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Top 8 Websites to See New Music Releases First

With the proliferation of apps like YouTube 5 Video Sites That Are Alternatives To YouTube 5 Video Sites That Are Alternatives To YouTube Believe it or not there was a time when YouTube wasn't the father of all online video sites. Instead, it was simply one of the numbers that offered ordinary people the chance to... Read More

But the wide range of services can also be problematic. How do you stay on top of releases that interest you when they could be appearing in so many different places? 20 years ago, all you had to do was subscribe to a weekly music magazine and listen to online radio How to Find the Best Internet Radio Stations How to Find the Best Internet Radio Stations In this article, we explain why it's you may want to start (or go back to) listening to internet radio, as well as showing you how to find the best internet radio stations for you. Read More

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to keep up with your favorite artists. Here are eight websites to check out new music releases as they happen.

1. ninja music

The Music Ninja isn't worried about Justin Bieber's latest release or Miley Cyrus' latest album. Instead, it focuses on new content from lesser-known and up-and-coming artists.

Top 8 Websites to See New Music Releases First

Most of the site's recommendations revolve around four main genres:electronic, indie, hip-hop, and folk. Spotify Offers More Obscure Genres 20 Obscure Music Genres You Should Listen To On Spotify 20 Obscure Music Genres You Should Listen To On Spotify Join us as we explore some of Spotify's weirdest and most wonderful music genres. There is a chance that you have not heard of any of them before. Read more . The Music Ninja puts out regular playlists and often features new songs, all with the goal of introducing you to bands you probably haven't heard of. Every track in a playlist comes with at least a couple of sentences describing the artist and song.

You can download most of the featured tracks for free. Any that don't offer a free download can be purchased directly from the site.

2. Pitchfork Best New Music

Pitchfork is a wide-ranging music website that covers everything from interviews to exclusive video content. If you want to find new music, head over to the “Best New Music” section.

It has the motto, “Highlighting the best music of the current moment,” and it certainly delivers. There are three sections- “Best New Album,” “Best New Track,” and “Best Reissue.” Each section has an overall winner, but dig a little deeper and you can find shortlists with hundreds of entries. You can play many of the tracks directly from the website through the SoundCloud links.

Top 8 Websites to See New Music Releases First

Pitchfork updates the shortlisted content continuously, but they only update the overall winners every few weeks.

3. billboard

If you prefer mainstream music, head over to the official Billboard website. The company was founded in 1894, and has since grown to become the definitive voice in record sales in the United States.

Top 8 Websites to See New Music Releases First

If you want to see what's popular or trending right now, you need look no further. The website lists the Billboard 100 (singles) and the Billboard 200 (albums). You can play song snippets through the site, or click the Spotify link to listen to the full track.

You'll also find some new graphics, including songs from MLB hitters and themed content for Christmas 13. Legal Online Sources to Download Free Christmas Music 13 Legal Online Sources to Download Free Christmas Music Looking to download free Christmas music? Here are the best websites to download Christmas music for free. Read more, Halloween themed content Spooky Halloween Music to download for free Spooky Halloween Music to download for free Have you already created a soundtrack for Halloween? If not, then your search is over as we have found some horrible music that is sure to scare you this Halloween... Read More

4. Beathound

If searching endless charts just to find a new release you love seems like too much work, you should check out Beathound.

The site grew out of the embers of the now-defunct, but it's much more powerful than its predecessor ever was. In a nutshell, it lets you upload your iTunes XML file, and then emails you a list of all the new releases it thinks you'll be interested in.

Top 8 Websites to See New Music Releases First

Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, the site only supports iTunes. If you use an alternative app iTunes Alternatives:5 Best Free Music Players for Mac OS X iTunes Alternatives:5 Best Free Music Players for Mac OS X Unless you're chained to the iTunes ecosystem and have no choice but to use it, it's you may want to consider switching to one of these alternatives. Read More

5. New album releases

As you might expect, New Albums posts launch, um, new album posts.

There are categories for Rap, Rock, Metal, Pop, Electronic, Folk, Indie, Jazz and Blues. Clicking on a genre will give you a list of the newest albums within it. The site updates the lists every day.

Top 8 Websites to See New Music Releases First

Clicking on an individual album will show you the track list and provide you with download links. It's unclear how legal the downloads are, though the site does have a DMCA policy.

6. Spotify New Music

Despite using the Spotify name, Spotify New Music is not affiliated with the streaming service.

However, it is a fantastic resource. Tell the site what country you live in and it will display a list of all recently released songs or albums that are also available on Spotify in your area.

Top 8 Websites to See New Music Releases First

Amazingly, it scours 21 websites to find the new releases first. They are:The 405, All Music, AV Club, Beardfood, Clash Music, Consequence of Sound, Drowned in Sound, The Guardian, OMH Music, NME, No Ripcord, Paste, Pitchfork, Pop Matters, Resident Advisor, Slant, The Line From Best Fit, The Music Fix, The Skinny, Tiny Mix Tapes and Under The Radar.

7. AllMusic

Like some of the other sites on this list, AllMusic offers a lot more than just listing new releases. However, the new music section is in a class of its own.

Top 8 Websites to See New Music Releases First

La sección se divide en tres áreas distintas:“Nuevos lanzamientos destacados,” “Todos los nuevos lanzamientos,” y “Selección del editor.” Puede filtrar cada sección por fecha de lanzamiento, género y etiqueta de registro. La sección destacada incluye una revisión escrita, una calificación de AllMusic y una calificación de usuario.

Cada registro tiene un enlace a una lista de Amazon, pero no hay una forma nativa de previsualizar el contenido.

8. YouTube:lista de reproducción de videos musicales recién lanzados

La lista de reproducción de videos musicales recién lanzados está curada por YouTube. Presenta nuevo contenido de los artistas más grandes del mundo, no es un lugar para encontrar artistas especializados o poco conocidos..

YouTube actualiza la lista todos los días. Al momento de escribir, hay más de 1,600 videos en la lista de reproducción y los usuarios lo han visto casi 60 millones de veces.

Top 8 Websites to See New Music Releases First

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¿Dónde encuentras nuevos lanzamientos??

Te he mostrado ocho sitios que te ayudarán a mantenerte al tanto de los nuevos lanzamientos en el mundo de la música, pero hay cientos de otros por ahí..

Si ya sabe qué bandas / artistas le gustan, a menudo la forma más eficaz de conocer nuevos contenidos es seguirlos en las redes sociales y leer sitios dedicados a los fanáticos. Y, por supuesto, Spotify ahora ofrece una nueva “Radar de lanzamiento” lo que te da una lista semanal de nuevos lanzamientos que cree que te gustarán.

¿Qué sitios utilizas para estar al tanto del nuevo contenido? Por favor, deje sus sugerencias y opiniones en los comentarios a continuación.!

Escrito originalmente por Steve Campbell el 11 de febrero de 2011.