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6 things you can learn from Spotify's year of music

It's no secret that I'm a big fan of Spotify. I have already publicly defended him from an attack by Taylor Swift. Why Taylor Swift Is Wrong About Spotify Why Taylor Swift Is Wrong About Spotify Last week, Taylor Swift pulled her music from Spotify, inspiring countless headlines and reigniting the debate. about streaming music services. Read more and a discussion by Adele Why Adele is wrong to stop you from streaming her new album Why Adele is wrong to stop you from streaming her new album Adele refuses to allow services like Spotify and Apple Music to stream her new album 25. The sensible decision is bad for her, her fans and her record label. Read More Despite the huge free tier, The End of Free Music:Should Spotify Make Everyone Pay? The End of Free Music:Should Spotify Make Everyone Pay? Apple is attempting another revolution with the rumored launch of Apple Music, a music streaming service. But along the way, Apple could be trying to kill existing free music streaming services. Boo! Whistle! Read more, pay for Premium.

This year I've been looking forward to Spotify's Year in Music feature for 2015. This annual event breaks down the music you've listened to over the past year, and it's so much fun to look back and relive the soundtrack of your life. However, there is much more that can be gleaned from the information that Spotify provides with this feature.

Let's take a look at six things you can learn from Spotify's Year of Music. Obviously, this only applies to people who use Spotify, either for free for a few hours, or with a paid subscription for days on end.

Reviewing your year in music

To watch your own Year in Music, head over to Spotify's dedicated site and log in. Scroll down for a summary of how you used Spotify in 2015. I also highly recommend getting your personal information. Top Tracks 2015 playlist.

1. The music you listened to this year

The most obvious thing you can learn from Spotify's Year in Music is what you listened to in the last 12 months.

I knew I had listened to You Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring a lot, but I didn't realize it was my most played song with 73 streams. Likewise, I'm really embarrassed to see how far my Nu Flow tracklist goes up. by Big Brovaz is. There were a few weeks where I listened to this song a lot, but still, it's pretty inexcusable.

It's really fun to see how his taste in music has changed (or hasn't changed) over the year. Spotify only breaks it down by seasons, but that's enough to paint a pretty clear picture. For me, Blink-182 was a pretty constant presence, while other artists came and went. Apparently he wanted to kick off the year's Hardcore style by listening to a lot of Scooter. [Oh my goodness. Publisher]

I'm also seeing the effect of Spotify's impressive Discover Weekly playlist. Discover new music with automatic Spotify playlists. Discover new music with automatic Spotify playlists. Spotify recently launched new ways to generate unique playlists that will help you discover amazing new music. We are here to walk you through these auto playlist makers. Read more . Not only did I listen to 1,590 artists this year, 30 percent more than in 2014, but many of the new ones I found using Spotify recommendations became my top 100 songs.

6 things you can learn from Spotify s year of music

2. How much do you use Spotify?

My favorite stat was finding out how much Spotify had been used; I apparently listened to 49,000 minutes of music in 2015. That worked out like 34 days, 820 hours, or more than 10 percent of my waking life. For the last two years it has been my only music library. Spotify Your Music Collection:The End Of iTunes. Spotify Your Music Collection:The End Of iTunes. Spotify is no longer content to compete with radio, now they compete with the idea of ​​even owning music Read More

3. What each song costs you

Once you know how many minutes of Spotify you've listened to, you can do some fun things with the information. For starters, you can roughly estimate how much each song cost you if you're a Premium subscriber.

In Ireland, Spotify costs €10 per month, so I paid €120 per year. Assuming the average length of a track is about three and a half minutes, I listened to 14,000 tracks (just under 40 per day) throughout the year. That means that each game costs me €0.0085.

Interestingly, this is very close to Spotify's royalty rate of between $0.005 and $0.008 per play. I suspect I'm a very heavy user of Spotify, so with overhead I probably cost Spotify more money than they made. This is one of many situations where the vast majority of users support far fewer heavy users.

If you don't use Spotify much, you'll be surprised at how much each game costs you. My publisher unsubscribed from him when he realized he had only used Spotify for four hours in the entire year of 2015; which works out to around $0.60 cent a track.

4. How much are you paying artists?

With a bit of similar math, you can also calculate how much revenue you're making for your favorite bands, or rather the labels that own their music. I streamed 829 Blink-182 tracks this year, so it worked out between $4.15 and $6.63. I personally won the band. Dashboard Confessional, with 596 streams, got between $2.98 and $4.77 from me.

6 things you can learn from Spotify s year of music

That's not all I would have gotten if I had bought his albums, but since I'll probably be listening to a similar amount of them next year (and for a long time afterward), it's a much more profitable deal in the long run.

The other cool thing is that I'm supporting a lot more artists than ever before, almost 1,600 this year. I'm Too Young to Have Bought Music The End of Ownership:Netflix, Spotify, and The Streaming Generation The End of Ownership:Netflix, Spotify, and The Streaming Generation Streaming media is convenient, but you're giving up something important:media ownership digital. Read More

5. What you will hear next year

With so much information about what people are listening to at their fingertips, Spotify can do some amazing things. The company is getting incredibly good at predicting discover new music with Spotify's automatic playlists. Discover new music with automatic Spotify playlists. Spotify has recently launched new ways to generate unique playlists that will help you discover amazing new music. We are here to walk you through these auto playlist makers. Read more about music you'll like based on what you and others like, listen to on Spotify. Listening to my updated Discover Weekly playlist has become part of my Monday routine.

Spotify automatically creates a Play Forward Playlist of tracks from recent albums that you have missed. Mine was really good and I will definitely review it in the next few months.

6. What everyone else is listening to

A pesar de que tengo una debilidad (masiva) por el punk-pop de principios de los 00, sigo escuchando música contemporánea. El resumen del año de Spotify no solo lo cubre a usted, sino a todos los que usaron el servicio. Si bien no obtienes tanta información sobre otras personas como sobre ti mismo, puedes encontrar los artistas, pistas y álbumes más reproducidos de todo el servicio..

Si eres el tipo de persona que evita la mayoría de la música moderna, esto funciona como una guía muy sólida de lo que la gente está escuchando en este momento. Vale la pena echarle un vistazo para saber qué es lo que actualmente es popular (¡Spoiler Alert !:La respuesta es Drake) incluso si no te gusta mucho..

¿Cómo fue tu año en la música??

Lo mejor de las aplicaciones como Spotify es lo personalizadas que pueden ser. Las posibilidades de que alguien más tenga los mismos mejores artistas que yo son prácticamente nulas. Tu año en la música se verá totalmente diferente al mío, y ahí es donde comienza la diversión..

Si revisa su Año en la música de Spotify (y no se avergüenza demasiado de lo que revela sobre usted) comparta un enlace a su lista de reproducción en los comentarios a continuación. Me encantaría ver qué han escuchado todos y cada uno de los lectores de MakeUseOf en los últimos 12 meses..