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Beating Bullies How Celebrities React To Mean Tweets

No wonder Twitter isn't always a land of kind spirits and loving tweeters; sometimes things can get nasty. Especially if you're a tweeting celebrity Top 15 Twitter Stars and Celebrities You Really Should Follow Top 15 Twitter Stars and Celebrities You Really Should Follow Read More. So naturally, we've compiled a list of some of the best celebrity responses to Twitter hate.

These are, for the most part, hilarious. But amidst the laughter, the way these celebrities react to meaningful tweets may help us educate everyday people on how to deal with abuse on social media. There's More Than One Way To Beat Bullies "My Child Is Being Bullied" - Check Out These 7 Helpful Resources "My Child Is Being Bullied" - See These 7 Helpful Resources Bullying of any kind can be combated through awareness, education, and positive action. This article covers several resources that we hope will help. Read more.

People with hate will hate

First of all, let's clear this up. If you're a well-known "personality," you're not going to be able to please all the people all the time. Those who try to please everyone inevitably end up pleasing no one.

So, in our celebrity-obsessed culture, where celebrities manage their own social media profiles, how do celebrities manage their social media accounts and what can we learn from them? How do celebrities manage their social media accounts and what can we learn from them? fuel of the social media world, and people like you and me continue to burn it. Though I'm certainly not saying it's a bad thing. It's just a fact! However, you've... Read More There are some tips and tricks to follow when it comes to dealing with haters online - the right way and the wrong way dealing with haters online - the right way and the wrong way what Anne Hathaway, Demi Lovato and Wal-Mart can teach you about dealing with trolls. Read More

Some social media gurus recommend ignoring and/or banning haters. Derek Halpern states “I am happy to ban people from my site. Why? Because it's my place.”

This could also be true for Twitter accounts. It's no big deal to block someone on Twitter. Clean up your Twitter with a game of 'Block, Mute, Unfollow' [Weird &Wonderful Web]. Clean up your Twitter with a game of 'Block, Mute, Unfollow' [Weird &Wonderful Web ] Time to play a game. It's not a person you're familiar with, because we just made it up to give you a fun excuse to spring clean your Twitter. Read More But sometimes, it's more fun to stoke the fire.

Be warned, some NSFW curses follow.

Stite jewel

Firefly Jewel Staite she was understandably disturbed when she started receiving hateful tweets. So distraught, in fact, that she made sure everyone knew how those 140 malicious characters had caused her life to come crashing down around her.

What better way to deal with haters than a proverbial two-finger salute, like this one?

James Blunt

When someone tries to be offensive, what better retaliation than a polite and polite response. James Blunt, being the well-spoken guy that he is, perfected that retort in this tweet.


When MTV posted a link to a story about Rihanna smoking pot, the world-renowned star adopted her widely recognized aggressive Twitter style of hers and told MTV exactly where she could stick her gossip about her..

Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins, not really one to engage in witty banter, responds to those who resort to name-calling with a fairly rational analysis of his erroneous arguments..

Frankie Munoz

When Malcolm in the middle The star, Frankie Muniz, responds to a hate, be afraid. With $40 million dollars in the bank account, he is sure that he will give it a try for the measly balance of it.

This boy chose to inform Frankie that “Your acting of him is horrible. Sorry but it is”. Pwned? We think so.

gary lineker

When respected journalist Piers Morgan decides to take one of the shallow and uneducated jabs at him, take a leaf out of beloved football player Gary Lineker's book, and respond only with hard-edged facts.

Miley Cyrus

In a world where looks are worth much more than they should be, Miley Cyrus mocking Miley:Best Wrecking Ball Skits [Weird &Wonderful Web] Mocking Miley:Best Wrecking Ball Skits [Weird &Wonderful Web] of content that is too easy to miss. This column has a simple goal:to collect the best weird and wonderful content to appear on the web. Read More chooses to be a force of inspiration, trying to reduce the pressure on women and girls to conform to the wrong body shapes. Good job miley!

Frankie Boyle

By choosing to square off openly, Scottish comedian Frankie Boyle will almost always be a one-sided fight. When James Arthur, winner of The X Factor In 2012, he decided to take on the challenge, he came out very bruised ..

James Blunt (again)

We just have to include James Blunt again on this list; Some of his responses to haters are unbelievable. On Twitter, Blunt finds himself somewhere between being a flirtatious saint and a grammatical despot.

Take this one, for example, although there are many more like it..


When Pink started getting tweets mentioning her. “Worrying” weight gain, she posted what so many others wanted to say, but she never had the courage to do it. She also had the foresight to know that 140 characters just wouldn't cut it for such an important message, and they decided a screenshot was the perfect medium..

Gabourey Sidibe

Amazing actress Sidibe (if you haven't seen her). Precious however, beware!) she has written a lot about her weight in the past. However, she has learned to overcome this with grace and dignity, as she continues to rub our faces at the fact that she is living a jet set lifestyle, doing the job of her dreams.


Nickelback has had their share of Twitter haters, though they sure know how to have a little fun with them.

Our sadistic fun

Other celebrities choose to blank out their haters on Twitter. And the rest? Jimmy Kimmel invites you to read these tweets for our sadistic fun.

The serious side of all this

While reading witty responses from celebrities is quite amusing, let's not lose sight of the fact that, for all intents and purposes, “bad tweets” are simply a form of bullying. Cyberbullying Unmasked:The Tragic Case of Cassidy Cyberbullying Unmasked:The Tragic Case of Cassidy Kids can be cruel. Almost as cruel as the so-called adults. That cruelty has found its way onto the web and into the lives of countless young people who thought they might be able to... Read More The intimidation that it can (behind the mask of laughter that many people wear) has a profound and devastating effect on those who receive those tweets.

Celebrities are people too. For the most part. And, just like proles like you and me, their reactions to tweets mean they vary from person to person. Jimmy Kimmel's usual feature is entertaining, but how do celebs react by saying the tweets can provide insights on the best way to beat bullies.

Do you have a better example of a celebrity disarming an attacker with a well-aimed reaction? If he has personal experience of being harassed on Twitter, what advice would he give to someone facing abuse for the first time? Does seeing how celebrities react mean the tweets change how you'll handle it in the future?

Please let us know your thoughts in the comments below.