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Best Controller Settings for Black Ops Cold War Season 5

Making sure your controller settings are perfect is an important part of any first-person shooter, so we've rounded up the best aim assist, aim response curve type, target aim assist settings and more for Black Ops Cold War Season 5.

SummaryBest Black Ops Cold War Controller SettingsControllerGameplayAdvancedBest Black Ops Cold War aim response curve typeBest Black Ops Cold War aim assist modeBest Cold War sniping aim assist modeHow to disable Cold War aim assist Does FOV affect aim assist? How to find the best Cold War controller settings

Cold War allows players to fully customize their controller settings, even adjusting their aim assist settings to shoot as accurately as possible. With so many settings available, it's hard to decide which settings you should run.

Players are reporting that Cold War resets their settings to default every time they close the game. So whether you need to re-enter the best settings or are just looking to fine-tune your aim, here are all the best controller settings for Black Ops Cold War Season 5.

You can use the links below to access each section.

  • Best Black Ops Cold War Controller Settings
  • Best Type of Black Ops Cold War Aim Response Curve
  • Best Black Ops Cold War aim assist mode
  • Best aiming aid for cold war sniping
  • How to disable aim assist during the Cold War
  • Does FOV affect aim assist
  • How to Find the Best Cold War Controller Settings

Black Ops Cold War best controller settings


  • Horizontal Stick Sensitivity: 6
  • Vertical Stick Sensitivity: 6
  • ADS Stick Sensitivity (Zoom Down): 1.00
  • ADS Stick Sensitivity (High Zoom): 1.00
  • Button layout: Default
  • Toggle LT/RT with LB/LB: If you're playing with a claw grip or want faster downtime, you should use Flipped
  • Type of target response curve: Standard
  • Invert vertical aspect: Disabled
  • Controller Vibration: Disabled

Sensitivity is entirely up to you, but 6 is one of the most common values. You should jump into a custom game, which we'll explain later, to find the best value for you.


  • Target Aiming Aid: Enabled
  • Target Aim Assist Mode: Standard
  • ADS Aim Assist: Enabled (Campaign and Zombies only)
  • Airborne Mantle Behavior: Manual
  • Anchored Coat Behavior: On second press
  • Downsight behavior: Socket
  • Stable aiming behavior: Socket
  • Armor Behavior: Apply All
  • Attack Vehicle Control Mode: Goal-based

The behavior of the mantle is an important parameter to adjust. While trying to jump shot next to cover, your Operator will land on the surface, rendering you defenseless mid-fight. If you only set it to Coat on second press , you'll be able to jump freely and then double tap jump when you want to cover yourself.

Best Controller Settings for Black Ops Cold War Season 5

For more details on the Aim Response Curve and Target Aim Assist Mode, we detail these settings later in this guide.


  • Stick Layout: Default
  • Minimum Left Stick Input Threshold: 0 (then increase as needed)
  • Right Stick Min Input Threshold: 100
  • Right Stick Min Input Threshold: 0 (then increase as needed)
  • Right Stick Maximum Input Threshold: 100
  • Auto Advance: Disabled
  • Auto Sprint: Enabled
  • Sprint cancels reload: Disabled
  • Automatic Parachute Deployment: Enabled
  • Equipment behavior: Socket
  • Interaction/Reloading Behavior: Tap to reload

Enabling auto-sprint will allow you to move around the map faster, but you'll have to get used to only moving your staff slightly when stealthed.

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Stick input thresholds, or dead zone, all depend on your controller. You want the minimum value to be as low as possible without your controller having stick drift.

Best target-response-curve-type black ops cold war

Best Controller Settings for Black Ops Cold War Season 5

In this guide, we'll go over all of the aim assist settings so you can find the best one for you in Treyarch. Black Ops Cold War.

There are 3 different settings for the lens response curve, so let's find the best one:

  • Standard: Standard curve of aiming stick at aiming speed. When aiming initially, there will be a slight delay in speed when the stick is fully depressed in a specific direction.
  • Linear: Removes the initial speed delay when the stick is fully depressed in one direction. More for aggressive and fast movements at the expense of precision.
  • Dynamics: Hybrid system between linear and standard. Has an intermediate field goal accelerate on initial stick travel.

Most players will be used to Standard Aim Response Curve, as this is the default setting in most Call of Duty games.

If you feel you have solid stick control and can easily hook targets, it's worth trying Dynamic . It's a good middle ground between Standard and Linear (which we don't recommend), and some pro players like Scump have used it with great success.

Best Black Ops cold-war aim-assist mode

Best Controller Settings for Black Ops Cold War Season 5

Target Aim Assist is used in gunfights or when aiming at an enemy player. It slows down your crosshairs when hovering over enemy players.

