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Who's Online Best Doctor Who Episodes Ever

“All time and space; everywhere and anywhere; every star that ever was. Where do you want to start?”

This year, Doctor Who celebrates its 52nd North Dakota anniversary, originally aired Nov 23 rd 1963 (and repeated the following week just in case people were more interested in the Kennedy assassination, news of which broke in the UK as the show was leaving.

Throughout those 52 years, to date., Doctor who it has had 252 televised stories, two Dalek-centric film spinoffs in the 1960s, two charity skits, and a deluge of print material (novels and comics) and audio spinoffs. And we haven't even played in independent, fan-produced media!

Let's see those 252 stories. If you are interested in getting into Doctor who and want to get a taste of the show's long history without spending money (or more), where on Earth should you start?

Well, online is the best place. Many Doctor who Episodes can be found free to watch, as well as on subscription services like Netflix and Hulu. If you want to get into the show fast and enjoy the most important episodes of Doctor Who All televised history begins with this list..

The modern era, 2005-2015

If you want to watch an episode of Doctor Who since 2005, you'll find it on Netflix The Ultimate Netflix Guide:Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Netflix The Ultimate Netflix Guide:Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Netflix This guide provides everything you need to know about using Netflix. Whether you're a new subscriber or an established fan of the best streaming service on the market. Read more . This covers all four modern doctors, Christopher Eccleston (2005), David Tennant (2005-2010), Matt Smith (2010-2013), and Peter Capaldi (2013-). It also covers an extremely strong collection of stories.

Doctor who Series 1

Pink: The first episode of the revived series successfully reintroduces the Doctor (Christopher Eccleston), the TARDIS, time travel, alien invasions (the Autons again), and puts fans at ease.

Dalek: Rose (Billie Piper) befriends the last Dalek in an episode that adds considerable story to the Time War arc.

The empty child / The doctor dances :In World War II London, the Doctor and Rose find a community terrorized by a small boy wearing a gas mask. They also meet Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman, Torchwood and The arrow ), a time-traveling con artist.

Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways :The Doctor, Rose and Jack are stuck in futuristic game shows like Big Brother and The weakest link , where removal means just that. But something else is going on, a larger plan of conquest that they must discover and stop before it's too late.

Doctor who Series 2

School meeting :In a game of tears for fans of the classic series, the new Doctor (David Tennant) meets his old companion, Sarah Jane Smith ..

The girl in the fireplace :To prevent the Doctor's meetings with three future companions, the TARDIS travelers land on an abandoned spaceship with entrances to pre-revolution France, specifically in the timeline of Madame de Pompadour, with whom the Doctor quickly falls in love. ..

Army of Ghosts / Doomsday :This season's revived villains, the Cybermen, invade through Torchwood's investigation into the origins of a mysterious sphere, with dire consequences for the Doctor and Rose.

Doctor who Series 3

Blink: The Doctor and his new partner Martha (Freema Agyeman) are stuck in the 1960s after the TARDIS is captured by the Weeping Angels, so the Time Lord uses a series of bonus DVDs to speak with Sally Sparrow (Carey Mulligan). nowadays. to help free them.

Human Nature / Blood Family :Going into hiding in 1912 to evade the Blood Family, the Doctor rewrites his biology to become human, saving his essence in a fob watch, while Martha poses as a servant. But Dr. John Smith has fallen in love...

utopia :On the last planet in existence before the death of the universe, the Doctor, Martha and Jack meet Professor Yana (Sir Derek Jacobi), a kind-hearted scientist who helps the last humans escape in their rocket to the fabled Utopia. . But Martha discovers that the professor has a surveillance fob, which suggests that the Doctor is not the last Time Lord...

Doctor who Series 4

Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead. :The doctor and Donna (Catherine Tate) visit the largest library in the universe to find it apparently abandoned. Until the river song (Alex Kingston, ER ) arrives.

Midnight :The Doctor embarks on a solo journey around a waterfall made of sapphires on the planet Midnight, while Donna relaxes in a spa. A mysterious and powerful alien somehow gets on board, creating a claustrophobic thriller.

The Stolen Land / Journey's End :The Daleks are back, with a plan to detonate a reality bomb and destroy all life in creation so that only they remain...

Doctor who Specials:

The waters of Mars :Landing on the Red Planet, the Doctor discovers that he is caught up in the catastrophic events of Bowie Base One, a mission to Mars that he says is doomed. Can he stop it?

The end of time: The Master (John Simm) is not dead. He haunts the nightmares of every human on earth. Only the doctor can stop him, even if it costs him his life ...

