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How do I update Kodi?

The Kodi development team regularly releases new versions of the app with an almost constant stream of updates, new features, and security patches. But for all the amazing features of Kodi The A-Z of Kodi:Everything You Need to Know The A-Z of Kodi:Everything You Need to Know Whether you're a Kodi newbie considering switching to the app, or a Kodi veteran looking to seek to improve knowledge, you should be able to make use of our AZ of Kodi. Read More .

Yes, you can configure plugins to update automatically, but the main application requires user input.

Fortunately, it's not as confusing or as long as it sounds. You can easily get the latest version of Kodi and upgrade in a few moments. You just need to know what to do and where to look. If you want to learn how to update Kodi, keep reading.

How to update Kodi

Remember, if you have installed Kodi from the Windows Store, it has a package manager and will update automatically. If you have manually installed Kodi on Windows or Mac, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Recommended: Please backup all your plugins, skins and settings before proceeding.

  1. Close all instances of Kodi on your computer.
  2. Go to .
  3. Click Windows or macOS, depending on your operating system.
  4. Download the latest version of the installer.
  5. When you run the installer, you will be warned that Windows will overwrite some Kodi files. Don't worry, it's the expected behavior..
  6. When the installer is finished, run Kodi to make sure all your personal customizations are available and working.

How do I update Kodi?

Does it take the time to update Kodi every time a new version comes out, or is it limited to updating a couple of times a year?

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