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How binge eating is harming your health

Are you proud to watch a whole season of House of Cards or Ozarks in record time? Seeing who can get through a full season of the most recent show is the fastest in almost a contest these days.

Excessive staring has become a very popular activity. Unfortunately, a British study has revealed that binge-watching has led to 10 million participants losing sleep. That is, people are so invested in the shows they are binge-watching that they literally can't help but turn off their TV or smartphone and go to bed.

And as unhealthy as it is, this is just one Of the negative consequences for health that binge eating can have. Read on for eight more reasons why you should stay away from Netflix more often than you'd like.

1. Increase your risk of diabetes

Diabetes is a serious disease that can result in a lifetime of insulin injections and dietary restrictions. Your risk of becoming diabetic is also increased due to overly sedentary behavior. Maybe you're bingeing while on the treadmill or something, but if you're not, sit back and watch shows 4 Serious Health Problems From Sitting Too Long And How To Avoid Them 4 Serious Health Problems From Sitting Too Long And How To Avoid Them when working in any job that requires long hours sitting in front of a computer (programming, accounting, writing). It's very easy to stay in that position for eight to nine hours at work... Read More

The researchers warn that for every hour of binge eating, the risk of diabetes increases by 3.4 percent. However, people who exercised moderately for 150 minutes per week reduced their risk by 58 percent. Be particularly aware of this if you have a family history of diabetes.

2. Develop an addiction to television.

How binge eating is harming your health

Just like with that new flavor of ice cream you can't get enough of, binge-watching can become addictive. Scientists say that the fangs at the end of many TV shows can release stress hormones. They make people want to start watching the next episode even if they hadn't planned to.

Also, have you ever considered finishing a show as a big achievement? Feeling like you've accomplished something, even something as easy as binge-watching, releases dopamine in your brain. That feel-good chemical has an uplifting effect and contributes to a feedback loop.

It should be easy to understand the powerful effects of a television addiction How to Recognize and Overcome Your Technology Addiction How to Recognize and Overcome Your Technology Addiction Overcoming technology addiction doesn't mean ending technology use, it just means using technology to improve the quality of your life. This guide shows you how to manage your cravings online. Read more . If it persists, you may start sacrificing time with loved ones to watch episodes. Doing that could damage relationships. Plus, you can be so hooked, staying home from the gym to watch TV.

3. Having difficulty meeting new people

In addition to damaging the relationships you already have, binge-watching could prevent you from forming new ones. There are various difficulties that people face when trying to make friends, but most of us deal with them to avoid the debilitating effects of loneliness. How to connect with people and stop feeling lonely How to connect with people and stop feeling lonely We all feel lonely at one time or another. There are many practical suggestions to combat loneliness. A bit of technology can lend support. Here are seven apps and sites to connect with others. Read more.

Once your binge-watching habit reaches a certain level, you might think, “Why should I bother??” At least temporarily, you might think your favorite shows will keep you satisfied. However, the lives of fictional characters cannot replace face-to-face interactions.

There may also be a phenomenon where real life people are compared to TV stars. If that happens, it's almost certain that the people you know won't be up to the task. By staying in the house all the time, you are damaging your mental health through possible isolation.

4. Increased risk of anxiety and depression

How binge eating is harming your health

Initially, you may compulsively watch a show to cheer yourself up, but then experience the opposite effect. Researchers have confirmed this possibility through a study of late-night television viewing habits. Participants were asked to record how much television they watched and how it made them feel.

After just two hours of television, people felt more depressed and anxious than those who watched less. The scientists admitted that the study has limitations. It didn't explore the deeper reason behind those feelings and it only happened with 406 people. However, that may be reason enough to stop binge-watching, especially if you already have mental health issues 8 Mental Health Apps For People Who Can't See A Therapist 8 Mental Health Apps For People Who Can't See a therapist You don't have access to a therapist, technology can step in and help. Starting your therapy is as easy as using one of these mental health apps. Read more.

5. eroding his self-control

Waiting long periods for new episodes of a show is almost unheard of today. As a kid, you might remember being a patient for a week or even a whole season before getting new episodes. Now show creators work harder and faster, releasing episodes extremely quickly. Netflix often releases all the shows in a season simultaneously, which certainly contributes to binge-watching. You can even play the next episodes automatically to avoid having to touch the remote.

Taken together, all of this leads to less self-control because we will get used to not having to wait for anything. The problem could also show up in other areas of life. There may have been a time when you would wait for dinner before eating a piece of candy. If binge-watching encourages you to get what you want right away, why exercise in moderation when it comes to diet?

Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin had similar findings to those mentioned here already. They found that lonely or depressed people were more likely to engage in binge-watching. Not surprisingly, the participants did it to avoid negative feelings. The team also revealed how compulsive staring led to less self-control.

6. Negative re-education of your brain

How binge eating is harming your health

Did you leave the grocery store without picking up 12 apps to help forgotten people remember things? 12 Apps to Help Forgotten People Remember Things Organization can be tricky for forgotten people. From remembering birthdays to putting faces to names, here are 12 awesome apps that can help you remember just about anything. Read more a gallon of milk required? Having a hard time remembering the name of the person you met on your lunch break today? Your new habit of binge-watching TV could exacerbate both of these common scenarios.

Scientists divided people into several groups for specific activities. Those who played video games or watched movies had lower scores on tests of short-term memory. Other research indicates that hobbies like binge eating can make people more likely to be easily distracted. They are less able or willing to think deeply, too.

Thanks to technology like streaming media, entertainment is just a click or tap away. We no longer have to interact with our environments or other people for stimulation. If you often resort to binge-watching to avoid more strenuous brain activity, be careful. Over time, binge eating could rewire your brain and cause the negative changes we just discussed.

7. More and more belly fat

Do you find it more difficult to button your jeans? That could also be due to binge-watching. Researchers at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health linked binge-watching to increased abdominal fat. A group of 3,000 middle-aged people confirmed the connection. Specifically, 90 minutes of TV increases belly fat by about three cubic centimeters. That phenomenon did not occur with five other sedentary activities studied, including using a computer and reading.

8. Eye strain and natural sleep rhythms

How binge eating is harming your health

Watching television is a well-known activity that contributes to eyestrain. By binge-watching instead of giving your eyes a break from the television, you can experience burning, fatigue, and confusion.

Plus, you've already learned how many people sacrifice sleep to maintain their binge eating habits. This could be due, in part, to the harmful effects of electronic screens.

Smartphones and tablets emit blue light What is a blue light filter and which app works best? What is a blue light filter and which app works best? Your phone screen keeps you awake. Don't let it. These apps will help you rest well. Read More The researchers also warn of a possible link between blue light and diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Improve your health with fewer binge eating

Binge-watching has become part of the culture of our society, but it doesn't have to put your health at risk. Now that you know the potential health risks, it's crucial to limit your habit of staying up all night watching TV. If the above health effects aren't enough to convince you, at least change your binge-watching routine.

Consider watching your favorite shows while you exercise, if it's safe and feasible to do so. That way you can counteract some of the damaging effects on your physical health. You can also protect your sleep schedule by only indulging in your favorite shows during the day and for a limited time.

What will you do to prevent your Netflix addiction from ruining your health? Please let us know in the comments below.