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Cinema:11 actors who starred in memorable biopics

In the cinema, some actors take up the challenge of embodying people who have marked history. The biopics are numerous and some of them particularly marked us.

Cinema:11 actors who starred in memorable biopics

Since its creation, cinema has made viewers dream. With stories born from genius imaginations, some films will stay in our memories forever. And when the actors are not called upon to create characters from scratch, they embody historical personalities who each in their own way have marked the world. More commonly known as biopics , these feature films can focus on a specific part of the life of their hero or tell the whole of his work. In any case, it is a heavy task that awaits the actor or actress who must play the role .

Of course, some performances in biopics have stood out from others. It must be said that sometimes actors manage to truly transform themselves. Among them, we remember Pierre Niney in Yves Saint Laurent or even Marion Cotillard in The Kid . The latter had carefully studied the personalities of the French couturier and Edith Piaf to move and talk like them. And those who have seen the films can say that the challenge was met in both cases. Eddie Redmayne and Michael Fassbender also delivered wonderful performances for their respective roles as scientist Stephen Hawking and Steve Jobs . And the list is still long ! Discover them in our gallery.