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Divitel:the gateway to the contemporary world

Android is one of the gates to the modern world of a virtual realm providing viewers with an advanced experience to view the world of entertainment. It is increasingly used for new models of televisions. This in turn has brought more innovation to the IT world as new developers and IT practitioners have started designing new apps and software for Android TV. However, Android TV Launch Control has its share of complexities. It can be very demanding to launch an application for Android TV.

SummaryWhat are the issues?Services provided by DivitelMonitoringAccelerating analysisManaging continuous improvements

This is where Divitel saves you unnecessary stress and confusion. With Android TV Launch Control, Divitel's expert developers will be able to quickly develop and launch services and applications for Android TV.

Before we start discussing their services and features, let's take a look at the most common issues that users have encountered.


The first problem is that Android TV is a relatively new gadget, so most developers lack relevant expertise. For this reason, it is very difficult to launch applications and services for Android TV.

Divitel, meanwhile, offers its know-how to companies so that developers can familiarize themselves with Android technology.

Another problem is that the service provided and the applications must work without any problem or incident. If a new developer's app isn't working properly, no one wants to use that app. Divitel guides developers in such cases. This company ensures that the app works smoothly on Android TV so that more and more customers can use it.

If customers wish, Divitel can accompany them even after the successful launch of their application to make improvements and advancements.

Services provided by Divitel

Divitel provides the following services to its customers;


Divitel helps you access the Silo-Smashing Monitoring System which enables real-time monitoring across all screens and silo devices for better launch, control and execution.

Acceleration of analysis

In addition to Silo-Smashing monitoring, Divitel has a scan acceleration system that quickly identifies any issues. Not only does it locate it, but it also offers an appropriate solution and fixes it in no time.

Manages continuous improvements

Divitel stands out among all companies with its highly effective monitoring and troubleshooting systems, such as the aforementioned systems such as Silo-Smashing and Scan Acceleration. In addition to this, Divitel's seamless launch and functionality provides its customers with real-time solutions to fix any system issues.

The risk of having untimely glitches somewhere around the launch is always there. To avoid any last minute incidents, Divitel is well armed with a technically advanced system coupled with a highly trained operational task force to provide immediate assistance.

All in all, with increasing digitization in the post-COVID-19 era, there is an urgent need for a trained team of professionals and operators who can provide you with hassle-free service.

So look no further! Visit their website today to get their services by dropping your name, email address and company name. You can also contact them by phone and they will be happy to help you!