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How to buy concert tickets on Spotify in less than 5 minutes

I recently came across the “Concerts” on Spotify, and now I am convinced that it is one of the best places. Never Miss a Live Concert Again With These 6 Sites Never Miss a Live Concert With These 6 Sites Did you miss a music concert that you would have loved to see? Use these 6 ways to get notified when your favorite bands are in town. Read more to find and buy concert tickets. Not only can you find a wide selection of artists using this feature, but you can also discover and buy tickets with Concerts in less than five minutes.

This will not be the case for everyone. If you're looking for a specific artist, a specific venue, or tickets within a certain price range, you may end up browsing longer. We're not telling you to limit your ticket buying experience to five minutes. Instead, we are saying that it is possible to find concert tickets in five minutes.

So, with the disclaimer in place, here's how you can use Spotify to find and buy concert tickets.

My Experience Buy concert tickets on Spotify

While listening to Spotify the other day, I noticed the Concerts tab in the main menu. “Glance” board. Please note that this tab does not appear if you are using the Spotify web player, even if you have a Premium account.

How to buy concert tickets on Spotify in less than 5 minutes

When I clicked on the tab, I expected to find some tracks from artists' live shows. Instead, I found a list of concerts near me in the next few days.

Better yet, Spotify recommended specific shows near me based on my Spotify listening history. I clicked on the “Details” button for one of the artists. Less than five minutes later, I had the perfect show tickets, and was positively surprised at how easy the experience was.

If you too want to make use of this tab, here are the best ways to explore it.

Find concert tickets near you

This one is pretty simple. Simply open your Spotify desktop player and click Concerts, as seen in the screenshot above.

Or pull up the Spotify app on your phone and tap on the Concerts tab there. This is perfect for those nights when you're in a new city or just looking for something spontaneous to do in your hometown. The application will show you the concerts happening around you that night or in the next few days.

Take a look at the shows recommended for you. These will be based on your Spotify playlists and listening history:

How to buy concert tickets on Spotify in less than 5 minutes

Or scroll down to see what other concerts are popular near you:

How to buy concert tickets on Spotify in less than 5 minutes

When you see a show you're interested in, click Details . A browser tab will open, and you'll be redirected to Songkick, where you can view the concert lineup, view the venue address, and purchase tickets. 6 Strong Alternatives to Ticketmaster for Buying Event Tickets 6 Strong Alternatives to Ticketmaster for Buying Event Tickets Where do you get your event tickets from? Are you indebted to the monopolist Ticketmaster? Consider these alternatives. Read more.

If you have a Songkick account, you can track the event and postpone purchasing tickets until a later date. The site also allows you to see how popular those particular tickets are so you can plan accordingly.

Depending on the artist, venue, etc., you may be able to purchase tickets through Ticketmaster or another Songkick-partnered ticket vendor. I bought my show tickets through Ticketfly and I have nothing but good things to say about the experience.

Find concert tickets for a different location

If you feel like planning a trip around a concert or want to see what shows are scheduled for a trip you've already booked, just click Change location button within the Concerts tab.

How to buy concert tickets on Spotify in less than 5 minutes

Spotify's concert feature is also capable of finding concerts in other countries. However, for the most part it is limited to your country of origin.

I could find gigs by searching major cities across the United States. But the only show Spotify could find when I searched for a city in another country was a Justin Bieber concert. I find it hard to believe that the only show playing in Florence in Italy in the next few weeks is just for Beliebers. Which makes me think you'd get better results if you were in Italy while doing this search.

Find concert tickets to see a specific artist

If you care less about the concert location and more about which artist you're going to see, the Concerts tab can also be viewed from the artist pages.

Simply navigate to the artist page and click on Shows to see the details of the next show.

How to buy concert tickets on Spotify in less than 5 minutes

Room for improvement

Overall, the Concerts feature works really well and is a great tool for Spotify users to access. However, there are some things that could be improved about it. Mainly, you should be able to click on place names within the function.

This could be something that is currently in development. Pero me pareció un poco molesto que no pudiera hacer clic directamente en los lugares en Spotify para ver qué otros espectáculos estaban ocurriendo allí. Tenía la esperanza de poder no solo ver esa información, sino también obtener un buen detalle de los artistas recomendados para mí en ese lugar. O artistas populares tocando en el lugar en un futuro próximo.

Comprendo que Spotify es un servicio de escucha de música y no un servicio de pedido de entradas, pero creo que una mayor integración de la información del lugar en la función mejoraría la experiencia general del usuario..

¿A quién verás en vivo a continuación??

Si bien Spotify Concerts no es una función única en su clase ThrillCall:descubra los conciertos locales de sus artistas favoritos ThrillCall:descubra los conciertos locales de sus artistas favoritos Lea más, es una opción muy conveniente para las personas que ya están Interesado en la música. Encontrar un concierto adecuado es fácil, y la aplicación está lista para recomendarte los espectáculos de tus artistas favoritos. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es decidir qué programa verás primero..

Entonces, quién será?

Si usa la pestaña Conciertos en Spotify, háganos saber lo que piensa en los comentarios a continuación. Si lo amas, lo odias o no te importa de ninguna manera!