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4 reasons to stop buying digital comics

It's a great time to be a comic book geek:largely thanks to Marvel Studios, which doesn't just turn out brilliant movies for geeks. 20 Movies All Geeks Need To See In 2018 20 Movies All Geeks Need To See In 2018 2018 is shaping up to be a good Year for geek-oriented movies. Comic book movies continue to dominate, but there's also plenty for everyone to enjoy. Read More 10 amazing Netflix originals. You've Probably Never Heard Of 10 Awesome Netflix Originals You've Probably Never Heard Of. Alongside headline shows like House of Cards and Stranger Things, there are countless Netflix Originals. what could have happened to you Read more . Then there's Image Comics' The Walking Dead TV series, which continues to go from strength to strength..

All of this means that comics are more influential than ever. Now it's great to own the original Civil War themes, have The Dark Knight Rises to lend and learn more about Batroc the Leaper than what is healthy.

Like Nick Abadzis, a writer for Titan Comics'. Tenth Doctor series, it says:

Comic book publishers are embracing this brave new world and changing their businesses to take full advantage of what will come to be known as the Geek Age. However, while publishers are right to move over time, the move to digital comics isn't necessarily a good thing.

Digital comics will not be fully accepted en mass By fans until its shortcomings are addressed. Until that happens, we true comic book fans should avoid buying digital comics. Here are some reasons why...

1. Digital comics are a scam

Digital comics should be cheaper..

Most comics are now $3.99, with some borders closer to $4.99. If that means comic book creators get decent rates, that's fair enough, but that's not always the case.

4 reasons to stop buying digital comics

So what are you paying for? Printing and distribution, mainly. Both of which are very expensive. While digital comics still need distribution, it's not as big or as long as print is. In digital, you are paying for punctuality. Marvel and DC comics are generally available for the RRP (recommended retail price) of physical comics; Prices only go down after some time.

You'll pay $1.99 for most Bronze and Silver Age issues, with impressive recolors, but you'll find the same quality in, say, Marvel's Epic Collection books, and at a cheaper price, too. These graphic novels are also available digitally, but usually at their RRPs, while you can easily find cheaper physical copies elsewhere. The RRP reflects superior print and page quality, which cannot be taken advantage of in digital.

ComiXology Unlimited gives "endless access" to anyone who takes out a $5.99 a month subscription. But these are entry point issues, designed as tasters to entice you to buy more stories, and don't include Marvel or DC titles.

Nick adds:

Fortunately, there are ways to read comics online for free 9 Of The Best Ways To Read Comics Online For Free 9 Of The Best Ways To Read Comics Online For Free And Find Hidden Gems. Read more, and if you like manga, you can also read it online for free Top 5 Sites To Read Manga Online For Free For Free Top 5 Sites To Read Manga Online For Free Manga is a Japanese style of comics that has proven To be a big hit all over the world. So for fans everywhere, here are the best ways to read manga online. Read more . You just have to know where to look!

2. Digital comics dilute the medium.

You might think this is just the debate between e-books and print books. Why are e-books more expensive than real books? Why are e-books more expensive than real books? How does an eBook end up costing more money than an actual book? We decided to investigate this phenomenon and found that the price of books is much more than you think. Read More Novels have morphed into serializations and short stories, but comics are defined by their unique format.

4 reasons to stop buying digital comics

Comics have remained relatively consistent in their delivery, a natural extension of art plates, adapting to newspaper strips and, in the early 20th century, comics as we now recognize them. They have remained in this form for so long because comics have reached their optimal medium for consumption.

In other words, this is the best way to fully appreciate and enjoy them.

It all comes down to narrative flow. As with books, one sentence should flow into another, which in turn should flow into another paragraph, your eye naturally going to the next panel, the next bubble, and the next page.

