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Sexify:discover the new Netflix series to the tunes of Sex Education

If you're a hardcore Sex Education fan, you'll love Netflix's new series "Sexify".

Sex has always fascinated us and this theme is increasingly addressed in the series we watch. In recent years, it is the little television gem "Sex Education" that has won over viewers thanks to its extremely benevolent and pedagogical side, far from the "trash" series of the time like "Skins" or "Euphoria" more recently.

Today sexuality is treated in a much more comprehensive and endearing way, while the performance and hyper-sexualization of youth is less and less attractive. It is in this vein that the Netflix streaming platform has released its new series "Sexify", where female pleasure, still too little highlighted, is going to be at the heart of the plot.

What is "Sexify" about?

Since April 28, the streaming giant Netflix has released its new series entitled "Sexify". This new program from Poland features three students with very different sexual mores but united in the same goal:create an application that would optimize at best female orgasm.

Natalia, the brains of the operation is blank and therefore needs the help of someone who knows a minimum about sexuality. She will therefore call on Monika, her roommate from the university, who is very sexually active. The last member of the trio is Paulina, Natalia's best friend, recently engaged but who is terribly bored in bed...

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Since it was put online, the series is already the second most viewed content in France. On Twitter, Internet users are absolutely won over by this little Polish nugget.

A series that denotes with the current context in Poland

If this series is part of a modern and very feminist line, the country in which it was shot is far from advocating the same values. Since October 22, 2020, the Constitutional Council of Poland has made it even more difficult to access abortion. Indeed, the voluntary interruption of pregnancy (IVG) is illegal, even in the event of malformation of the fetus.

Since that decision, women across the country have demonstrated regularly to show their anger and outrage. And "Sexify" comes a little more to support this cause, by exposing young girls whose one and only desire is to freely dispose of their bodies. A right that all women should have in the world.