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7 Of The Biggest Kodi Myths, Debunked

Kodi has exploded in popularity recently. Some of the increased interest is a result of their incredibly cool features, but some of the negative media coverage surrounding illegals. “fully loaded” kodi boxes.

As the software has grown in popularity, so has the number of lies, myths, and pieces of misinformation. A quick look at the Kodi Facebook page or forums reveals that the developers are constantly struggling with complaints from uninformed and uninformed users.

If You're Starting Your Kodi Journey 7 Essential Kodi Tips For New Users 7 Essential Kodi Tips For New Users If you're just starting your Kodi journey and have no idea where to start, we're here to help with these essential Kodi tips for rookies. Read more, read this article. It will ensure that your expectations are aligned with the reality of the situation, so you are not left disappointed when something does not work as expected.

Here are seven of the biggest Kodi myths, debunked.

1. Kodi boxes are illegal

Kodi boxes are a minefield of misinformation. They've been in the news almost non-stop lately as an increasing number of countries prosecute sellers of fully loaded boxes in court.

And therein lies the crux of the matter:only fully loaded Kodi boxes are potentially illegal. What are Kodi boxes and is it legal to have one? What are Kodi boxes and is it legal to have one? In this article, we not only explain what Kodi boxes are, but also give you a definitive answer about their legality. Read more . Fully loaded boxes typically promise free access to the latest Hollywood TV series and movies, pay-per-view sporting events, and a vast library of backdated video-on-demand content. and On-Demand is changing TV Forever Read More - all for one flat fee.

7 Of The Biggest Kodi Myths, Debunked

Clearly, it's too good to be true. Bottom Line:The manufacture, sale and use of fully loaded boxes is illegal in many countries .

A regular Kodi box does not offer anything illegal. It's an empty shell, waiting for you to fill it with your own content. There is nothing illegal about buying or using one.

2. Users cannot be prosecuted for pirated material

If you have purchased a fully loaded box, or filled an empty Kodi box with illegal content, you could be in trouble with the law. Although the courts have focused on the providers of the content so far, users are now also being targeted.

This is what Kieron Sharp, chief executive of the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT), told the U.K. Independent newspaper in June 2017:

Don't say we didn't warn you.

3. Clearing the cache improves performance

Let's get away from the legality of Kodi and look at the software itself.

One of the most repeated tropes about Kodi's poor performance is that clearing the cache will magically improve performance and reduce buffering. It doesn't. This myth originates from the early days of Kodi, when computers weren't that powerful.

Back then, an average machine might not have had more than 256 MB of RAM. Even a high-end computer wouldn't have offered much more than 512MB. As a result, Kodi cached data on your hard drive. It was called the "zero cache" method.

7 Of The Biggest Kodi Myths, Debunked

Today, technology has advanced. If you head to the stores, you'll be hard-pressed to find a machine with less than 4GB of RAM. Even most smartphones have at least 2 GB. As a result, Kodi's caching methods have changed. Now, it is cached directly to RAM by default.

Due to the nature of RAM, you never need to flush the cache . Your computer will do it automatically. Save time and give cache management plugins a wide range.

4. Unofficial plug-ins can replace cable TV

Kodi and its official repository are a fantastic tool for anyone looking to cut the cord. Should you cut the cord or keep your cable TV? Should you cut the cord or keep your cable TV? If you're still stuck with your cable subscription, but are debating whether it's time to make a switch, we're here to help. This guide will help you decide. Read more.

For those unaware, the official repository is a Kodi-approved list of trusted, legal, and maintained addons. Kodi religiously monitors the repository to maintain quality standards. Inside it, you'll find plugins for BBC iPlayer, SoundCloud, Plex, PlayStation Vue, Bravo, ABC Family, and more.

Away from the official repository, you can find masses of unofficial repositories. While some plugins within them are functional, useful, and legal, repositories are also home to all the illegal content we mentioned above.