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There are 4 different parameters this time, so we'll dig into each of them:

  • Standard: Traditional aiming slowdown near the target. A wider area where your aim will slow down around an opponent. Ideal for regular Call of Duty players who want a little extra time to lock on the target.
  • Inheritance: Alternate slowdown of aiming near the target (a narrower range). Same type as in Warzone. If you are a regular Warzone player, you should try this.
  • Precision: Severely slowed aim assist that only triggers when near an enemy player. Only use this option if you are a skilled and precise player. The slowdown zone is minimal and casual gamers won't like this.
  • Focus: Strong aiming slowdown that triggers when targets narrowly miss. If you're new to Call of Duty, this is your best bet for upgrading a controller.

If you primarily play Black Ops Cold War and Warzone isn't your cup of tea, we recommend sticking with Standard Target aiming aid adjustment. This is what the majority of CoD players are used to and will feel most natural for most.

However, if you enjoy switching between Warzone, Modern Warfare, and Black Ops Cold War, it's worth getting used to Legacy aim assist adjustment. With these games on different engines, it can be quite shocking to switch between them, but Legacy mode will make the transition much smoother.

Best aim-aid for sniping-during-the-cold-war

Best Controller Settings for Black Ops Cold War Season 5

Unlike many previous Treyarch Call of Duty games, sniper rifles in Black Ops Cold War have aim assist. When you drag your reticle past an enemy, you will be able to feel your aim slow down in a "bubble" around the target.

This has its pros and cons, so we have the best aim assist settings for cold war sniping.

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For Aim Response Curve, we recommend leaving it at what you're used to. Standard and Dynamic both have their separate place, but when sniping it's best to leave it on whichever you prefer.

However, for Target Aim Assist Mode, we recommend Precision. With the aim assist bubble around targets, you may feel like your aim is stuck or it will stray away from the target you are actually aiming for. Accuracy greatly reduces the bubble around opponents, allowing you to be much more accurate and precise when shooting.

Some players prefer to turn off aim assist when shooting, as the bubble catching players can skew your aim. We'll explain how to disable this later in the article.

How to disable aim-assist during the cold war

Best Controller Settings for Black Ops Cold War Season 5

When Black Ops Cold War first launched, there was a bit of confusion about aim assist. The ADS Aim Assist setting only works for campaign and zombies, but the in-game description was not specific for the first few weeks of launch.

If you don't like the quick aim lock when fighting zombies, or would rather not have multiplayer aim assist for classic sniping, here's how to turn off aim assist during the Cold War. .

To not have aim assist when playing campaign and zombies:

  • Adjust ADS Aiming Sensitivity to Disabled.

To not have aim assist when playing multiplayer:

  • Adjust Aim Assist to Disabled.

You won't be as accurate when using automatic weapons, but the lack of aim assist will allow you to have a much more classic sniping experience.

Does FOV affect aim assist?

Best Controller Settings for Black Ops Cold War Season 5

Unlike Modern Warfare and Warzone, Black Ops Cold War has a field of view slider on the console. You will be able to increase what you can see in front of you, gathering much more information than the default setting.

Cold War's FOV slider ranges from 60 to 120, giving players plenty of choice to find the perfect FOV for their playstyle and gear.

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Increasing the FOV all the way up to 120 will allow you to see an insane amount of what's in front of you, but on the other hand, distant player patterns will be much smaller and harder to see no matter the impact on the game performance. .

Having an FOV of 120 can seriously skew your aim, as you need to fine-tune your shots on these small targets, as well as compensate for the aim assist bubble around them.

To stay accurate with a controller, we don't recommend setting your FOV above 105.

How to find the best cold-war-controller-settings

Best Controller Settings for Black Ops Cold War Season 5

With controller settings, there is no one configuration that will work perfectly for everyone. It's tempting to find your favorite professional player or content creator and copy their settings, but they might not be the best for you.

What we recommend is jumping into a custom game of Black Ops Cold War and experimenting with different controller settings. To maximize your time while testing the settings, here's what we recommend:

  • Map: Nuketown '84
  • Mode: Free for all
  • Rules:
    • Time limit: Unlimited
    • Score Limit: Unlimited
  • Bots and Players:
    • Number of bots: 6
    • Robot Difficulty: Recruit

With these custom game settings, you can practice shooting for as long as you want. Nuketown '84 is small enough that you can fight constantly, and Recruit-level bots will barely fire back at you.

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Practice shooting robots at long and short ranges with a variety of different settings and weapons, and stick to the setting you feel most accurate and comfortable with. Even if you're a Call of Duty veteran, there's always room for improvement, so it's worth trying out different combinations.

While in this private mode, you should also try to get your minimum entry thresholds as low as possible. Start at 0 and go up by one until you receive no more stick drift.

Try these controller settings in Black Ops Cold War Season 5, and you'll be shooting with deadly precision in no time.

Image credits:Treyarch /Microsoft/Sony