Doctor who Series 5

The time of angels / flesh and stone :The Doctor (Matt Smith) meets The Weeping Angels and River Song once again, only to discover a gaping rift in the fabric of the universe.

Vincent and the doctor :Upon discovering a monster in a Van Gogh painting, the Doctor and Amy (Karen Gillan) find a tortured soul who is able to hear color. This episode was written by Richard Curtis (Four Weddings and a Funeral , Notting Hill , and Love Actually ).

Doctor who Series 6

The doctor's wife :The doctor, Amy and Rory (Arthur Darvill) meet House (Michael Sheen) who transfers the essence of the TARDIS to a woman, Idris, so that she can begin ingesting the time machine. Written by Neil Gaiman.

The girl who waited :Amy is lost in time, and when the doctor and Rory find her again, she has aged. Will Rory stay with her old wife or will he abandon her to try and find the younger version?

Doctor who Series 7

Angels take Manhattan :The Weeping Angels have congregated in Manhattan, their power has even brought the Statue of Liberty to life. Can the doctor stop them? And if so, at what cost to the friends of him ??

The Snowmen :Saddened by the departure of Amy and Rory, the Doctor seeks a quiet life in Victorian London, where he meets Clara (Jenna Coleman) and discovers his old enemy, The Great Intelligence, who meets the Doctor for the first time. .

Hide :The Doctor and Clara visit a 1970s mansion and encounter Professor Alec Palmer (Dougray Scott), who is trying to communicate with the well-documented ghost that haunts the property.

Doctor's Day: The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors, David Tennant and Matt Smith, meet their "lost" incarnation, played by John Hurt, and save Gallifrey from destruction in the Time War. This is the 50th in the series. th special anniversary.

Doctor who Series 8

This run hasn't been added to Netflix yet, but when it is, look for Deep Breath and Flat line . These episodes, like the rest of the 2005-2014 season, can be found on iTunes.

Deep breath :The Doctor has regenerated, and Clara is in mourning for her friend. Meanwhile, the mechanical androids of the future are cannibalizing people for spare parts. Can the Lord of Time (Peter Capaldi) recover in time to stop them?

Flat line :A two-dimensional invasion of Earth traps the Doctor in the TARDIS, leaving Clara to face the attack on her own.

With so many modern Doctor who Episodes to watch, these are the ones you should consider unmissable. But don't miss the others, if you can help it!

If paying for an individual episode on iTunes and/or subscribing with Netflix isn't for you, don't miss out on the Doctor Who BitTorrent Bundle. Episodes released to celebrate 10 years since his return to television. For just $12 you get episodes with all the modern incarnations.

Bonus:The Eighth Doctor Regenerates

In 2013, as part of the run-up to the show's 50th anniversary and the addition of a new incarnation of the Doctor (John Hurt) sandwiched between what fans had hitherto known as the Eighth and Ninth Doctors (Paul McGann and Christopher Eccleston) , The night of the doctor It was produced and uploaded to YouTube and official for the BBC. Doctor who website as a prelude to Doctor's Day .

Classic Doctor Who Update, 1963-1996

During the classic era of the show, before Doctor Who was put on ice for 16 years (except for a one-off BBC/Fox/Universal co-production starring Paul McGann), the stories were serialized for several weeks. Some were as short as two episodes (despite occasional specials and fillers) while others ran as long as 12 episodes.

The classic Doctor Who Adventures are as much reflected in the television production standards of the day as they are in the work of directing a television show.

Since 2005, Doctor Who has had only two executive producers in the "show-runner" role. In the original run, the comparable role is filled by two positions, the producer and the script editor. Until 1980, the show had eight producers and 12 script editors in just 17 years (and one producer and three script editors in the last nine years of its original run).

This resulted in an interesting mix of story types, tones and eras, which primarily affected the tenure of Tom Baker, who not only worked with four different show producers from 1974 to 1981, but also as the creator of The Guide from the galactic hitchhiker , Douglas Adams, as script editor. (Fans of Adams might be interested in a BBC documentary that did predict the rise of must-see Internet documentaries about the birth of computers and on the Internet Must-See Documentaries about the Birth of Computers and The Internet While computers and the Internet have moved into the public consciousness since the late 1990s, their importance was not widely appreciated until recently, but the computer revolution that began in the 1960s was well in its own right. ... Read more.

So where should I start with the classic Doctor Who ? At first, of course...

