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Top 10 Plex Plugins for Power Users

If you're a casual user, Plex will virtually work right out of the box. You just need to spend a little time learning how to set up Plex and add your media.

But after you've used Plex for a while, you might notice a missing feature or want some extra functionality. Which is where third party plugins come into play.

There are hundreds of Plex plugins out there; Many of them are not worth your time. But some are absolutely essential..

If you want to know which third-party Plex tools can make you a power user, read on.

1. Tautulli

Top 10 Plex Plugins for Power Users

Formerly known as PlexPy, Tautulli is an essential plugin for anyone sharing their Plex library with others.

The plugin focuses on providing statistics about your Plex server. Statistics include what shows have been watched, who watched them, and when and where they were watched.

It is also a powerful notification tool. You can alert other people when you add new content to your library, be alerted if your server crashes, and much more.

Lastly, this plugin allows you to use custom scripts. These allow you to extend the functionality considerably. For example, it could kill a stream if a user is outside of their local network, or automatically add a tag to recently added library items.

2. Web tools

Web Tools is perhaps the most widely used Plex plugin.

It includes the popular unsupported Appstore (which includes a lot of unofficial Plex channels and user-generated content), as well as logging tools, a subtitle management module, a playlist management module, and a tool that you can search for missing or mismatched media.

Depending on the operating system you are running, installing the plugin can be a bit tricky. Fortunately, we have explained how to unblock Plex channels How to Unblock More Channels on Plex with App Store Not Supported How to Unblock More Channels on Plex with App Store Not Supported There are hundreds of Plex channels available through the App Store not supported. Here is how to install it and unlock the bonus content. Read more elsewhere on the site.

3. Subzero

Plex Can Natively Handle Subtitles How To Use Subtitles In Plex:Everything You Need To Know How To Use Subtitles In Plex:Everything You Need To Know Plex supports several subtitle solutions for your media, but they are all disabled "out of the box." ". Here's everything you need to know about using subtitles in Plex Read More .

Sub-Zero offers a more holistic way of managing subtitles.

It will automatically scan eight repositories to find the best subtitles for your video, can scan your media for missing subtitle files, and offers many customization tools such as color, time offset, and HI tag removal for the hearing impaired.

4. Plex2Netflix

Top 10 Plex Plugins for Power Users

Unfortunately, there is no way to watch Netflix from the Plex app. However, Plex2Netflix offers an easy way to see how much of your existing library is available on the popular streaming service.

It is useful if you are running out of space and want to delete some content. It'll also come in handy if you're wondering if you need to spend time downloading a new program.

For each library item, the plugin will tell you what percentage of the program is available. For example, maybe you have five of your favorite sitcom series saved locally, but only the first three series are available on Netflix.

5. Plex Export

Would you like to show other people the content on your Plex server without giving them access to the server? Plex Export is the plugin you need. It allows you to produce an interactive HTML page that anyone can navigate.

Your media is displayed by section, and the HTML page includes live filters so viewers can quickly set what's available. You can filter by most metadata fields, including genre, actor, year, rating, and more.

6. TheatreTrailers

Top 10 Plex Plugins for Power Users

Some people like to try and make their Plex server replicate the experience of going to the movies as closely as possible. A big part of that is watching trailers for previous movies that haven't hit theaters yet.

The TheaterTrailers plugin can pull trailers that are currently playing in theaters and stream them before the video starts. When the movies are finally made available to the public, the app will automatically remove their trailer.

7. Plex Sync

Plex-Sync allows you to automatically sync monitored status between multiple Plex servers. This is useful if you have separate servers running in different locations, for example at home and at the office.

The tool can also sync between different users. If you and your partner watch some episodes of a show together, but others when you're apart, it'll make sure you're both on the same page when you sign back in.

You can sync your content via HTTPS and ports.

8. Transfigure

Top 10 Plex Plugins for Power Users

Transmogrify is a browser extension. Si accede a Plex a través de un navegador web en lugar de a través del cliente de escritorio, la herramienta presentará varias características nuevas útiles.

Las características adicionales incluyen una página de estadísticas del servidor, una forma de ver las temporadas o episodios faltantes en programas de televisión, perfiles de actores y un aleatorizador para películas y series de televisión..

La extensión también agregará varios enlaces nuevos a la interfaz Plex. Los ejemplos incluyen un “ver trailer” botón, un enlace a la página de IMDb de una película y un enlace de Rotten Tomatoes.


Muchas cadenas de televisión de todo el mundo emiten sus programas a través de IPTV. Usando el canal de IPTV, puede acceder a esas fuentes (asumiendo que no están encriptadas o bloqueadas geográficamente).

Para agregar contenido a la aplicación, deberás tener en tus manos una URL de transmisión o una lista de reproducción M3U. Una rápida búsqueda en Google revelará cientos de listas de reproducción que puedes elegir.

La aplicación admite guías de programas en pantalla, categorías de canales y logotipos de canales personalizados. Si nunca ha usado IPTV antes, asegúrese de revisar el wiki del complemento. Tiene toda la información que necesitas para empezar..

10. Trakt Scrobbler

Top 10 Plex Plugins for Power Users

Para aquellos que no lo saben, Trakt es como el del mundo del video. Registra automáticamente todo lo que has estado viendo en tu perfil en línea..

Kodi tiene un complemento Trakt, por lo que si divide su tiempo entre las dos aplicaciones populares, esta es una herramienta esencial para mantenerse al tanto de lo que ha estado viendo. Sincronizará el historial de tu reloj entre las dos aplicaciones para que no te confundas..

Al igual que, Trakt también hará recomendaciones basadas en tus hábitos de visualización. Incluso puede decirle qué servicios y aplicaciones ofrecen el programa o la película que desea ver. Otras características incluyen un calendario de TV y listas de seguimiento personalizables.

Ayudándole a convertirse en un usuario de Plex Power

Por supuesto, la instalación de estos complementos no te convertirá repentinamente en un usuario avanzado de Plex. Si desea sacar el máximo provecho de Plex, se beneficiará de la lectura de algunos de los otros artículos que hemos publicado anteriormente en MakeUseOf.

Comience aprendiendo algunos consejos y trucos esenciales de Plex, luego decida si necesita o no un pase de Plex 5 razones por las que no necesita un pase de Plex 5 razones por las que no necesita un pase de Plex Si tiene muchas medios guardados localmente en su computadora, Plex es un software imprescindible. But do you really need to pay for a Plex Pass? Averigüemos ... Leer más. Finalmente, debe averiguar cómo ver a Plex utilizando la realidad virtual. Ahora puede ver a Plex en la realidad virtual. Ahora puede ver a Plex en la realidad virtual. Plex ha lanzado una nueva aplicación llamada Plex VR. Esto significa que puedes ver a Plex en un apartamento virtual o en un drive-in, e incluso invitar a tus amigos reales a compartir tus palomitas de maíz virtuales. Read more.