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Top 6 eBook Subscription Services for Unlimited Reading

Internet subscription services are the future. For TV and movies, you have Netflix. For music, you have Spotify. They offer unlimited media streaming for a flat monthly fee, offering some of the best entertainment value out there.

If there was an Internet subscription for literature, that would complete the trifecta, wouldn't it? Well there is! Ebook subscription services have been around for a while, and if you're an avid reader, you're missing out if you're not participating.

These eBook subscription services can unlock a whole world of literature to download and read on demand. They're convenient, they're affordable, and they can save you a lot of money. Do you have to subscribe? If so, which is the best site?

Are ebook subscriptions worth it?

Some scoff at the idea of ​​paying a monthly fee to…read books. Of course, if you're not a big book reader to begin with, you probably won't benefit much from getting on one of these sites.

The three most important questions to ask are:

  1. How many books do you read per month??
  2. What genres do you prefer to read??
  3. What e-book devices do you have available?

If you rarely read, you probably won't justify the monthly fees. But if you read too much, it's possible to outgrow your subscription and run out of content. If you read in obscure genres, you may not find anything interesting. And depending on the devices you have, you may not even be able to use some of these sites.

In any case, you should always check your local public library first. Most libraries offer free eBook rentals, which are best for single readers. Readers of obscure genres and readers who prefer new releases are often better off buying eBooks outright.

But for those in the middle, eBook subscriptions can be extremely valuable. Here are the best ebook subscription services worth checking out.

Top 6 eBook Subscription Services for Unlimited Reading

1. Scribd

Notary It was originally launched as a service for the publication of academic articles. It exploded in popularity in 2009, when Scribd signed a deal to sell e-books. Since then, Scribd has been one of the best places to buy user-submitted documents and retail books.

In 2013, Scribd launched its subscription service that gave users access to the entire Scribd library for a monthly fee.

  • Price: $8.99/month for unlimited reading
  • Free trial: Yes, 30-day free trial
  • Selection: Over 1 million ebooks and audiobooks
  • Platforms: Web Devices, Android, iOS, Kindle Fire, Nook
  • Regions: Worldwide, although some ebooks are not available in some regions

2. Unlimited Kindle

Kindle Unlimited offers the largest selection of eBooks at a moderate price, but also comes with a complimentary Audible membership for downloading audiobooks. You can seamlessly switch between reading ebooks and listening to audiobooks.

Unfortunately, the "Big Five" publishing houses (Penguin Random House, Macmillan, HarperCollins, Hachette, and Simon &Schuster) have refused to participate, which means you may not be able to find some of the eBooks you want to read, even if they are popular and popular..

  • Price: $9.99/month for unlimited reading
  • Free trial: Yes, 30-day free trial
  • Selection: Over 1 million ebooks and audiobooks
  • Platforms: Web, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS
  • Regions: United States

3. partner

Book Companion is a mobile reading app with an accompanying eBook reading subscription. Since its launch in 2010, Bookmate has had tremendous success in Russia and the CIS, so much so that they have expanded to Scandinavia, Singapore, Indonesia and parts of Latin America.

Two unique aspects of Bookmate include its social element (follow friends to see their feeds and bookshelves) and the fact that you can upload your own EPUBs and FB2 eBooks and sync them across all your devices.

  • Price: $9.99/month for unlimited reading
  • Free trial: No, but 3 month trial for $0.99
  • Selection: More than 850,000 ebooks
  • Platforms: Web, Android, iOS, Windows Store.
  • Regions: N/A

4. 24symbols

24bolts it's the only service on this list that offers a discounted rate for a year's subscription at a time, essentially making it the cheapest option by a significant amount. If you're looking for value, you'll find it here.

  • Price: $8.99/month or $90/year for unlimited reading
  • Free trial: No
  • Selection: More than 800,000 ebooks and audiobooks.
  • Platforms: Web, Android, iOS, Kindle Fire, BlackBerry
  • Regions: N/A

5. player

Unlike any other service on this list, Playster It actually offers much more than just ebooks and audiobooks. The Complete Bundle plan grants unlimited music, movies, games, ebooks, and audiobooks for just $34.95/month. If you don't want everything, you can opt for individual aspects, like the eBooks-only plan.

  • Price: $14.95/month for ebooks and $14.95/month for audiobooks
  • Free trial: Yes, 30-day free trial
  • Selection: Over 350,000 ebooks and audiobooks.
  • Platforms: Web
  • Regions: Worldwide, except for a few dozen countries.

6. Kobo Plus

It would be awesome if all Kobo owners could take advantage of this eBook subscription service, but Kobo Plus It's actually a joint effort between Kobo and, an online retailer operating in Belgium and the Netherlands.

As such, the Kobo Plus, which launched in 2017, is limited to just those two regions. However, the service has been a resounding success, so if you live in either country, it may be the best option for you, especially if you like to read in Dutch.

  • Price: $9.99/month for unlimited reading
  • Free trial: Yes, 30-day free trial
  • Selection: More than 50,000 ebooks and audiobooks.
  • Platforms: Web, Android, iOS, Kobo devices.
  • Regions: Belgium and the Netherlands

The best e-book subscription services:which one?

Notary It is the best choice for everyone. It is the cheapest service (tied with 24symbols) but offers the widest selection, is not boycotted by the "Big Five" publishers, and is available worldwide with partial restrictions for some regions.

Book Companion and Kindle Unlimited They're also solid options if you don't like Scribd. Both are the same price, and while Kindle Unlimited has the largest selection, it's only available in the United States. 24sbolos is a strong runner-up for Bookmate.

Playster It's only worth it if you sign up for the full Bundle plan - the individual plans are too expensive for the bottom pick. And while Kobo Plus shows promise, its regional restriction makes it almost useless for most of the world.