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What is the best way to read books in 2016?

Good news, people! The publishing industry is not doomed after all! All those filthy millennials These Kanye fans don't know who Paul McCartney is, and that's okay These Kanye fans don't know who Paul McCartney is, and that's okay Kanye West and Sir Paul McCartney collaborated on a new track. You will totally believe what happened next. Read More on them while reading The Complete Works of Shakespeare I haven't managed to kill him yet. Rumors of his death were greatly exaggerated. In fact, things are looking up..

According to the Pew Research Center, things are pretty good in the world of books. The total number of Americans who have read a book in the past year has dropped from 74 percent in 2012 to... 73% in 2016. Not bad.

But even with that little bit of a drop in total readership, everything else is looking pretty good. Last year, bookstores posted a 2.5 percent increase in sales, the first since 2007.

More surprisingly, the humble book is going strong. 65 percent of Americans reported reading an actual, physical book, printed in words on sheets of paper, in both 2012 and 2016. Despite their best efforts (and my best wishes, Books Suck:Why I Love My Kindle More Than Dead Trees Books Suck:Why I Love My Kindle More Than Dead Trees Modern e-readers hold thousands of novels, weigh almost nothing, have built-in lights, and don't give you a concussion when they touch your nose. Read More) Kindle and other e-readers have failed to pay for the printed word. The proportion of readers who have read an e-book has only increased slightly from 23% to 28%.

The biggest winners, however, have been phones and tablets. Pew states that the “the percentage of eBook readers on tablets has more than tripled since 2011 and the number of readers on phones has more than doubled during that time.”

Clearly, reading is still a pretty popular hobby (even with all the binge-watching shows Finished Stranger Things? 8 TV Shows To Watch On Netflix Finished Stranger Things? 8 TV Shows To Watch Next On Netflix What's a Stranger Things fan to do when you've seen all the episodes and another season isn't out anytime soon? Below are the 8 must-watch TV shows next on Netflix. More information available on Netflix and other streaming services. Netflix Streaming vs. Hulu vs. Amazon Prime:Which One Should You Choose Netflix vs. Hulu vs. Amazon Prime:Which Should You Choose It's been years since we've compared the big data streaming services, Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime. And with changes to pricing, content, quality, and interface, we thought it was time to get back on topic. Read More). People just do it on a wider range of devices than ever before. So with that in mind, let's look at the best ways to read a book in 2016!

Amazon Kindle

What is the best way to read books in 2016?

I have made no secret of the fact that I am a fan of the Amazon Kindle. It's affordable, it's well made, it has a battery that lasts for days, it's very easy to travel with, and it's an amazing device. Which Kindle Device Should You Buy? A Comparison Guide Which Kindle Device Should You Buy? Comparison Guide There are four different Kindle readers available to purchase for different types of users. But which Kindle device is right for you? Read more . I read too many books and regularly travel to places where it's impossible to buy the physical English versions so I can use anything else. This is just one of many viable reasons to buy a Kindle. Why you should buy a Kindle, even if you love real books. Why you should buy a Kindle, even if you like real books. In just one week I have been convinced that Kindle is the future of reading. The Kindle offers everything you love about books, but with a few extra goodies that are worth all the expense. Read more, even if you gravitate towards real books.

The Kindle's e-ink screen is as good as it gets, but it's still a black-and-white screen with a poor refresh rate, and illustrations and images just don't work.

Kindle Paperwhite E-reader (Previous Generation - 7th) - Black, 6" Hi-Res Display (300 ppi) with built-in light, Wi-Fi - Includes special offers Kindle Paperwhite E-reader (Previous Generation - 7th) - Black, 6" (300 ppi) High Resolution Display with Built-in Light, Wi-Fi - Includes Special Offers Buy Now On Amazon $119.99

The Kindle Store has some problems What's wrong with the Kindle Store? All. What's wrong with the Kindle Store? All. The Kindle Store is the world's largest e-book retailer, with more than 4.6 million titles. Cracks are showing up, though, and it's not clear that Amazon can paper them over. Read More There's a lot of questionable self-published work out there. 5 Reasons Kindle Unlimited Isn't Worth Your Money 5 Reasons Kindle Unlimited Isn't Worth Your Money A Subscription Service for Kindle eBooks? Sounds great! But Amazon's promise of over a million e-books for just $9.99/month is too good to be true. This is why. Read More


  • A stellar reading device..
  • It can hold hundreds of books in a lightweight package.
  • Syncs with Kindle apps on other devices.
  • Amazon has the best ebook ecosystem by far.


  • It's not really a book.
  • It doesn't smell like a book.
  • You are locked into the Amazon ecosystem.
  • Only gray and slightly less gray colors can be displayed.

Real books

What is the best way to read books in 2016?

