Some shows are meant to be viewed episodically, one every week. Other shows deserve to be pushed. For me, Game of Thrones is the latest, and our readers seem to agree that it's one of the shows you need to binge watch.
With this in mind, I didn't watch any of Game of thrones season 5 until all 10 episodes had aired on TV, and they succeeded in avoiding spoilers for the time being. Here's how I personally handled that feat, and how you could too.
Game of Thrones (Has ) is an insanely popular show based on an insanely popular book series, so if you go online, it's almost impossible not to come across fans talking about the latest episode and discussing It has Internet theories. There is an ongoing debate about whether or not you should talk about spoilers, what is the right amount of time to wait, etc.
Honestly, in a world where social media is king, it's a moot point. Since every show wants to encourage you to use hashtags to talk on Twitter while the episode is going on, you can't escape it. The onus is on you to make sure you are watched.
The usual advice is to use an app like Spoiler Shield [No Longer Available], which has its own list of keywords that filter out spoilers about your favorite TV show on social media. The drawback is that it means you have to navigate Twitter and Facebook through Spoiler Shield on your mobile device, which is a horrible experience.
Also, if you've actually used Spoiler Shield, you'll know that it doesn't do a great job of blocking spoilers anyway. It will filter out the top keywords, but the word list isn't updated regularly enough to save you.
You Should Definitely Use Twitter 7 Reasons Why You Should Use Twitter 7 Reasons Why You Should Use Twitter Twitter has been with us for seven years and counting. This was seven years after Jack Dorsey sent the first tweet in 2006, at a time when social microblogging... Read More To protect yourself, the first thing is to use alternative applications instead of the official Twitter application:use TweetDeck if you are on a computer Why is Twitter's TweetDeck worth taking a look at? Why is Twitter's TweetDeck worth looking at? In the past few months, Twitter has become my favorite social media spot, mainly because I find it to be less time consuming than Facebook and Tumblr, and I can certainly update it faster than I can... Read More Android and Tweetbot for the Best Twitter Experience on iOS Forget Twitter Official iPhone App:Use These Instead Forget Twitter Official iPhone App:Use These Instead Now that we tell you why everyone needs to Twitter in their lives, here's one more unsolicited tip:Don't use the official Twitter app. Read more . Why?
The official Twitter app doesn't allow you to mute hashtags or keywords, which is a must if you want to avoid spoilers. And you'll have to mute and filter those annoying spoilers How to Mute and Filter Annoying People on Twitter Without Unfollowing How to Mute and Filter Annoying People on Twitter Without Unfollowing When it comes to social media, Twitter is as loud as it sounds . One would think that the 140-character limitation would make it more sedate, but in reality, it's quite the opposite. This makes Twitter difficult... Read More Throughout the season, I added a great list of keywords that helped keep the Has spoilers away.
Facebook is much more difficult to manage than Twitter. If you are on a PC, then Social Fixer for Chrome is what you need. The extension allows you to create custom filters, although it can be a bit tedious to configure. For more information, be sure to read our guide on using Social Fixer's filters. Clean Up Your Facebook News Feed With Social Fixer Filtering [Facebook Weekly Tips] Clean Up Your Facebook News Feed With Social Fixer Filtering [Facebook Weekly Tips] Size fits all social media platforms. The typical news feed is filled with random updates from friends, family, colleagues, and various pages. While you may want to see all... Read More I would suggest filtering all those messages in one Game of Thrones tab, so you don't lose them and can search for them once you've reached the program.
Unfortunately, there is no Social Fixer for mobile devices, or a similar application to filter keywords. You are stuck using Spoiler Shield to access your Facebook on phones and tablets. While it's not the best solution, it's all you have right now. If you're not as big of a Facebook user as I am, then you should wait until you get to a PC before using the social network.
GameofSpoils is another example of why I'm sticking with Chrome, even if I hate it. I hate Google Chrome, but I'm stuck. Here's why I hate Google Chrome but am stuck on it. Here's why in the Chrome vs. Firefox war, I'm siding with Google users. But I do not want. Chrome is my browser of choice because it has features I can't live without. Read more . For the first few weeks, this extension really did a decent job of blocking It has -Related spoilers on Reddit and elsewhere. Block spoiler posts with a large black bar, which you can click to reveal the content.
I made it as far as three weeks before the season finale with no spoilers and realized I needed to up my game. With seven episodes down, people were fine casually referencing previous episodes; more on the websites I visit regularly than anything else. I decided to go for an aggressive blocking policy and came across tinyFilter [No Longer Available]. It's actually a profanity filter extension, but you can add custom keywords into it, and the extension will aggressively block any web page that has that word.
Similar filters are available for other browsers, such as ProCon-Latte for Firefox. Use one, set your filters and continue without spoiling your favorite show.
During this experiment, I've tried just about every spoiler-busting app, and unfortunately, they just don't do a good enough job. While these apps are successful in blocking around 70 percent of spoiler-oriented posts, the remaining 30 percent is still available.
Ultimately, the responsibility is on you. You'll have to be proactive and add those keywords yourself, because every week, people use new ways to talk about the show. Here are some tips that will help:
If nothing else, that's my key point for successfully avoiding spoilers... Don't rely on filters and automated solutions. Instead, as far as humanly possible, do it manually and stay alert at all times. .
You who love to binge A Brief Guide to Binge Eating [Weird &Wonderful Web] A Brief Guide to Binge Eating [Weird &Wonderful Web] Netflix and Amazon Prime Instant Video have made binge watching a mainstream mainstay. Before you start binge-watching TV, you need to arm yourself with some important information. This short guide helps. Read More Together, we can and we will defeat this scourge on humanity. The comment section is below, so use it. And no, whatever you do, post Game of Thrones spoilers If not.