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9 popular YouTube channels perfect for binge-watching

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All of these popular channels have one thing in common:entertainment value. Some of them may not be your cup of tea, but we guarantee that you will end up loving at least one of them, maybe even several of them! Give everyone at least one try. You won't be disappointed.

Note:Just be careful not to let binge-watching get out of hand. YouTube can quickly become a massive time waster How to really block time wasting websites? How to Really Block Time-Wasting Websites Do you find yourself unproductive due to distracting sites? Block them No, seriously:block them. If you have work to do and you can't concentrate because the internet is too fascinating, make it impossible for your... Read More

Epic rap battles in history

When it comes to high-quality entertainment, few channels are as consistent in quality and delivery as Epic Rap Battles of History. Each episode, each only a few minutes long, is fresh, funny, and full of laugh-inducing lines.

For those unaware, Epic Rap Battles of History takes famous figures throughout history (or pop culture) and pits them against each other for a few rounds of verbal combat. The lyrics are written from each character's point of view, which is what makes it so entertaining.

Am I still confused? Just check out Picasso's battle against Bob Ross in the video above. If you like this, and millions of people do, then you should check out our list of the funniest epic battles ever. 5 of the funniest and best written. Quick story battles. [Best Of YouTube] Epic Rap Battles Of History [Best Of YouTube] Every once in a while someone on YouTube gets an amazing idea that seems so simple in hindsight. It's even better when the people behind that idea are talented and... Read More Take a break?Check out these 5 Epic Rap Battles of History [Best of YouTube] What do you get when you take two famous figures from history and pit them against each other in a rap battle to the death?You get the epic battles of Story rap, amazing fun... Read more.

5 second films

These movies really live up to their tricks. Each video is nine seconds long (four seconds of intro, five seconds of content) and all are dense enough to fill a stab line. Some are better than others, of course, but they're all pretty good.

The thing about these 5 Second Films is that they are individually so short that none of them are completely satisfying, and that feeds the need to watch several of them at once. It's too easy to waste half an hour on these.

Don't know where to start? Start with our Top 5 Funniest Movies compilation to watch 10 of the funniest 5-second movies that will make you laugh. 10 of the funniest 5-second movies that will make you laugh. Did you know that taking breaks is an essential aspect of staying productive? levels? I have compiled a list of ten of the 5 Funniest Second Movies for you to enjoy. They are fast, they are ... Read more .

Score Zero

If you are a fan of PC games, then you can't miss zero score. A lot of gamers have popped up on YouTube in recent years, but Zero Punctuation was a pioneer, and it's still one of the funniest and most relevant of them all.

Zero Punctuation's claim to fame is twofold:its trademark breathless speaking approach, and the way the narrator criticizes various aspects of the games under review. It's as entertaining as it is informative, which is why so many people love zero-rated reviews.

Looking for a sample of what's in store? Start with the best hits from Zero Punctuation. Zero's Top 10 Hits. Scores. Zero's Top 10 Hits. Video game reviews are notoriously difficult to judge, as a genre one person loves will be hated by another. Using websites that pull reviews from numerous sources to come up with an average score,… Read More Each review is only a few minutes long, so the series is seriously dock-worthy.


Cinemassacre is actually the production channel for several gaming-related YouTube series. The most popular is the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN), but the channel also has movie reviews and board game antics.

Much like Zero Score, the AVGN series is all about video game reviews, but with a twist:It doesn't just focus on games that are absolutely terrible, it also ramps up the, "OMG, this makes me mad" factor to measure. that each revision continues.

It's certainly not for everyone, but the show has a lot of fans, and if you find that you enjoy it, there are over 100 episodes that you can indulge in. With each episode around 10-20 minutes long, there's a lot of binge potential in your future.

Extra Credits

It's one thing to play video games, but it's another thing to understand video games. Game design involves a lot of things, and the Extra Credits channel tries to break things down in a way that the average gamer can understand. But to be clear, the extra credits aren't always correct.

Experienced game designers know that everything they say is oversimplified, that game design is a complicated field that often lacks clear answers. However, as light entertainment for hobby gamers and game developers, Extra Credits are a good fit.


“No movie is without sin. We exist primarily to remind you of that.” It's a simple concept, but when it's executed as brilliantly as this channel manages, you get a wonderfully entertaining channel that ends up teaching you about characters, narratives, and tropes.

In each episode, CinemaSins takes a particular movie and pokes fun at its various elements. Sometimes it's about story inconsistencies, other times it emphasizes continuity errors. Most of all, he only makes ironic comments, but in all things, he is cheerful and goofy.

Episodes are anywhere from three to 20 minutes long, so no matter how long you have to kill, there's something to fit your schedule.

Songify This

Schmoyoho's Songify This channel played a big part in establishing some well-known memes in the early 2010s. The world may never have known about the Double Rainbow Guy, Antoine Dodson, or Backin' Up if it wasn't for Schmoyoho .

Long story short, these guys take semi-popular web clips and turn them into songs with autotune technology, and a lot of these songs are actually pretty catchy (and, of course, dumb).

Bad lip reading

Take any clip of someone speaking, whether it's from a movie, TV show, or even a press conference, and repeat it in your own words, but in a way that still matches the lip movements in the clip. It's harder than you think, but when done right, it can be hilarious.

Therefore, due to the difficulty, Bad Lip Reading videos can be hit or miss. However, if there's a bad lip reading for a movie or show you've already seen, it's most likely funny (because you know the original context). In any case, these are great for binge eating.

Want to start with some good ones? Here are the best Bad Lip Reading videos we've ever seen. Need a laugh? Brighten your day with these bad lip readings. Need a laugh? Brighten your day with these bad lip readings Are you a fan of parodic humor? If so, you'll love the Bad Lip Reading video series on YouTube. The gist:take well-known clips and add hilarious lip-reading renditions. Read more.

Slow Mo Guys

Explosive sequences are already exciting, but when you slow them down by several orders of magnitude, they become exponentially more interesting. You don't believe me The Slow Mo Guys do nothing but slow down clips and they have almost 7 million subscribers.

I know it sounds silly, but as the video above shows, it's surprisingly entertaining. You think you'd get tired of it in a few minutes, but somehow it draws you in. Each new slow motion video is another impressive part of the recording.

At a minimum, check out these amazing super slow-mo videos 11 amazing slow-mo videos (and how to shoot yours) 11 amazing slow-mo videos (and how to shoot yours) With slow-motion footage, we can witness details never previously seen at events we usually take for granted. Here is how to make those videos yourself. Read more . Even if the Slow Mo Guys channel doesn't blow your mind, these videos definitely will.

What channels do you Binge-Watch??

There are hundreds of other popular YouTube channels that probably deserve a spot on this list, including those run by well-known creators like Nigahiga, PewDiePie, and Freddie Wong.

Unfortunately, we had to pick the best of the best, or you would have gotten bored and stopped reading a while ago. However, we welcome you to add your own suggestions of popular YouTube channels worth watching to this list.

So tell us, which YouTube entertainment channels do you think are the best for binge-watching? Any gender, any size, let us know in the comments below!