There is a little known feature that most smartphones have hidden inside. It's common technology - you can use it in your car or at home, but most people don't know they have it on their phone too.
In case you haven't guessed already, your smartphone probably has a built-in FM radio receiver. You just need to activate it, and we're here to help you do just that.
It may seem strange that smartphone manufacturers include an FM receiver. How does analog radio work, what is digital radio and what's next? How does analog radio work, what is digital radio and what's next? In 2017, Norway will be the first country to completely shut down FM radio. The rest of the world will not be left behind. Read More There is a reason, though.
The ability to access the radio is a standard feature of the Qualcomm LTE modem, which is used in most of the world's smartphones. They most likely include this capability because the use of a smartphone to access the radio is common in the developing world.
And it's easier to disable the radio chip than to use completely different modems for phones sold in different areas.
Although manufacturers may decide to universally activate the chip, the onus is on individual owners to unlock the FM radio on their smartphone. In terms of carriers, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile are moving slowly to activate the capability, but Verizon is not. And Apple apparently has no interest in doing so.
We don't know for sure why some companies don't activate the chips, but there are several theories around:
Some companies say they don't see an FM radio as a big selling point or something consumers would really want. Critics argue that the real reason is the financial incentive not to activate them. Because doing so would discourage people from using streaming services, which makes money for everyone involved.
If you have a device and a provider that has chosen to activate the chip, it is not difficult to access the radio capabilities of your device. You only need two things:an app called NextRadio that lets you use the FM chip, and something to act as an antenna. NextRadio has published a list of devices and carriers that support their app.
Once you've determined if your phone supports NextRadio, simply go to where you download your apps and select it. You can also download the app to see if your phone is compatible. It will detect the chip for you if it is. If you can't find one, the download wasn't a total waste. You can still use the app to stream over the Internet.
If the app detects an FM enabled chip, the next thing you'll need is something that can act as an antenna. This is easier than it seems. Pretty much anything that plugs into your device and has a cable will work. That means you can use your headphones or a wired speaker.
You don't have to listen through headphones or another cable you've connected. You can also choose to direct the sound to your phone's speakers. Unfortunately, Bluetooth is not currently supported.
Download: NextRadio for Android
If your device and/or carrier do not support NextRadio, there is not much you can do to gain access to the radio at this time. However, if you play the long game, you might get it.
Consumer groups, politicians and public safety officials have been pushing phone manufacturers and carriers to activate their FM chips for some time. They cite the fact that radio is free on other devices and can be useful in emergencies as reasons for all FM chips to kick in.
Advocacy group Activate FM Chip recommends contacting your wireless carrier, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), or its representative and letting them know where you stand on the issue.
If you own an Apple device or have Verizon as your carrier, you can always download NextRadio or another streaming app. How to switch to a new music streaming service. How to switch to a new music streaming service. Considering switching to a new music streaming service? ? Unfortunately, doing so is fraught with difficulties. However, using these tricks can make your migration much easier. Read More Connect to stations around the world and see what there is to explore. Read more instead.
Although you can download various apps to stream radio stations on your phone, using an actual FM receiver has some benefits over using the Internet.
Probably the biggest advantage is the fact that connecting to the radio doesn't require you to use data. It's free to use, just like it would be in your car or on another device. If you don't have reliable Wi-Fi access or just don't want to use all your data to listen to the radio, activating your FM chip is the perfect solution.
Fair warning though:NextRadio uses a small amount of data to extract album artwork and station logos. You can turn this off by going to Settings , then Interface , and then “Switch to tuner only mode.”
While you can access many stations with streaming apps, some of them won't have each and every one of your local stations. If you're accessing them via FM radio, you don't have to worry about this and you can be sure that you'll find all available stations in your area.
The FCC recommends having a radio for emergency situations like tornadoes or severe storms. This ensures that you can stay informed or communicate if phone lines and the Internet go down. Since most people don't use radio much in the house, turning smartphones into radios makes a lot of sense.
This is one of the most prominent arguments that proponents of turning on all FM receivers for smartphones have used to convince companies to turn on their FM radio chips.
For those who have an FM enabled chip, here are some tips to help you get the most out of your radio enabled device:
Although you may not even realize you own a radio, there's probably one in your pocket most of the time. You just can't use it unless you download the right app. Or, in some cases, unless your phone manufacturer or wireless carrier enables the FM chip in your device.
Some companies have now started to activate radio receivers. How does analog radio work, what is digital radio and what's next? How does analog radio work, what is digital radio and what's next? In 2017, Norway will be the first country to completely shut down FM radio. The rest of the world will not be left behind. Read More However, it may still be a while before activated radio receivers become the standard for smartphones around the world.
Until then, those without compatible devices may want to get a small radio for emergencies.
For those of you who have compatible devices, it's your lucky day! You've just discovered an added feature that makes your phone a little more fun and useful.
Now that you know how to access the potentially hidden FM radio on your smartphone, we want to find out if you're actually going to use it. Or if you prefer to have access to all the radio stations in the world, this site allows you to listen to any radio station on the planet. This site allows you to listen to any radio station on the planet. Why limit yourself to radio stations from your own city or country? Connect to stations around the world and see what there is to explore. Read more instead.
For more such information, check out our overview of FM transmitter options for Android Do FM transmitter apps work? How to stream the radio from your phone Do FM transmitter apps work? How to stream radio from your phone Do FM transmitter apps work? And how else can you stream the radio from your phone? This is what you need to know. Read more.