This is why the artists are not asked to provide pin-ups of the characters, but rather a full sample page. It is not enough to be able to draw; You need to direct too. Russ Leach, artist for the UK. Draw the Marvel Path partial work and the Doctor Who Adventures , says:

Most digital comics aren't designed to be read on a device, so they work mostly like physical books. This is how you can fully appreciate its flow because it should come naturally; However, digital comics force you to zoom and drag the page, or guided view. It's a counterintuitive way of reading..

3. Digital comics kill the community

The first victim of digitization is brick and mortar retailers. If you don't support your local comic book store, they will die. Digital comics mean that even those who live in remote areas without a comic shop nearby can digest them, but if the industry continues like this, there will be no incentive to open more.

4 reasons to stop buying digital comics

Away from the vile online commentators, readers are generally friendly and always enthusiastic when face-to-face. Even the people you buy comics from will probably take a few minutes to chat about your stack of recordings, creators, and recommendations.

This fan experience is essential to properly belonging to that community. It doesn't mean you have to be sociable; it means you have partners to talk to. It's that enthusiasm for immersive storytelling that keeps comics alive, and without the interaction of passionate fans, comics would die.

Nick says:

Covenants are a central part of this “gathering.” If digital kills were printed, they would be very different beasts..

Russ says:

The artists can still draw for you, but the writers would have nothing to sign; The collections that populate the events would vanish. Some stalls may still offer rare issues (origins and variant covers) (but those are a moot point now too), but with the print dead, the prices for these will skyrocket even higher. Collecting would become an elite hobby..

4. Digital comics may not be loaned or sold

Going digital could be seen as a way to make comics relevant to the next generation, but actually the opposite is true.

Comics started out as something for a younger audience, and many of us were introduced to it when someone lent us a single issue. Just think how many kids become lifelong fans because they borrowed Amazing Spider-Man. of a friend, or even how many will be fans because they like Captain America:Civil War And his older brother has the original comics!

4 reasons to stop buying digital comics

Many of us would happily lend a friend a comic; fewer could lend an iPad The Best Apps for Reading Comics on Your iPad The Best Apps for Reading Comics on Your iPad There are many reasons to buy an iPad, but few are as nerdy as the search for a digital comic book reader. Read more or Android device 4 Android Apps to Read Your PDF Comic Collection 4 Android Apps to Read Your PDF Comic Collection Do you have comics saved in PDF format, or are you just looking for a good comic reader? Take a look at these awesome Android apps. Read more though.

Russ says that comics are a great way to encourage young readers:

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Nick adds:

If your kids don't enjoy comics, or if they don't have the cash, paper comics have resale value. It's painful to sell your collection, and it's the rare industry where prices drop for common problems, unless you have Wonderful Fantasy #15 hidden, but they are far from useless. In fact, his comics could bring in some serious bucks. 12 Tips for Successfully Selling Your Comic Book Collection 12 Tips for Successfully Selling Your Comic Book Collection Where should you sell your comics? Make sure you get the best price? And find a good home for them? Here are some tips for successfully selling your comic book collection. Read more . Digital comics, meanwhile, cannot be sold online.

To be continued…

4 reasons to stop buying digital comics

If you're desperate to read digital comics, many publishers include codes to download a complimentary digital version when you purchase a suitable comic. However, the argument will not end here. 10 Comedy Blogs Every Comic Fan Should Read 10 Comedy Blogs Every Comic Fan Should Read Comics are probably the first things that help us dream. Throughout the years of growing up, comics and the capers in them protect us from the harsher realities of the outside world, where... Read More Comics need to be adapted, but in my opinion, that means in terms of storytelling, not in delivery or in between.

Nick concludes:

The important thing, of course, is to keep buying comics 8 places to buy comics online, whether you like it on paper or digital. 8 places to buy comics online, whether you like print or digital. You are now an adult or at least in your teens who are probably reading at least a Dan Brown or the latest bestseller in political philosophy... Read More And while we advocate good paper comics over digital comics, either one is better than not buying comics at all.

So which side of the fence do you sit on? Do you still buy real comics made of paper? Or has he moved into digital comics, having sold the collection that weighs down his spare room? Please let us know your thoughts in the comments below.