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Toy Story 2 almost didn't see the light of day due to a computer error

Toy Story 2 is a Pixar classic, and arguably one of the studio's best films. However, this film almost never saw the light of day.

In the category of films produced by Disney, there are the sequels that we never talk about, like Pocahontas 2 , Aladdin 3 or even Rox and Rouky 2 …and there's Toy Story 2 . We certainly do not risk much to say that this sequel surpasses the first in many points:humor, animation, scenario, etc. If the film was released in theaters in 1999, as expected by the producers, more or less, Pixar could have canceled all the festivities at the last moment .

A computer error deleted the film from Pixar's servers

It's 1999, four years after the hugely popular Toy Story was released. Obviously, Disney has ordered a sequel from Pixar, which is about to deliver it. Toy Story 2 is therefore at the end of production and the team is making some alterations. Everything was going normally, until a strange error message arrived. Suddenly all files were gone .

Oren Jacob, the former technical director, tells the anecdote to our colleagues from The Next Web:

At Pixar, it's the big panic:it's months of hard work that have just disappeared due to a computer problem. And the studio could have canceled the release of the film, if a miracle had not taken place...

    Saved by a baby

    No need to keep the suspense, you know that the film left on time! Indeed, the situation has been improved thanks to… teleworking! Galyn Susman, a Pixar employee, had given birth a few months earlier, and was working from home to take care of her child (note that this is 1990 and telecommuting is not yet the norm).

    Miraculously, she had copies of the film (90% of the total work) on his personal computer, and these files may have been used to reassemble Toy Story 2 and take it out on time! For the record, Galyn Susman is still working at Pixar:she has just produced a short film entitled Buzz Lightyear !

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