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How to unlock more channels on Plex with App Store not supported

Plex is best known for playing almost all video and audio files, regardless of format. It also includes fantastic metadata capabilities, which means that as long as you've named the original media file correctly The Optimal Way to Name Media Files in Plex The Optimal Way to Name Media Files in Plex Read More episodes, conversion lists, etc.

But there is another often underappreciated side of the app:TV Channels . Some channels are available on the official Channel Directory, but that's only half the story. There are hundreds of channels plus 20 Unofficial Plex Channels You Need to Install Right Now 20 Unofficial Plex Channels You Need to Install Right Now With the AppStore not supported, you can unlock new Plex content to watch. Here are the best unofficial Plex channels to install. More information available through the App Store not supported.

Here's how to install the Plex Unsupported App Store and unlock additional content.

How to unlock more channels on Plex with App Store not supported

How to install the app store not compatible with Plex

  1. Download the WebTools software from GitHub.
  2. Unzip WebTools.bundle .
  3. Move the unzipped version of WebTools.bundle to the Plex plugins folder. (Windows users can find it at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\ , Mac Users at ~ / Library / Application Support / Plex Media Server / Plug-ins , and Linux users at $ PLEX_HOME / Library / Application Support / Plex Media Server / Plug-ins .
  4. Within Plex, go to Channels> AppStore not supported .
  5. Copy and paste the provided URL into your browser.
  6. Sign in with your Plex credentials.
  7. Find a channel and click Install to add it to Plex.

Note :The instructions above assume that Plex is already installed on your machine.

Have you installed the unsupported App Store? Which channels would you recommend to someone who just installed the app for the first time?