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The best doctor that podcasts all fans need to hear

After more than half a century, Doctor who It remains a giant in the television landscape..

However, as they say, opinions are like favorite doctors:everyone has one (although some will swear they are all the same). Fandom can be a very argumentative place, and that even extends to podcasts The Evolution of the Podcast:How a Medium Was Born [Geek Story] The Evolution of the Podcast:How a Medium Was Born [Geek Story] They're already old fashioned, others argue that are more popular than ever. Whatever your opinion of podcasts, you have to admit:they have democratized broadcasting and given people a wide variety of things to listen to... Read More Fortunately, most of these are populated by fans who argue with reason, kindness, and respect. And sometimes they're backed up by an army of Dalek action figures.

If you want to get your regular fix on Whovian news and views, here are some great Doctor Who podcasts to help pass the timey-wimey.

1. The PodKast with a K

How do you like to listen to a podcast created by MakeUseOf Linux &Security Editor Christian Cawley? If so, then The PodKast with a K it's for you!

It started in 2007 when two friends were chatting about the latest news and comparing reactions in the US and the US, but have grown considerably to become something of a podcasting giant.

While co-founder Brian Terranova has moved on, Christian has stuck by James McLean and new team members James Baldock and Simon Danes. Naturally, they discuss the latest headlines, reminisce about older episodes, and talk about television in a larger context. Everything You Need To Know About TV Technology Everything You Need To Know About TV Technology Before the days of mobile devices and laptops, our entertainment needs were primarily filled by one source, the television. Read more.

And why Doctor who fans often enjoy similar genre themes, sister podcasts bring together a larger team to talk about sci-fi 10+ Brilliant Sci-Fi TV Shows That Aren't Star Trek [Stuff to Stuff] sci-fi that aren't Star Trek [Things to Watch] The best sci-fi movies are often cherished by fans and ranked high, but it's the TV shows that make up the bread and butter of anyone's media diet. geek. A good TV... Read More You will especially enjoy the nostalgia fueled. Coaxial , joined by cristian Vworp! Vworp! Fanzine editor Gareth Kavanagh will ruminate on classic television. They began with a talk about the BBC's season of classic comedies, but have since discussed arcades, children's TV and the long-lost BBC Television Centre.

2. Radio Free Skaro

Launched in 2006, Radio Free Skaro has gained a large fan base and acclaim from even Doctor Who Magazine .

Warren Frey, Steven Schapansky and Chris Burgess - jokingly known as "The Three Who Rule" - are based in Canada, but also have live coverage of the big Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles.

This also means that the special editions feature numerous guests, like this packed one in which they chat with the Seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy; the legendary producer, Philip Hinchcliffe; two of the Paternoster Row Gang, Dan Starkey and Neve McIntosh; Stephen Thorne (Omega); and Richard Hope (The Hungry Land /Cold blood ).

As you can imagine, there's an extensive catalog of podcasts to listen to, but thanks to the trio's clever news shots, the contemporary accounts feel like important time capsules.

3. Diddly Dum Podcast

The Diddly Dum Podcast is incredibly difficult to speak or listen to. without singing the Doctor who theme melody. You're doing it right now, right?.

The team consists of the enigmatic Doctor Who, Hayden Gribble (whose book, Boy Out of Time he remembers growing up on the Wilderness Years (the 1990s), Allan Lear and Mark John. Together they are... “The Five Faces of Deception!” (That's one for Snake lovers.)

His fan credentials are impressive, but this is no Doctor Who Stuffy geekery-dragged podcast:It's irreverent, smart, and quirky.

You can head over to Diddly Dum's blog, which also includes detailed notes with regular links to the associated Tumblr page.

4. Verity!

The first female doctor debuted in the 2017 Christmas episode, and some fandom members heralded this as progressive. however, Doctor who has a history of strong women on the show and behind the scenes. Check out what this particular podcast is called:the wonderful Verity Lambert, a true trailblazer and the BBC's first television producer.

In addition to being a feminist show, it is interesting to hear how Who It is perceived throughout the world:Truth! The hosts come from the US, the US, Australia and Canada; Which is testimony to the international impact of the series.

Erika Ensign, Kat Griffiths, L.M. Myles, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Deborah Stanish, and Lynne M. Thomas are an energetic rotating crew, and their frequent games make for a warm and joyful listen. That's why it was nominated for "Best Fancast" at the 2014 Hugo Awards.

5. Lord of two minutes

Hour. It's a funny thing. We wonder where it disappears, we waste it, we never have enough, we look back with regret and happiness. Very often, we can only find short examples to enjoy our passions. That's what the Lord of two minutes it's about.

Not exactly what it says on the tin, but you get the point. The podcast focuses on one aspect of Doctor Who In the tightest time frame possible. Moderator Chip is aiming for two minutes each edit, but, as travelers in the fourth dimension will accept, it's only fair that such limitations are sometimes extended.

However, a typical episode lasts less than five minutes. That is all. Perfect for a short trip, for a lunch or to listen to at bedtime.

