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These YouTubers are making millions, what's their secret?

Over 400 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute 21 Incredibly Interesting YouTube Facts 21 Incredibly Interesting YouTube Facts YouTube is big. Really big. You just won't believe how immensely big it is. I mean, you may think Facebook Video is big, but that's just peanuts for YouTube. Read More achievement.

And that kind of success has its perks:the privilege of bringing in millions of dollars a year in ad share revenue. Here are the most popular channels on YouTube and how they got to where they are now.

Note:All earnings figures only represent money made directly from YouTube before YouTube went offline. Without a doubt, these people also have other sources of income, such as endorsements, sponsorships, etc.

1. PewDiePie

Channel Summary: PewDiePie rose to fame as a gaming channel dedicated to Let's Plays and video commentary. In fact, it became the most subscribed channel in 2013 and has sat on the throne ever since. PewDiePie has twice as many subscribers as the second most subscribed channel.

More recently, the channel has moved away from gaming and is now a variety show focusing on PewDiePie as a YouTube personality. It still produces game-related content, but its scope has expanded quite a bit.

Revenue in 2015: $12 million with 41 million subscribers.

Reason for popularity: His general demeanor appeals to a large part of YouTube's demographic, which consists primarily of teenage boys. So when he's playing through a scary video game while screaming and laughing, we saw Scare PewDiePie from Scare, so you don't have to. We watch PewDiePie from Scare, so you don't have to watch them. We saw the first batch so, well, you don't have to. Here's what we think... Read More

But PewDiePie's rise in popularity is mostly attributed to the way he interacts with his fans, calling out individuals. “bros”, calling their collective fan base their “Bro Army”, and using the “brofista” gesture to build a bond with their audience.

2. smosh

Channel Summary: Smosh has a long history, beginning in 2003 as a creator of flash animations, and eventually switching to YouTube in 2005. To be clear, Smosh is actually a two-person team that produces comedy web videos but also dabbles in other types. of content from time to time.

Smosh was the top subscribed channel on YouTube until it was overtaken by PewDiePie in 2013. These days, the Smosh brand is actually split between 10 different YouTube channels, each focused on a different type of content, with the main channel dedicated to parodies.

Revenue in 2015: $8.5 million with 21 million subscribers.

Reason for popularity: Smosh's popularity is quite simple:they make fun content and put out videos on a regular schedule. Funny is subjective, obviously, but the importance of sticking to a schedule Want more YouTube views? 5 key tips to follow Want more YouTube views? 5 Key Tips to Follow Here's the situation:You've been posting YouTube videos for a while and you're not sure why your viewership hasn't skyrocketed. It's not uncommon, and people asking how to increase video viewing across the... Read More

That said, the channel has also come under fire for some of its previous click-provoking videos with sexually provocative thumbnails. Sort your video file by “Most Popular” and you will immediately understand. Misleading and false, some might say...

3. Well brothers

Channel Summary: The Fine Brothers are two real-life brothers, Benny and Rafi, who have made millions with their React video series The general idea of ​​these videos? Movie people, especially children, while watching other videos to capture their reactions to said videos. Simple but entertaining..

They have also produced other types of content, such as their Spoilers series (where they spoil all kinds of narrative means) and their most recent My music series (a mockumentary comedy about a music production company).

Revenue in 2015: $8.5 million with 14 million subscribers.

Reason for popularity: Although the Fino Brothers didn't invent "reaction video," they capitalized on the trend before anyone else could. Viewers sometimes found the series amusing and even enlightening, which explains how the channel was so successful with the concept How To Make A Reaction Video YouTube Will Love How To Make A Reaction Video YouTube Will Love Many different types of Videos are a hit on YouTube, but one of the most popular types of video is the "reaction" video. Here's how to make your own. Read more.

But we'd be remiss if we didn't mention the channel's recent controversy:the brothers tried to license and trademark the term “React,” leading to a widespread internet outcry, the loss of several hundred thousand subscribers, and the clouding of your reputation and credibility.

4. Lindsey Stirling

Channel Summary: Lindsey Stirling is a violinist who incorporates elements of dance and performance into her act, but instead of specializing in classical music, as most violinists tend to do, she produces music with twists to pop, rock, and electronic dance. /P>

She has collaborated with various artists throughout her career, including Lzzy Hale, Tyler Ward, Pentatonix and even Taylor Swift..

Revenue in 2015: $6 million with 7 million subscribers.

Reason for popularity: Stirling's first real break came after her fourth-place finish on America's Got Talent , introducing him to millions of viewers across the country. She then started putting music videos on YouTube, which went viral and exploded in popularity..

Some critics have shamed her for corrupting the sanctity of the violin, but her willingness to make hers her own kind of music, coupled with her energy and optimism on her screen, is probably the which is why so many people love her. Not only is her music unique and instantly recognizable, but she's also quite personable..

5. Rhett &Link

Channel Summary: Rhett and Link are two ex-engineer friends who have teamed up and formed an online entertainment duo known for their videos that combine comedic songs with live action sketches. In light of this, they call themselves “Internet Seekers” (“Internet” + “entertainers”).

Revenue in 2015: $4.5 million with 4 million subscribers.

Reason for popularity: Perhaps the most charming thing about this duo is their combination of charisma and screen presence. Whether or not you really like his style of humor, it's hard not to keep watching once you've started. That alone could explain how they have so many fans.

They also have a separate series called Mythic Good Morning , which is a morning talk show that provides them with a platform to share their opinions on everything from “The Worst Inventions of All Time” to “The Science of Selfies“.

