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The evolution of marketing in today's digital world

Digital is now an integral part of our daily lives, and we can say that it is downright omnipresent in our lives. With hundreds of millions of active Internet users in Europe alone, digital communication is a golden medium for companies and their brands.

Since his arrival, marketing has continued to evolve. Indeed, in the 1970s, we witnessed the period characterized by the increase in household incomes. It is from this moment that segmented marketing gradually made its appearance. This strategy was intended, among other things, to take into account the needs of customers.

Then, a little later, the 90s saw the appearance of "modern" marketing, ie one-to-one marketing that can be simply called "one-to-one marketing" or one-to-one marketing.

One-to-one marketing adapts to meet market needs. Companies get closer to customers to best meet their needs, desires, and requirements, in order to satisfy them and retain them. They are open to listening to the consumer, creating a real dialogue and trying to identify their real needs.

There are several marketing strategies allowing companies to develop, including more classic methods that have already proven themselves, such as teleprospecting (although this continues to annoy more than one), and more modern methods, such as those based on digital technologies, namely computers first, then smartphones and tablets. Digital marketing now draws its power particularly from social networks, which you all know (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.).

Regarding individualized marketing, you should know that it is still in its infancy, but as a customer is by definition never satisfied, in some cases it is already not enough. Powered by new technologies, marketing is now becoming interactive and allows you to go even further. But…

Sometimes there's nothing better than the "good old ways"

And by the "good old methods" we are thinking in particular of the still significant role, even very effective depending on the sector, of teleprospecting. Indeed, it is still one of the most deployed marketing operations today.

Telemarketing is a means used by many companies around the world, in order to develop their activities, but also to establish partnerships with other companies, or simply to study the market by carrying out quality surveys. Generally, it is an operation implemented by the big names in marketing, who are well aware of all the strategies to adopt to lead this operation to success.

For marketing operations to be well implemented and above all to be effective, it certainly takes experience, but also a certain number of specific methods and techniques. And it is therefore also for this reason that some firms hire subcontracting teams to carry out these operations.

And speaking of external companies, you should know that there are now more independent and innovative solutions to do so.

Recently, companies in this field have been offering telemarketing services that are independent and detached from the company, such as JobPhoning, for example. Indeed, this organization offers innovative marketing services, which connect companies wishing to outsource their telemarketing with independent telemarketers.

The service therefore helps to increase sales, improve the rate of qualified traffic and introduce the products to new customers.

One of the great advantages of this system is that in addition to being fully automated, it allows companies to replay calls made by telemarketers. Thus, they only pay for the services that fully correspond to the specifications they have defined. A way to ensure a good return on investment.

But back to our digital marketing…

From interactive to web marketing

To resume concerning digital or interactive marketing, it is obvious that interactive marketing therefore goes further than "simple" individualized marketing (discussed at the beginning of the article), because it is moving towards a real relationship of exchanges between the customer and the business. It is about informing the customer in real time, and listening to their expectations.

Interactive marketing also encourages the company to involve the consumer. The "loyal customer" thus becomes the main target of interactive marketing, and the process helps to identify them (as well as those who are the most profitable).

Facilitated by the emergence of new information and communication technologies, in particular the Internet and its social networks, interactive marketing will make it possible to send independent and individualized messages to each of the interlocutors. This is webmarketing.

Webmarketing or e-marketing consists of a set of classic marketing techniques, but adapted and used on digital media.

By placing the customer at the center, web marketing allows the Internet user to receive personalized messages but, moreover, it has become very easy for the latter to respond to them, and instantly. This is particularly the case on a Facebook page, on which it is possible on the one hand to automate the start of a conversation, and to complete it with human intervention (customer service).

In addition to personalized messages, the two "types" of marketing (classic and digital) combine to give rise to different techniques.

  • Viral marketing, which consists of relaying information by recommending it to those around you via, for example, social networks (by through shares, comments, or simple "likes") which allows, by "viral" effect, to reach a lot of people
  • "Buzz marketing", which consists of generating a buzz phenomenon on the internet, for example by making a viral video that will be strongly shared in a natural way

Digital, in constant evolution, represents a significant market opportunity for companies, and many are aware of it.

A real digital strategy, to be put in place with rigor, is now almost essential for the development of most companies.

But it is crucial to ensure that the strategy implemented is in line with the different objectives, and above all, once again, not to omit the other marketing techniques which have proven their effectiveness more than once (according to the sector), such as teleprospecting.