It was discontinued in 2017, but an earlier release. Twice in a while hints at a welcome return.

6. Splendid Chaps

Here's something a little different:comedy shows recorded live, mostly as a celebration of Doctor Who 50th anniversary of 2013.

The best doctor that podcasts all fans need to hear

The first episode of Splendid Chaps In fact it debuted in December 2012, establishing its premise. Later editions toured Australia (although they mainly found a home in Melbourne) and were released on the 23rd of each month, covering the (then) eleven Doctors. Founders Ben McKenzie and John Richards are the lead actors, but they're backed by Petra Elliott, David Ashton (sound engineer) and a variety of guests to discuss all things. Doctor who .

The happy songs and the frequent gags make this one of the most joyful. Doctor who podcasts out there Yes, the main editions are a bit old, but the discussions are still relevant and some newer episodes have been released.

Terrace at night is also brought to life , an audio comedy starring the series. Neighbors star, jackie woodburne.

7. The old doctor who shows

We have Russell T. Davies to thank for sending generations running behind the couch How The Doctor Who Identified Our Fear Of New Technology How The Doctor Who Identified Our Fear Of New Technology Let us take you on a journey through time with the doctor to see how this little British show has traced our fear of new technology across five decades and counting. Read more . But he relaunched the show because he loved his previous incarnation. Anyone who only watches the 2005-Present series without exploring the 1963-1989/1996 run is doing a disservice.

“Classic Who” is the only subject of The Old Doctor Who Shows . You can find discussions of Eccleston, Tennant, Smith, Capaldi, and Whittaker elsewhere:Eric Grissom and Dan Johnson are here to review each series of the top seven (or maybe eight) doctors.

They enter each new episode, and in some cases, without having seen them previously. They are essentially two long-term partners who chew the fat and give their honest opinions on the good, the bad, and The Thief of the Mind .

8. Traveling the vortex

Traveling the vortex was created with a similar premise to The Old Doctor Who Shows :introducing a rookie to Doctor Who . That's what longtime fans Glenn Bartlett and Shaun Collins tried to do. Some newcomers may be sneering and skeptical, but instead we were introduced to Keith Miles, a man well versed in science fiction but not yet ridden in the TARDIS.

Spanning more than 350 episodes, the trio's tenure has expanded to include reviews of things other podcasts rarely cover. Namely, novels, short stories, comics and audiobooks. What is the difference between podcasts and audiobooks? What is the difference between podcasts and audiobooks? It may seem like a simple question, but do you really know the difference between podcasts and audiobooks? You will if you read this article. Read more.

This variety keeps the podcast engaging and entertaining. Listeners are sure to discover something different to dip their toes in, whether it's a medium yet to be explored or a range they haven't invested in before.

9. The 20MB Podcast

Billed as the “Physician who podcast limited to a minimum of 20MB,” Weekly episodes are generally longer than typical podcasts, averaging almost two hours in length. There are currently over 350 editions available, so you'll need a lot of time on your hands if you want to attract them.

Fortunately, it never feels that long, due to the variety of presenters on the team. Producer Adam Pearson is its focal point, but the current crew is Debbie Melrose, Kirby Bartlett-Sloan, Mary Blitz-Lang, Isabella Pearson and Andy Nunney, plus regular contributions from eight more.

Various guest speakers and interviewees include Doctor Who alumni including Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi, producer, Andrew Cartmel, artist, Alistair Pearson, Toby Hadoke (comedian and DVD commentary moderator), and young actress Amelia Pond, Caitlin Blackwood.

With this many people in the mix, you get a lot of opinions about Doctor Who New and old, so it feels like a great discussion with friends. Sponsored by Lovarzi and Who One, it's a fun show, especially its usual “You won't get this” segment.

10. 42 to Doomsday

42 to Doomsday takes on a similar tone to The 20MB Podcast , but ditch reviews and comments in favor of highlighting one topic at a time.

Hosts Rob and Mark maintain an upbeat attitude as they turn their attention to specific topics like:Who Computer games, reference books, and dodgy continuity. One particular highlight is a recent edition where they engage with listeners to learn what made them fall in love with the TV series.

And who doesn't like a good ranking? That's certainly what made BuzzFeed popular. 42 to Doomsday follows this trend by arguing about the best stories to introduce UNIT, the most overrated monsters and the best WTF moments in Doctor Who history.

Interestingly, this is a very popular one. Doctor who Podcast that is also finite. There are 76 episodes in total, the run concluded in January 2018. Alas, Doctor Who It teaches us that all good things must come to an end.

Vworp! Vworp!

Yes Doctor who was going to be canceled tomorrow, their fandom would survive and thrive based on the number of stories told in other media. In fact, you can spend a couple of years listening to the previous podcasts.

If that's not enough for you, there are plenty more out there. You could even start your own Doctor Who podcast After all, with a Timelord around, it's always the right time to dive into the Doctor Who universe.

Which Doctor who podcasts listeners Have you heard of all the podcasts mentioned above? Or are they completely new to you? Have you considered creating a podcast?