7 Of The Biggest Kodi Myths, Debunked

Because developers are not paid for their work, and most of them create plugins as a hobby, the quality of unofficial plugins can vary drastically. Many just don't work. Also, something that works today may not work next month; The developer could stop supporting it or even just remove it from the repository altogether.

If his eyes lit up when he saw the content in the unofficial repositories, he should tone down his expectations. Keeping a reliable set of working unofficial addons running on your Kodi app can be both time consuming and frustrating.

5. Clearing thumbnails makes Kodi run faster

This myth is not even specific to Kodi. It can be easily applied to Android maintenance, Windows maintenance, and any other OS you can think of. However, deleting thumbnails on Kodi is particularly short-sighted.

Some people claim that deleting thumbnails every time you launch Kodi makes it launch faster. Could not be farther from the truth. In fact, you can test it yourself using a stopwatch.

7 Of The Biggest Kodi Myths, Debunked

If you delete the thumbnails, Kodi will just rebuild them. For locally saved content, that's going to consume processing power, negatively affecting Kodi's speed. For streaming content, you're going to be using your bandwidth unnecessarily, making streaming slower and potentially giving you a surprise bill at the end of the month.

Removing thumbnails makes Kodi worse. Don't.

6. Kodi is easily available on iOS

You Can Easily Install Kodi On Android 5 Reasons To Install Kodi On Your Android Right Now 5 Reasons To Install Kodi On Your Android Right Now Kodi, formerly known as XBMC, is a fantastic media app for Android. I haven't downloaded it yet. Read More But iOS is more complicated.

For reasons beyond Kodi's control, you will not find the app on the mobile version of the Apple App Store. If you want to install it on your iOS device, you have two options:

  • Jailbreak your device - If you jailbreak your device, you can get a copy of Kodi on Cydia.
  • Crea tu propia aplicación - Puede compilar su propia aplicación Kodi Cómo instalar Kodi para iOS sin Jailbreaking Su iPad o iPhone Cómo instalar Kodi para iOS Sin Jailbreaking Su iPad o iPhone Kodi es una de las mejores maneras de acceder a la TV en vivo, y no necesita hacerlo. libera tu dispositivo para disfrutar de contenido de transmisión gratuita en tu iPhone o iPad. Leer más usando Xcode.

Ninguno de estos métodos es fácil de entender, y los usuarios no expertos en tecnología podrían encontrar el proceso desalentador. Suponiendo que no quiere arriesgarse a poner su iPhone en un lugar, considere usar Plex en su lugar.

7. Kodi cuesta dinero

Si alguna vez le piden que se deshaga del dinero por algo relacionado con Kodi, cierre la conversación de inmediato:probablemente lo están estafando. La única pieza de equipo que debe pagar es una caja Kodi. Cómo elegir la mejor caja Kodi para sus necesidades. Cómo elegir la mejor caja Kodi para sus necesidades. ¿Quiere comprar una caja Kodi pero no está seguro de cuál debe elegir? En este artículo, recomendamos cuadros particulares para necesidades particulares, ayudándole a limitar sus opciones. Lee más, pero la mayoría de los usuarios casuales nunca necesitarán uno.

La Fundación XBMC posee y opera Kodi. La fundación es una organización tecnológica sin fines de lucro y no cobra a los usuarios finales por nada. La aplicación Kodi (para todos los sistemas operativos), los complementos, los repositorios, las comunidades de soporte y todo lo relacionado con la aplicación son gratuitos..

Revienta algunos mitos de Kodi!

Estos siete mitos de Kodi son algunos de los más comunes que hemos visto perpetuados. Y si nunca ha usado Kodi antes, podría caer en ellos. Con suerte, al leer este artículo, estará más informado acerca de Kodi y, por lo tanto, evitará caer en cualquier trampa..

Si eres un experto en Kodi, ¿qué mentiras y mentiras añadirías a la lista? ¿Cuáles son los falsos tropos más comunes por los que caen los usuarios? Por favor, considere dejar sus pensamientos en los comentarios a continuación, o comparta el artículo con otros entusiastas de Kodi interesados ​​en romper algunos mitos..