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How to stop YouTube recommendations on channels and videos

Tired of browsing through your YouTube subscriptions only to find that YouTube keeps recommending different channels that you're not interested in? And no matter how many times you click X on them, they just keep coming back!

There are three things you can do to stop it once and for all Sick of Irrelevant YouTube Recommendations? What do you need to do for irrelevant YouTube recommendations? Here's what you need to do YouTube recommendations can eventually start to malfunction, suggesting weird videos that have nothing to do with your interests. When that happens, here's what you can do to deal with it. Read more.

Method 1:Clear Your YouTube History How To Delete Your YouTube History Once And For All How To Delete Your YouTube History Once And For All Are you sick of YouTube recommendations or don't want to keep track of what you he saw? Delete your watched videos and prevent YouTube from remembering what you watch in the future. Read more

How to stop YouTube recommendations on channels and videos

YouTube bases its recommendations based on your viewing and browsing history, so once you disable both features, YouTube has no data to use for recommendations.

  • Scroll to the bottom of YouTube and click on Story .
  • Under Watch History, click Clear All Watch History .
  • Then click Pause clock history .
  • Under Search History, click Clear all search history .
  • Then click Stop search history .

Method 2:Block individual channels

How to stop YouTube recommendations on channels and videos

You can also block certain channel recommendations from being repeated.

  • Click the menu below one of the channel's video thumbnails and select Not Interested .
  • When prompted, click Tell us why .
  • In the short survey, select ...
    • I don't like the video .
    • I'm not interested in this channel .
    • I'm not interested in recommendations based on...
  • Click Submit and you're done.

Method 3:Use an element blocker

In Chrome, you can use an extension like CustomBlocker to detect user-defined HTML elements and prevent them from appearing.

How to stop YouTube recommendations on channels and videos

In this case, you would use the filtering rules above to automatically block any channel recommendations that YouTube might have for you. Similar extensions may or may not exist in other browsers.

Once that's resolved, you might want to check out how to speed up YouTube buffering issues Tired of buffering? 3 ways to speed up YouTube Tired of buffering? 3 ways to speed up YouTube If YouTube is being slow, here are some tips that can help you solve your problems. Read more . Independientemente de lo molesto que pueda ser YouTube a veces, es asombroso el grado de retención que tiene en Internet 21 Datos de YouTube increíblemente interesantes 21 Datos de YouTube increíblemente interesantes YouTube es grande. Realmente grande. Simplemente no vas a creer lo inmensamente grande que es. Quiero decir, puedes pensar que Facebook Video es grande, pero eso es solo maní para YouTube. Read more . Nuestras vidas serían peores sin él..

¿Cómo te sientes acerca de las recomendaciones de YouTube? ¿Alguna otra forma de evitarlo? Haznos saber con un comentario debajo!