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How Amazon stole the new Top Gear away from TV

Top Gear has been one of the BBC's most popular shows for nearly 40 years, but it was recently announced that all three hosts (Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May) will be moving to Amazon Prime next year, bringing their unique brand of cars. Humor to the online streaming service..

This is great news. Amazon Prime Is Amazon Prime a good deal? Is Amazon Prime a good deal? Amazon Prime sounds like a lot, but is it? We dug into the benefits to determine if they're worth the $99 per year. Read More More importantly, this acquisition signals the power of online streaming and the intent to embrace network television as the primary source of entertainment. Is this the beginning of a change outside of TV?

Get up to speed

If you are not familiar with Top Gear , it's a car show. But just calling it a car show doesn't do it justice; the middle-aged humor, insane challenges, and sometimes childish antics make it something else entirely. Despite much controversy, the show has garnered fans of all kinds; Young and old, men and women, car enthusiasts and non-reducers alike.

How Amazon stole the new Top Gear away from TV

The show's broad appeal probably stems from the variety of things covered:supercars, everyday cars, celebrity interviews, crazy challenges, and trips to some of the most beautiful places in the world. Breathtaking views and nature experience with these Google Earth sites Do you have a good reason to sightsee in an armchair? Maybe you're researching your next vacation destination, or trying to educate your kids, or unable to truly travel and looking to see... Read More If you don't understand what the hype is about, you'll have to see for yourself. To help you dive right in, we've recommended a handful of must-watch episodes at the end of this article.

Jeremy Clarkson, the group's de facto leader, has been known to step on his toes with thinly veiled racial humor and questionable off-screen behavior. And after getting calls to fire him for years, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) finally gave Clarkson the ax after he physically attacked a producer in a hotel after a hard day of filming.

How Amazon stole the new Top Gear away from TV

The other two hosts, along with executive producer Andy Wilman, announced shortly after that they would not be returning to the BBC. The three Top Gear The hosts, along with Wilman, have signed a three-season deal with Amazon, with the show set to air on Amazon Prime. The first season of the new show will air next year.

Streaming Revs Your Engine

Top Gear is the latest in a series of shows that have been revived after being canceled by TV networks (though Top Gear hasn't exactly been "revived"-more on that in a bit). The murder , Longmire , Development arrested , Community , and The Mindy Project they were canceled by their original networks, but were brought back by Netflix or Hulu.

This is a clear move by streaming providers to lure viewers away from network TV by providing them with the shows they already love. Of course, they haven't slacked off when creating their own content. 5 Original Web Series That Should Totally Be On TV 5 Original Web Series That Should Totally Be On TV There are a ton of wonderful web series on YouTube, Vimeo, Blip, Hulu, and others. And some of these are so good they should totally be on "real" TV. Read More House of cards , Orange is the new black, and Transparent They are online only programs and are still very popular. Netflix also has an agreement with Marvel, with the fantastic Daredevil series to watch for shows that focus on Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage.

How Amazon stole the new Top Gear away from TV

While some of these TV shows are already being served by network television, streaming services are taking full advantage of the non-need to maintain the ratings and restrictions that are required on public channels. The shows are more violent, contain more profanity, and are sexier than what you'll find on NBC or FOX. Which means they have broad appeal to people who aren't satisfied with the often-grayed-out shows in primetime.

These are the types of shows that people turn to HBO and Showtime for. Interestingly, both HBO and Showtime now offer online-only subscription streaming options, making it clear that they don't want to lose customers by cutting the cord. How to undo the cable Cut that cable! How to Get Rid of the Cable If you've read about the cable cutting phenomenon but aren't sure where to start, here's a guide to cutting the cable and stripping the cable by cable... Read More It wouldn't be surprising to see these two premium channels go online-only in the near future.

The race is on

OK, back to Top Gear . Earlier, I said that it's not really being revived, and this makes for a very interesting case. Despite the loss of its three superstar hosts, the BBC will continue to make Top Gear . It will be hosted by Chris Evans and at least one other person; Formula 1 driver Jenson Button has been mentioned, but no official announcement has yet been made.

How Amazon stole the new Top Gear away from TV

What this means is that Amazon's new Top Gear will compete directly with another show. The original show. And why Top Gear was so successful that it seems unlikely Amazon would want to change the show's formula, so Clarkson and her colleagues say. The new effort will likely be very similar to the classic BBC engine.

