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How to take beautiful photos with your smartphone?

The best photos are no longer taken with DSLRs. Thanks to technological prowess, smartphones are equipped with high-quality cameras that guarantee shots worthy of the name. And to be sure not to miss your photos, here are some tips to adopt.


Brightness is a fundamental element in the success of your photos on smartphones, especially on phones with small sensors. Pay attention to the backlight. Try to locate the brightest spot to highlight the subject. The ideal is to give the back to the light source while preventing shadows from appearing on the image. Contrary to what we tend to think, the sun can become an enemy for beautiful shots, in particular because of the significant exposure and shadows. As for the use of flash, it is not recommended except in dark environments. Indeed, its power causes an overexposure of the elements while altering the colors. Sometimes it even creates flaws where none actually exist.

Good positioning

If conventional cameras have weight allowing the photographer to enjoy a certain stability, this is not the case with smartphones which are too light. This lack of ergonomics and stability leads to blurry images. The easiest way to fix this is to hold the phone with both hands. Alternatively, you can also activate the self-timer to free up both hands. If that doesn't work, use a remote control that will avoid vibrations or even a smartphone tripod.

Stop zooming

Digital zooms do not offer the same quality as optical zooms. You will notice that the use of this feature pixelates the image and intensifies the blurring, especially when the subject is moving at the time of the shot. The ideal is to get as close as possible to the subject rather than activating the zoom. You will see the difference in image quality.

HDR Mode

Today's smartphones are true technological jewels. Their APN is equipped with a host of features aimed at improving the quality of your shots. One of them concerns the HDR mode intended to optimize the exposure of the photos. The camera takes three different shots in underexposed, overexposed and normal mode. Then, it brings them together in a single photo with better contrasts and colors.

The issue of filters

Filters are a great help in optimizing the quality of images and are therefore very tempting to use. However, it is not recommended to take the photos with filters, as these end up corrupting the quality. If necessary, you will be able to add the right filter, but only after capturing the image.

Download the right apps

The playstores are full of applications that help you in particular to edit your photos. These are equipped with a multitude of options and settings in terms of exposure, brightness, contrast and more and which guarantee you dream shots. Do not hesitate to use it without abusing it of course, because the risk is to make the photo less qualitative.