6. KSI

Channel Summary: KSI, which is a shortened version of his YouTube username (“KSIOlajideBT”), primarily produces game commentary for FIFA but she also dabbles in rapping and acting from time to time. Her channel has been open and ongoing since 2009..

Note:His videos often contain mature content and/or language.

Revenue in 2015: $4.5 million with 11 million subscribers.

Reason for popularity: KSI's main appeal is its attitude and personality, which is an engaging mix of cutting edge and energy. He screams, stomps on his opponents, jumps into attacks, and sometimes even gets injured in the process.

7. Michelle Phan

Resumen del canal: Siempre que haya algún tipo de discusión sobre maquilladores o videos instructivos de maquillaje, puede apostar a que se mencionará a Michelle Phan. Su nombre es altamente reconocible, incluso por personas que nunca se han preocupado por el maquillaje o cualquier otra cosa relacionada con los cosméticos..

Ingresos en 2015: $ 3 millones con 8 millones de suscriptores.

Motivo de la popularidad: En una entrevista, ella dijo una vez que modelaba su enfoque de producción después de Bob Ross. La alegría de pintar - Y al parecer funcionó. Uno de sus videos se volvió viral cuando se presentó en BuzzFeed en 2009, y así comenzó su ascenso a la fama..

Fue una de las primeras en ofrecer videos de belleza de gran calidad y fáciles de seguir en YouTube, pero fue su compromiso de publicar regularmente y comprometerse con sus admiradores lo que realmente la ayudó a desarrollar un seguimiento tan sólido y duradero..

8. Lilly Singh

Resumen del canal: Lilly Singh, a quien quizás reconozca como Superwoman, es una comediante y oradora motivadora que tiene un objetivo principal para su canal:todos los que visitan uno de sus videos deben irse más felices de lo que eran cuando llegaron..

Ingresos en 2015: $ 2.5 millones con 7 millones de suscriptores.

Motivo de la popularidad: Gran parte de su personalidad gira en torno al concepto de “Isla unicornio”, que es como la llama ella “lugar feliz”, y ella llama a sus fans “Unicornios” en referencia a esto. Puedes aprender más sobre esto en su documental de YouTube Red., Un viaje a la isla del unicornio .

Es este vínculo que tiene con sus admiradores lo que la convierte en una figura tan querida, especialmente entre las chicas demográficas de preadolescentes y adolescentes..

9. Roman Atwood

Resumen del canal: Roman Atwood tomó la idea detrás Solo para risas y corrió con él, produciendo un “broma oculta” Video cada mes o dos y acumulando millones de visitas cada uno. Tenga en cuenta que, si bien la mayoría son inofensivos, algunos se muestran groseros, estúpidos o simplemente ofensivos..

Ingresos en 2015: $ 2.5 millones con 8 millones de suscriptores.

Motivo de la popularidad: La gente ama las bromas. Espectáculos como Cámara indiscreta Han existido durante mucho tiempo, pero incluso antes de que se inventara la televisión, los chistes prácticos han sido una de las piedras angulares del humor, por lo que no es de extrañar que el canal centrado en las bromas de Roman Atwood haya despegado.

10. Rosanna Pansino

Resumen del canal: Rosanna Pansino es una panadera que se ha forjado un nicho para sí misma al centrarse en creaciones con temática nerd, incluidas Pájaro enojado pastelitos, Capitan America Tortas, y galletas de emoji. Sus videos son fáciles de seguir y agradables de ver:perfectos para aprender a hornear.

Ingresos en 2015: $ 2.5 millones con 5 millones de suscriptores.

Motivo de la popularidad: A la gente le encanta la comida pornográfica, y esa es la esencia del canal de Rosanna Pansino. No solo la comida se ve deliciosa, sino que es única y tiene personalidad. Ella hace comida que no podrás encontrar. en cualquier sitio otra cosa, y es por eso que a los espectadores les encanta mirarla.

YouTube:más serio de lo que piensas

De todos los datos y estadísticas interesantes de las redes sociales 12 Datos y estadísticas de las redes sociales que deberías saber en 2016 12 Datos y estadísticas de las redes sociales que deberías saber en 2016 Aquí hay algunos datos y estadísticas interesantes sobre el panorama de las redes sociales que muestran dónde estamos hoy y donde podríamos terminar en 2016. Lea más, aquí hay uno sobre YouTube que le sorprenderá:Entre los 18-49 datos demográficos, YouTube en realidad tiene más alcance que cualquier red de televisión por cable.. Mastica eso por un momento y piensa en las implicaciones.

De hecho, parece que las estrellas de YouTube son más populares que las celebridades comunes entre los adolescentes en los EE. UU. La verdad en todo esto es que no se debe subestimar a YouTube como una “grave” forma de entretenimiento. Cualquier editor de medios que lo ignore lo lamentará en unos pocos años..

Ya hemos explorado cómo YouTube está produciendo contenido original a través de YouTube. ¿Vale la pena pagar el premio de YouTube Premium? 7 things to consider Is YouTube Premium worth the money? 7 things to watch out for YouTube Premium is making headlines and buzz, but is the paid subscription service really worth it? We look at the facts to help you decide. Leer más, y eso todavía está en su infancia. Es posible que YouTube Red se convierta en el Netflix de los adolescentes, y eso es un masivo Comunidad con un gran potencial sin explotar..

¿Sigues alguna de estas celebridades de YouTube? ¿Quién más crees que merece estar en el Top 10? ¿Cuál es tu canal favorito de YouTube? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!