The first doctor

A supernatural child - The original 1963 episode in which a pair of teachers (Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright, played by William Russell and Jacqueline Hill) investigate a mysterious student (Susan, played by Carole Ann Ford), only to discover that she is the granddaughter of an old stranger, a "Doctor" (William Hartnell) who is actually a time traveler - oh, and he kidnaps them too, to keep his secret.

Many people make the mistake of ignoring the next three episodes, in which the TARDIS travelers help a tribe of cave dwellers discover the secret of fire, but you shouldn't make the same mistake. The interaction between these "primitives" is very well written.

The Daleks :The subsequent series introduces Doctor who The best villains, the space mutant Nazis better known as the Daleks..

Dalek Invasion of Earth :The Daleks invade Earth in the middle of 21 S t Century, and the Doctor and his friends help the surviving humans repel them. Susan, the doctor's granddaughter, stays behind.

The war machines :A malevolent computer in London's Post Office Tower aims to use telephone networks to take control of the world, in a story that is not only 30 years ahead of its time, but also the template for the format of show four years later..

The tenth planet :Cybernized humans from Earth's twin planet, Mondas, attack the Moon, in the first appearance of the Doctor's other deadly enemies, the Cybermen. Here they are at their most baffling, but the real event is the Doctor's death.

The Second Doctor

The power of the Daleks :The new Doctor (Patrick Troughton) comes to terms with "rejuvenating" him, as Ben and Polly look on in bewilderment. But the Doctor's greatest enemies certainly recognize him.

The web of fear :Several episodes of Lost Doctor Who have recently been rediscovered and are now on Apple iTunes Several episodes of Lost Doctor Who are now on Apple iTunes This time the rumors are true. Many of the lost episodes of Dr Who have been found, remastered and are on Apple iTunes right now, ready for you to purchase. Read More The Web of Fear features Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart, who would later become a regular cast member as a promoted brigadier, and the events of this story were recently spun into a new series of original novels from Candy Jar Books.

The war games :Although the Doctor has encountered his own kind in previous episodes, this is the first time we learn that he is a Time Lord, as he calls on his own people to help put an end to the Warchief's horrific plan, namely, forge a galaxy. -conquer the army by pitting the best conflict forces on Earth against each other over time. But the Doctor has been on the run for years, and as punishment for breaking the Time Lords' strict no-intervention policy, he is forced to change his appearance and is banished to Earth.

(Much of the Second Doctor era is missing, thanks to the BBC's unfortunate policy of destroying old video tapes in the 1960s and 1970s.)

The Third Doctor

Space Spearhead :Unable to fly in his TARDIS and slightly amnesiac, the Doctor (Jon Pertwee) allies himself with Lethbridge-Stewart in UNIT, a united force to defend Earth from alien invasions. Just then, the Autons (dangerous plastic mannequins controlled by the Nestene Consciousness) are unleashed.

This story is the only classic series of the era available in HD format, due to being shot entirely on film. The Blu-ray version is available on Amazon..

The evil mind :Throughout this era of the show, the Doctor faces another Time Lord, the evil Master (Roger Delgado), and here he spins his most audacious plan, attempting to plunge civilization into war..

The three doctors :The Time Lords call on all three versions of the Doctor to combat a threat from beyond the universe:an ancient and lost Time Lord known as Omega, who exists purely as antimatter.

The Green Death :An ecological tale of the perils of industrialization and pollution, the series combines mutated worms and insects with an angry (if somewhat laissez-faire) computer, but the Doctor's victory is mute, as his best friend Jo leaves. your side by a human scientist.

The fourth doctor

Ark in space :The newly regenerated Doctor (Tom Baker) lands on a satellite in the far future, where he discovers the remains of humanity in suspended animation and an alien presence hoping to use his bodies as hosts..

Genesis of the Daleks :Brought back in time by the Time Lords, the Doctor, Sarah and Harry (Lis Sladen and Ian Marter) must prevent or delay the development of the Daleks, and meet their creator, Davros. Written by Dalek creator Terry Nation (and MacGyver), this is a seminal story cited by renowned showrunner Russell T Davies as firing the first shot in the Time War.

City of death :Written by Douglas Adams and guest starring Julian Glover (The Empire Strikes Back , Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade , Game of Thrones ) with a cameo appearance by John Cleese (starring in most of the 8 Best Monty Python Sketches, 8 Best Monty Python Flying Circus Sketches [Things To See] 8 Of The Best Monty Python Flying Circus Sketches [Things To See ] Very few comedic companies have broken new ground the way Monty Python did when they first aired on the BBC in 1969. Not only was the humor fresh, well delivered, and very, very... Read More of the most ingenious and intelligent scientists. -fi scripts ever brought to television. It also features David Graham as Professor Kerensky, best known as the voice of Chauffeur Parker in Thunderbirds and The thunderbirds are go! .

