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Using Your Kindle to Read More Books

If you like to read books, you need a Kindle. There really aren't two ways to do it. You may need help choosing the right Kindle. Which Kindle Device Should You Buy? A Comparison Guide Which Kindle Device Should You Buy? Comparison Guide There are four different Kindle readers available to purchase for different types of users. But which Kindle device is right for you? Read More

More importantly, anyone who likes to read books will find themselves reading more often once they get a Kindle. Unsolicited responses are the best indication, right?

Naturally, Kindle's ease of use, battery life, and instant purchase capabilities make it more likely that you'll get the books you want to read. But there are some other tips and tricks you can use to read more books than ever before.

The 10% rule

Like many others, Sam Thomas Davies got a Kindle to read more books. The author of the habit-reform book. Change habits he devised a simple daily ritual to increase his word intake:the 10% rule.

Using Your Kindle to Read More Books

The only thing you have to commit to is reading 10 percent of a book every day. Remember, Kindle doesn't count page progression, it counts it in percentages. And 10 percent is not as big an amount as it sounds. You are free to read 10 percent in one sitting, but you can also split it into installments. For example, if you go to work every day, break it down to 5 percent of the book in each direction.

Of course, the 10 percent will change depending on the length of the book. Try reading 10 percent of one of the A Song of Ice and Fire Books in a day and you will do nothing else. In that case, feel free to turn that 10 percent into a more manageable number. Davies advises reading when your energy is at its highest, so you won't succumb to decision fatigue. Decision-making skills are vital to life. Decision-making skills are vital to life. For a happy and productive life, decisions must be managed. Let's talk about strategies to improve in making good decisions. Read more.

A place, a routine

Using Your Kindle to Read More Books

If You Want To Read More Books Every Year 5 Tips To Read More Books Every Year 5 Tips To Read More Books Every Year There are so many amazing books out there. Never having finished, at least, is a regret waiting to be felt. Avoid it by reading further and reading smart with the following tips. Read More It is quite vital for your quest.

This could mean something as simple as keeping your Kindle in your bathroom so it's part of your routine when you answer the call of the wild. Instead of fiddling with your smartphone, use your “throne time” to boost your brain. Combine that with the 10 percent rule or a lower percentage and you'll get into the habit of reading every day. Just remember to buy a waterproof case!

We have plenty more tips on how to form a new habit and stick with it. How to form a new habit when it seems too hard to keep going How to form a new habit when habits don't seem too hard to keep. shape all night. Every year, we make these resolutions that require major changes. If you want a new habit, you have to be prepared for the pitfalls and how to overcome them. Read More

Read more than one book at a time

Using Your Kindle to Read More Books

I know what you're thinking. "I can barely read one book, and this asshole tells me to read two simultaneously?" But listen to me.

Think of books like your favorite music or TV shows. Sometimes, you're in the mood to Get Bad , But sometimes, you just want some nonsensical TV entertainment, like Keeping Up With the Kardashians . You can also enjoy classic rock days, and then some electronic days. So why should books be any different?

The biggest benefit of the Kindle is that you can store multiple books on it, and it automatically remembers your last reading position for all of them. That's a huge advantage, so make the most of it. As Redditor kaylakoo says:

Download two or more books from different genres, such as a comedy, a thriller, and a biography. Then choose a book based on your mood. You can find free and unlimited content for your Kindle How to find free and unlimited content for your Kindle How to find free and unlimited content for your Kindle Looking for more to read on your Kindle? Here are all the websites, tools, and tips to fill your e-reader with high-quality free content that will keep you reading for longer, so there's no reason not to load it up with a great library.

Ignore best sellers and peer pressure

One of the biggest obstacles to reading more books is that you think you should have read a famous book that everyone is raving about, even if you don't really like it. Throw away the social pressure that a "Best Seller" carries and read only those books recommended by reliable sources.

Using Your Kindle to Read More Books

In addition to launching the Kindle, Amazon acquired Goodreads, a social network for book lovers. Unofficial Goodreads Guide for Readers and Writers. Unofficial Goodreads Guide for Readers and Writers. I am a digital marketer who works in traditional publications. writer. And while I'm not self-published, I have two words for those who are:Goodreads STAT. Read More Every time you finish a book on your Kindle, it will be marked as read in your Goodreads catalog. Over time, this builds your reader profile, which allows Goodreads to recommend books you'll like.

Alternatively, you can find other people on Goodreads who share your interests and see what they're reading.

Personally, I trust my own network of friends and family, and so should you if you're surrounded by bookworms. I know the likes of my friends and family, and I will choose to accept or ignore recommendations based on the history of our common likes and dislikes.

Remember you don't need to finish the books

Using Your Kindle to Read More Books

This is the one point where many of us stumble. A book feels like a commitment. It's an intellectual goal that you feel you should see through to the end, regardless of whether you're still interested in it. Well, it's time to get over that habit.

In our tips for reading more books, Want to read more this year? Here are 10 ways to do it. Want to read more this year? Here are 10 ways to do it. Spending more time reading isn't always easy. But think of the benefits:escaping and de-stressing, learning new things, connecting with people, thinking in new ways, and gaining new insights. Read More. We suggest that you do not finish books that you are not enjoying. Trying to read a book without interest will slow you down and, even worse, make you abandon the act of reading to do something else, breaking the ritual of your habit.

Instead, stop feeling guilty about not reading a book to the end. Be honest with yourself that this one didn't do it for you, acclaimed classic or not, and move on. Enjoying more books is a much better way to pass the time than judging yourself.

Do you have any tips to share?

In addition to the above, audiobooks deserve a brief mention. If you haven't tried them, you should start with audiobooks in your Kindle app. Getting started with audiobooks:how to finally finish your "Reading List". Getting started with audiobooks:how to finally finish your "reading list". way to tackle your reading list, but it can be hard to get started with them. Let's keep it simple. Read more . In fact, thanks to your Audible purchase, Amazon has the largest audiobook library of them all, and there's also a 30-day free trial to take advantage of.

These techniques should have you reading more books than ever on your Kindle. For those trying to instill a new reading habit, I recommend starting with “A place, a routine.”, but if you've done some reading already and want to up the ante, then play around with the 10% rule, adjusting the percentage as it seems better to you.

If you have a technique or tip to read more, we'd love to hear from you in the comments below!