As I mentioned at the top of this article, physical books are the number one way people read even today. They're basically the Windows XP of reading devices:deeply rooted, backward compatible, and destined to stick around for decades after they've become obsolete.

While I'm personally not a huge fan, I can understand why some people prefer them. Reading a real book is a tactile experience that an e-reader simply can't replicate. Bookstores are basically what happens when everything that's good in the world is squeezed into one dusty little shop. I may read one or two physical books a year, but I can't even walk past a bookstore without being drawn in just to browse.

Besides the smell, the best thing about books (apparently) is that they are yours. End of ownership:Netflix, Spotify and The Streaming Generation. End of ownership:Netflix, Spotify and The Streaming Generation. Streaming media is convenient, but you're giving up something important:digital media ownership. Read more . If you want to lend it to a friend, you are not also lending your entire library. You can even buy and sell them second hand.


  • It's actually a book.
  • Smells like a book.
  • Universally available.
  • Easy to sell and share.


  • Not remotely waterproof.
  • Not portable in large numbers..
  • People can see you're reading 50 Shades of Gray on the train.
  • Not a Kindle.

Other e-readers

What is the best way to read books in 2016?

Amazon's Kindle isn't the only e-reader out there. Barnes and Noble has the Nook, and Kobo makes some decent models Kobo Aura HD eReader Review and Giveaway Kobo Aura HD eReader Review and Giveaway Despite Amazon's dominance of the eReader market, some competitors manage to keep their heads above water, and one of these fighters is kobo. With an impressive lineup of five different eReaders, his own bookstore, and... Read More However, neither has enjoyed the same market success.

However, there are a few reasons to consider purchasing an e-reader other than a Kindle. You can get features like waterproofing that Amazon doesn't offer, or buy something even cheaper. It's not locked to the Kindle Store, and with many of them, you can upload EPUB books you buy from anywhere.


  • It's an e-reader.
  • Lots of options available to meet different needs.
  • Most of the benefits of Kindles..
  • Not locked into the Amazon ecosystem.


  • Not a Kindle or a book.
  • Generally failing in the market, so there is no guarantee that the ecosystem will always be present..
  • Most problems with Kindles..
  • There is no access to the Amazon ecosystem.

A tablet

What is the best way to read books in 2016?

The tablets fall into a foreign medium. For reading text, their LCD screens aren't compatible with an e-reader, but for any content that contains color, they remove them. With all the different apps available, they can use any eBook store, including the Kindle Store. For things like comics, technical documents, and PDFs, they're by far the best device out there.

While you can read whatever you want on a tablet, unless it's filled with colorful diagrams, you won't have the best experience. The bright screen will strain your eyes, wake up your partner, and drain your device's battery in a matter of hours. Most tablets are also much heavier and more difficult to hold than an e-reader.


  • You can do much more than read books..
  • Awesome for anything with pictures, diagrams, or colors other than gray.
  • You have access to many different e-book stores.
  • You may already have one unused..


  • Glossy screens suck for reading text.
  • Battery life is not measured in days.
  • Very expensive as a reading device..
  • Not a Kindle or a book.

A smartphone

What is the best way to read books in 2016?

Smartphones, like tablets, are weird. In theory, they should be horrible. They have almost all the problems of tablets with the added fun of a small screen and even smaller battery.

However, they have a great advantage:your phone is always available. Whether you're sitting at the dentist looking for a distraction or on the train home from work, your phone is with you. The reading experience can be horrible, but the convenience of being able to read anywhere, anytime means it can't be canceled. Personally, I prefer to stay in my Instapaper queue, but I can see why some people use them to read books.


  • Your phone is always there. Like literally always there.
  • Can handle colors other than dark gray and light gray.
  • You have access to many different e-book stores.
  • You don't need to buy a new device.


  • Attempts to read a book when Candy Crush is just a click away.
  • Even big phones have a relatively small screen.
  • Battery life measured in minutes (fine, hours).
  • Not a Kindle or a book yet.

I just read

There have never been more options available for people who like to read. Physical books aren't going anywhere fast, e-readers have never been better, and even tablets and phones make competent reading devices. Sure, reading a book or e-book will be more enjoyable than squinting at your phone, but as I said in my love letter to e-readers:it's not about how You read, it's all about the book itself. In other words, content is king.

So let it be takeout. There are many ways to read a book. I have analyzed the pros and cons of the most popular ones today, so just read on. Ya sea que tome un libro del estante, descargue uno en su Kindle o incluso encuentre uno en línea en su iPhone, simplemente lea. Lea un poco más. Y nunca dejes de leer.

¿Cómo te gusta leer libros? ¿Encuentras un método más agradable que otros? ¿Es usted un fanático de los libros de bolsillo o un Kindle convertido? Háganos saber sus pensamientos en los comentarios a continuación.!