Full Circle :Written by 17-year-old fan Andrew Smith, this stunning tale portrays evolution and willful ignorance/manipulation of history as a threat to civilization. The doctor and his partner from Time Lady Romana leave with a stowaway, Adric.

(I discussed Full Circle with Andrew Smith in a little Doctor Who convention in 2013, and you can listen to the conversation online [No longer available].)

Logopolis: The Master has returned and leads the Doctor into a trap that can only have one terrible end:his death..

The Fifth Doctor

Earthshock: The new Doctor (Peter Davison) discovers some androids trying to detonate a bomb to prevent a galactic peace conference on Earth. He soon learns that they are being controlled by his old enemies, the Cybermen, in a plot that results in the death of his partner, Adric...

The Androzani Caves :After his partner Peri is accidentally poisoned, the doctor must try to find an antidote. Unfortunately, this means dealing with megalomaniacal corporate CEOs, arms dealers, an Android construction genius, and military idiots locked in a standoff. Peri is eventually saved, but at the cost of the doctor's own life.

The sixth doctor

Varos revenge :Not long after their regeneration, the Doctor (Colin Baker) and Peri find themselves in Varos, in a strangely prescient drama about the future of television, which predicts reality TV and voting, as well as manipulation by directors. .

(Colin Baker's time in Doctor Who was interrupted by an edict from BBC management which resulted in the show being postponed for a year and the actor being replaced.)

The seventh doctor

Remembrance of the Daleks :A story celebrating 30 years of the show, two opposing factions of Daleks attacked London in 1963, determined to get their hands on some Time Lord technology that the Doctor hid there on his first visit.

The Curse of Fenric :The Doctor (Sylvester McCoy, now better known as Radagast in The Hobbit film series) and Ace find themselves in Northumberland during World War II, where an ancient Norse god awakens to play the end game with his enemy Time Lord.

Survival: The TARDIS returns Ace to Perivale in London, where he finds that things have changed since his departure. The series finale of the show's original run also marks the return of the Master, who, remarkably, is even more insane than the last time he appeared.

Cousin:Doctor who on the radio

As if all that weren't enough, you can also enjoy Doctor Who in audio form, for free, if you have access to BBC iPlayer (if you're not in the UK, a VPN can be useful here. DNS is just a proxy - use a VPN to access the region Blocked Video DNS is just a proxy - Use a VPN to access region-locked video For copyright reasons, certain media companies only allow their content to be viewed in certain geographic areas.In plain language, what this means is that they are evil those who stink. What does the Internet ... Read More ).

BBC Radio 4 Extra is the place for audio drama and comedy, and the network regularly airs stories produced by Big Finish, which owns the audio rights to the originals. Doctor who drama with Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann starring, along with many original and new sidekicks and villains.

Better yet, in their sheer love of show business, Big Finish has made some of these stories available internationally... absolutely free! Visit their Soundcloud page, where you'll find trailers and full episodes alike.

So where to start?

You've probably noticed that even though I leak most of the 252 stories on the show, this is still a long list. My recommendation, as a fan of 37 years and counting, is to start with the 2005 and 2006 series episodes, and then decide from there whether to continue to 2014 or start watching the classic era.

If you've considered binge-watching A Brief Guide to Binge-Watching [Weird &Wonderful Web] A Brief Guide to Binge-Watching [Weird &Wonderful Web] Netflix and Amazon Prime Instant Video have made binge-watching a mainstay from the mainstream. Before you start binge-watching TV, you need to arm yourself with some important information. This short guide helps. Read More I recently watched the first four series of Game of Thrones in three weeks, so it is possible to overcome this volume of TV in a short space of time. The above options should help you summarize as much of the important information about the Doctor's travels through time and space as possible without looking at the entire career.

(NB:Which episodes are available where is subject to change. For example, until early 2014, most Modern Era episodes were also available on Amazon Prime Instant Video 10 Awesome Amazon Prime Benefits You May Have Missed You've overlooked Free two-day shipping is just the beginning, here are some notable benefits of Amazon Prime that you may have forgotten or never realized.

Doctor who is very online! So let me know if you have any questions about the Doctor and his many adventures to date. Are you an existing Physician who Fan looking for places to watch the show online? Are you new to the series and interested in knowing where to start? Feel free to let me know any feedback you may have about the show in the comments section below.