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7 reasons to start watching videos on Vimeo

“Online video” is more or less synonymous with “Youtube” these days. This shouldn't come as a surprise considering how far YouTube has come. 21 Amazingly Interesting YouTube Facts 21 Amazingly Interesting YouTube Facts YouTube is big. Really big. You just won't believe how immensely big it is. I mean, you may think Facebook Video is big, but that's just peanuts for YouTube. Read more . However, there are times, more and more often, when I wonder if YouTube has outgrown its acceptance. Perhaps you have thought the same thing recently.

Don't get me wrong:YouTube is great. There are many high-quality channels that are educational Top 10 STEM Education Channels on YouTube Top 10 STEM Education Channels on YouTube STEM is not just an acronym, but an idea that could help transform the way it is taught to our kids. These ten YouTube channels not only teach but also inspire to study STEM subjects better. Learn More, 10 Unique YouTube Channels You Must Watch 10 Unique YouTube Channels You Must Watch There is a lot of great content available to watch on YouTube. The problem is sorting the wheat from the chaff. These exclusive YouTube channels should help... Read More Do you want to laugh at your stress? Or do you just have some time to kill? Then YouTube may be the remedy. All thanks to the power of popular binge channels. Read more . I would be lost without YouTube. But it's also home to a lot of crap, and a lot of the videos start to feel pretty “repetitive” after a while.

If you've reached this point, it may be time to start exploring alternative video sites. 10 Video Sites That Are Better Than YouTube 10 Video Sites That Are Better Than YouTube Here are some great alternatives to YouTube, although "better than" is obviously open to debate... Read More Vimeo. Here are some reasons why...

1. A quality user experience

Vimeo has one of the smoothest video players I've ever used. It is fast and responsive. You can clearly see how much of the video has been buffered, and even if you search for an unbuffered spot, playback continues flawlessly. The player interface is also minimal and uncluttered.

The most impressive thing is the actual quality of the videos.. While sites like YouTube, Dailymotion, and Metacafe tend to serve quantity over quality, Vimeo intentionally focuses on quality over everything else. Using better encoding methods and higher bit rates, Vimeo videos are the smoothest and sharpest of all.

In other words, if you compare a 720p video on Vimeo to a 720p video on another site, you'll probably find that Vimeo is objectively better.

2. Originality and creativity.

Vimeo is the furthest thing from a "video dump." If you take a site like LiveLeak and imagine the exact opposite, chances are you'll find something akin to Vimeo. It's not just about accommodation videos This is original hosting videos.

No other video site has a better signal-to-noise ratio. A “signal” is some interesting content and “noise” is all the uninteresting content that drowns out the signal and makes it harder to find. YouTube probably has 1,000 shitty videos for every one you can watch. On Vimeo, every third video has its merits.

Of course, you should keep in mind that all Vimeo videos tend to be of a certain type. Since the community is mostly made up of filmmakers, you will see a lot of animations, music videos, and art shorts. But how-to tutorials are also becoming popular. In the end, it's about quality..

3. Video Discovery

Finding new content to watch on YouTube can be quite difficult. When more than 300 hours of footage is uploaded every minute, the word “new” loses its meaning. And while YouTube does have a recommendation engine, its results tend to be spotty at best (and aggressively annoying at worst).

7 reasons to start watching videos on Vimeo

Vimeo offers more ways to find content you might like. All videos belong to at least one of 16 browsable categories, but can also belong to any number of user-created groups. “topics” that make it easy to find specific videos of interest and create a sense of community (more on this in Reason 7 below).

4. Curated and featured videos

In addition to Categories and Groups, Vimeo provides two ways for you to browse the best of the best:Staff Picks and Trends.

Staff Picks are videos selected by Vimeo staff. These are videos that they have watched and enjoyed and marked as highly viewable. The Recruitment page has several sections:Recently Added, New Releases (i.e. recently uploaded videos), Best of the Month, and Best of the Year.

7 reasons to start watching videos on Vimeo

Trending videos are those with a lot of recent views. Everything is automated and regularly updated, so you'll find new videos to watch every day. Trending videos are featured on the Vimeo front page. These categories have their own trending sections:Music Videos, Comedy, Action, Sports, Drama, and Documentaries.

5. No ads

You hate ads, don't you? Not only do they waste your life - 30-second clips here and there add up over time - but they can also affect creative integrity. When it comes down to pageviews, we end up with clickbait and fast-produced content.

Vimeo has no ads at all.. I like this because it relieves the viewer of any moral dilemma related to advertising. You no longer have to worry about whether your ad blocker will hurt creators (it will). You can only watch in peace, both peace of mind and tranquility without ads..

6. Non-exploitative monetization

Free content is awesome, but even artists and producers need to put food on the table. Si Vimeo no ofreciera alguna Para que los creadores ganaran dinero, todos acudían a sitios donde podían. Pero como hacerlo sin anuncios.?

Pagas directamente a los creadores de Vimeo.. Con el programa Vimeo On Demand, los creadores pueden vender el acceso a sus videos de tres maneras:alquileres por video, ventas por video y suscripciones a canales. ¿La mejor parte? Los creadores de Vimeo obtienen el 90 por ciento de los ingresos, un nivel de ingresos dividido sin precedentes en otros lugares.

Esta es una de las mejores razones para alojar tus videos en Vimeo 5 razones para alojar videos en Vimeo en lugar de YouTube 5 razones para alojar videos en Vimeo en lugar de YouTube ¿Por qué elegirías Vimeo en lugar de YouTube? Here are a handful of solid reasons to consider, reasons that have contributed to Vimeo's impressive growth over the past decade. Lee más si tu contenido tiene un giro creativo o instructivo. No solo tendrá un mayor control creativo (no tendrá que apaciguar a los posibles anunciantes), sino que también podrá ganar más dinero..

7. Una comunidad constructiva.

Una cosa que distingue a Vimeo es su ambiente de comunidad. Mientras que otros sitios de video tienden a tener comunidades de canales aisladas que rara vez interactúan entre sí, Vimeo en sí es la comunidad..

He encontrado que los usuarios de Vimeo a menudo son más maduros y constructivos.. Los comentarios son más positivos que negativos. No hay tanto trolling. Rara vez tiene la sensación de que los creadores se sientan por encima de sus audiencias. Todos están juntos, como si todos compartieran un objetivo común..

Que piensas de vimeo?

Tenga en cuenta que Vimeo no es para todos . Si quieres clips para gatos, vlogs, covers musicales., “experimentos sociales,” canciones pirateadas, etc., entonces YouTube sigue siendo el destino correcto (y probablemente lo será para siempre). Vimeo es sin duda diferente .

Todo lo que sugerimos es que lo intentes seriamente si aún no lo has hecho. Podrías encontrar que Vimeo es más a tu gusto de lo que crees.

Ahora, por favor comparte tus pensamientos sobre Vimeo! ¿Es demasiado nicho? ¿Demasiado poco convencional? Tal vez incluso demasiado pretencioso? Haznos saber con un comentario debajo!