros que están fuera de los derechos de autor (y por lo tanto están disponibles libremente) está aumentando constantemente. Esto sin duda ampliará su lista de lectura ya fuera de control. Cómo organizar su lista de lectura fuera de control ahora. Cómo organizar su lista de lectura fuera de control. Right now. Una lista de lectura tiene muchas funciones:De lo práctico a lo inspirador. Pero también puede salirse de las manos. El uso de estos consejos para administrar su pasatiempo de lectura puede hacer maravillas para su vida. Lee mas . Pero vale la pena.

Y si ya ha leído todos estos libros, hay otra opción a considerar. Para el lector más voraz, asuma el desalentador desafío de lectura de Charles W. Eliot. Lea los mejores libros gratis del mundo con los clásicos de Harvard. Lea los mejores libros del mundo gratis con los clásicos de Harvard. libros. Recopiladas por el Dr. Charles W. Eliot a principios del siglo 20, ahora se pueden descargar de forma totalmente gratuita. Leer más podría ser la misión de vida perfecta. Sus 50 volúmenes de no ficción fuera de derechos de autor y 20 volúmenes de ficción podrían significar que nunca tendrá que gastar un centavo más en libros..

Hay una razón por la que estas novelas y novelas han pasado la prueba del tiempo. Muchos son más que solo historias. Son reflejos de nosotros mismos, o una acusación de tiempos pasados. Ofrecen alegorías y metáforas que resuenan a través de las generaciones y, por lo tanto, no deben ignorarse..

Entonces, ¿cuál de estos libros agregará a su colección Kindle? Cómo administrar su colección de libros electrónicos para el Amazon Kindle con calibre Cómo administrar su colección de libros electrónicos para el Kindle de Amazon con calibre El mayor problema con un lector electrónico como el Amazon Kindle es que Requiere un esfuerzo irrazonable para mover libros entre diferentes dispositivos. Antes de Kindle, me enamoré de Calibre. Un poco en el pesado ... Leer más primero? ¿O tienes otra novela clásica para agregar a la lista? Por favor, háganos saber sus pensamientos en la sección de comentarios a continuación.