This is the most direct challenge of Netflix Vs cable companies. Who has a better chance of winning? Netflix Vs Cable Companies - Who Is More Likely To Win? Netflix is ​​a growing force in the world of entertainment, but broadcast television and cable television have been around for a long time, and they didn't achieve that success by playing fair. Read More Amazon is no longer satisfied with filling in the gaps in the network's programming; now they are openly challenging the supremacy of primetime television. And even though Amazon Prime is generally seen as playing second fiddle (or even third) to Netflix Hulu Plus vs. iTunes vs. Netflix vs. Amazon Instant Video:Which is the best? Hulu Plus vs. iTunes vs. Netflix vs. Amazon Instant Video:Which is the best? Hulu. iTunesNetflix. Amazon Instant Video. The soul of cinema and television online. The new wave of home media. Endless entertainment providers where pants are not necessarily necessary. They are the contenders... Read More

Of course, we still don't have an answer to one of the biggest questions in this whole situation:how many people will join Amazon Prime to watch the show? Al momento de escribir, una encuesta para The Guardian muestra que el 53% de los encuestados dice que no se unirá a Prime para ver el programa, y ​​el 47% dice que lo haría..

How Amazon stole the new Top Gear away from TV

Debido a que el nuevo Top Gear no se estrena hasta el próximo año, es difícil hacer predicciones. Amazon podría cambiar el formato del programa, la BBC podría hacer algo diferente con Top Gear , y más shows podrían agregarse a Prime. En esencia, pueden pasar muchas cosas para cambiar el equilibrio de poder antes de que veamos lo que Clarkson y su equipo están haciendo..

Sin embargo, está claro que los servicios de transmisión en línea ya no están contentos con el segundo lugar a la televisión en red; están buscando usurpar completamente su lugar como principal fuente de entretenimiento. Y con su programación original y el renacimiento de los espectáculos de culto, parecen estar haciendo un buen trabajo. Queda por verse si tendrán éxito o no a largo plazo..

Tómalo para un giro

Si no estás seguro de si vale la pena unirte a Amazon Prime para ver el nuevo programa protagonizado por Clarkson, Hammond y May. O si ya eres miembro de Prime y no entiendes de qué se trata todo este alboroto, aquí hay cinco episodios de la vieja Top Gear que necesitas ver para comprender por qué la base de fans está tan dedicada.

Temporada 15, episodio 1

El humor de los niños está en plena exhibición en este episodio, que presenta al mundo a Reliant Robin, un elemento básico de la historia del automovilismo británico. El automóvil de tres ruedas es menos que estable, y constituye uno de los contratiempos más divertidos en la historia del espectáculo..

Temporada 10, Episodio 1

Por supuesto, Top Gear no se trata solo de la hilaridad; También se trata de máquinas de conducción sorprendentes. En este episodio, los presentadores toman tres superdeportivos en un viaje para encontrar el mejor camino de conducción del mundo, y visitan algunos lugares absolutamente impresionantes que hay que ver para creer..

Temporada 9, Episodio 6

Este episodio es una excelente introducción a los ridículos desafíos que a Clarkson, Hammond y May se les ocurren, en este caso, hacer sus propias limusinas. Una limusina Alfa Romeo / Saab con sauna es solo el comienzo de la diversión..

Temporada 8, episodio 3

¿Alguna vez has pensado lo genial que sería conducir un vehículo anfibio? los Top Gear La tripulación decide hacer las suyas y ver quién puede cruzar un lago. Predeciblemente payasadas histéricas siguen.

El Especial Polar

¿Quién podría llegar al Polo Norte más rápido:dos tipos en una camioneta Toyota monstruosa o dos tipos en un trineo de perros? Este episodio proporciona la respuesta. Los paisajes árticos en este popular favorito no se pueden perder..

Bonus:Temporada 3, Episodios 5 y 6

El Toyota Hilux, que aparece en El Especial Polar , hizo una aparición en el programa en la temporada 3, cuando Clarkson y su equipo intentaron destruirlo conduciéndolo por unas escaleras, hacia un árbol y hacia el mar, además de golpear con una bola de demolición y dejar caer una caravana. encima de eso Y eso es justo en el primer episodio..

Pedal al metal?

Con la nueva versión de Amazon de Top Gear haciendo su debut en 2016, podría pasar bastante tiempo antes de que encontremos las respuestas a las preguntas que este anuncio ha planteado. De lo único de lo que podemos estar seguros es de que Clarkson, Hammond y May se reunirán y que seguramente querrán subir la apuesta. Más allá de eso, tendremos que esperar y ver..

¿Amazon se está preparando para la grandeza con este espectáculo? O si hubieran puesto los frenos en la Top Gear reunión de anfitriones? ¿Te unirías a un servicio de transmisión para un solo programa? ¿O desea que Clarkson, Hammond y May hayan elegido Netflix u otra plataforma en línea a la que ya tenga acceso? Por favor, comparta sus pensamientos con nosotros en la sección de comentarios a continuación.