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7 new books every geek should read in July 2016

Lots of great new books are released every month, many of which are guaranteed to appeal to geeks. Here, we offer a selection of those titles; something about technology or geek culture 35 Most Popular Facebook Pages in the Geek World 35 Most Popular Facebook Pages in the Geek World The world's largest social network is also a way to find out what's happening around the world, get a daily dose of entertainment and even learn a thing or two. Read More

So without further ado, let's run through some of the great books we think you should read this month. You never know what gold you'll find lurking..

Women in Game Development:Breaking the Glass Level Cup Edited by Jennifer Brandes Hepler

7 new books every geek should read in July 2016

The gender pay gap is a well-tested theory, and most people will have heard about the problems the gaming industry has been having with gender equality. Anita Sarkeesian, Gaming And Attempted Mob Censorship - Why Didn't It Work? Anita Sarkeesian, Gaming And Attempted Mob Censorship:Why It Didn't Work Read More. Women in game development collects the contributions of several well-known female game designers and allows them to share their experiences, knowledge and passion for games.

Hepler has been very successful in the world of game development, as she has worked on several board games before switching to video games and becoming the lead writer for three. dragon age games as well as Star Wars, The Old Republic .

No matter what her experience is with gender issues in game development, this will be a great book to open her eyes to diversity in games; Both by bringing female game designers to the fore and by emphasizing the fact that game development can be a male-dominated and often hostile field, it promises to illuminate a part of the scene that isn't often discussed. Q>

Released July 17, 2016.

The Rise of the Robots:Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future by Martin Ford

7 new books every geek should read in July 2016

As robots become more and more advanced, they become capable of doing more of the jobs, both blue-collar and white-collar 8 Skilled Jobs That May Soon Be Replaced By Robots 8 Skilled Jobs That May Soon Be Replaced By Robots worked? You would be surprised. Recent advances in AI are putting white-collar jobs at risk. Read More And while we might expect the creation of these robots to also come with the creation of many jobs, as it did in the Industrial Revolution, Ford Valley entrepreneur Martin Ford doesn't think that's the case. In fact, he predicts rampant unemployment and inequality in the face of rising health and education costs.

It's not a pretty prediction, but it's important to keep in mind. Ford's book offers readers a glimpse of the future. What happens when robots can do all the jobs? What happens when robots can do all the jobs? Robots are getting smarter fast, what happens when they can do every job better and cheaper than humans? Read More

Published on July 12, 2016.

Women in Science:50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World by Rachel Ignotofsky

7 new books every geek should read in July 2016

This gorgeous picture book is probably for kids, but the art alone makes it worth having in your home. The fact that it's about 50 truly amazing women who changed our view of science makes it doubly impressive. Each page is illustrated in striking duotones that combine gray and another color (like the stunning purple on Patricia Bath's page, below).

7 new books every geek should read in July 2016

Including researchers in fields such as biology, engineering, mathematics, physics, and many others., Women in Science celebrates the women who are often overlooked when it comes to making history in STEM fields, and that matters to boys, girls, men and women alike How to Raise Free-Thinking Daughters in an Online World How to raise free-thinking daughters in an online world for parents is a challenge in the Internet age. Let's seek answers on how we can raise free-thinking daughters who grow up to think critically and develop an interest in science and technology. Read more . The book also includes various infographics and an illustrated scientific glossary.

Exaggerated:Technology at the Limits of Understanding by Samuel Arbesman

7 new books every geek should read in July 2016

Arbesman, a scientist of complexity, tells a fascinating and somewhat alarming story in Too Complicated.; As the technology becomes more and more advanced, he posits it. “It mimics the vagaries of the natural world more than it fits a mathematical model,” and he starts doing things we don't really understand.

He gives examples of a number of seemingly rare accidents that tech insiders are still baffling about, including the suspension of trading on the New York Stock Exchange and recent problems with Toyota cars that saw them speed out of control. Q>

Even the people who created the technologies we use today are surprised by the things that technology does from time to time, and that surprises those of us who use that technology on a daily basis. And while that's a bit concerning, it also, according to Arbesman, gives us a new opportunity to look critically at the world around us, according to Arbesman. This book will surely challenge some of the conceptions that he has about the modern world..

Published on July 19, 2016.

The Rise of the Machines:A Cybernetic History by Thomas Rid

7 new books every geek should read in July 2016

Revolt of the machines can be described in a single sentence as “Sweeping away the history of our deep entanglement with technology.” Looking at the history of two specific groups:those who seek to use technology to make the world a better place and those who seek to use the technology to control it, Rid sheds some light on how we got to the modern technological age.

The history of cybernetics is deep and fascinating, beginning in World War II and continuing today; from cold war bomber defense systems to cyber wars and beyond. Cybernetics has had an incalculable effect on humanity, and looking back at where it began and how it has progressed is a great way to prepare ourselves for its future implications.

Published on June 28, 2016.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two by J.K. Rowling

7 new books every geek should read in July 2016

Even before its release. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child It's already the best-selling book of the year, beating big names like The Life-Changing Magic of Decluttering , When breath becomes air , and Hamilton:The Revolution . Its a big problem.

If you missed the West End production of The Cursed Child in London, now is your chance to catch up on the latest happenings in the world of Potter. This book is the script for the first two parts of the play. Because it's a script, it doesn't read like a novel, and this is likely to put a lot of people off (I can almost guarantee that a large portion of the people who have pre-ordered it don't realize it's a script) .

Still, it IS the next chapter in the Potter saga, full of fantastical magic and other cool stuff. 9 Harry Potter Magical Gadgets You Could Really Own. 9 Harry Potter Magical Gadgets You Could Really Own. Slowly but surely, science is catching up to the wonders you read about in the wonderful books written by JK Rowling. Yes, the Harry Potter universe is almost real. Read More

Published on July 31, 2016.

Debt of Life:Consequences by Chuck Wendig

7 new books every geek should read in July 2016

Disney's decision to bring down the hammer Star Wars The Extended Universe has infuriated a lot of people, but the new group of writers who are publishing Star Wars The books include some notable names, including Chuck Wendig. The first entry in the Aftermath The trilogy was a success, if a bit controversial. However, if you are a Star Wars fan, you're going to want to grab this book.

Set between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens , the Aftermath The trilogy shows readers how the galaxy came to be the way it is at the start of Episode VII . Life debt Follow Norra Wexley and her gang as they embark on a desperate mission to free Chewbacca and find Han after they are ambushed on their way to liberate the home planet of Kashyyyk.

Published on July 12, 2016.

What are you reading this month?

These seven books are made for geeks, but with the sheer number of books being published all the time, there are certainly plenty of other great options. So, we want to know what you're reading this month, geek or not!

What was the last great geek book you read? What are you reading right now? Are you going to pick up any of these books? If you have already read any of them, what did you think? Please share your thoughts in the comments below...