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Forget Vinyl 4 Reasons Why Digital Is Superior

Greetings, enlightened readers. In April, an embarrassing misinformation slipped through the editorial cracks here at MakeUseOf. My colleague Matt expressed the dubious opinion that vinyl is somehow superior to digital music. 4 Reasons Vinyl Is Better Than Digital 4 Reasons Vinyl Is Better Than Digital Greetings - Peasants! What, are you still listening to MP3s? Look, as someone who knows more about music than you, I think it's my duty to tell you that there is a better way. It's called vinyl. Read more.

I'm here to correct that serious mistake. Digital is clearly superior to vinyl for many reasons, some of which are the same reasons my colleague erroneously suggested as benefiting the physical format's aging.

1. Your taste in music will improve

Ask an art critic what their favorite painting is and they won't say the Mona Lisa. Instead, they are likely to tell you a personal tale about a certain piece by a lesser-known artist and how it speaks to them.

Vinyl advocates, like our own Matt Hughes, seem to think that liking the Pixies or other bands like The Beatles, whose records fill thrift store shelves, is somehow an indicator of good taste. Instead, just show that you like the music of Mona Lisas.

If you don't like the Pixies or the Beatles, then you're a heathen, but if either of them is your favorite band, you just lack imagination. Good taste is not a matter of liking what everyone else likes, it's about understanding and appreciating what you I like it.

Forget Vinyl 4 Reasons Why Digital Is Superior

Vinyl advocates also argue that record fans are more discerning listeners, however, they are changing the correlation and causality. You need to be a keen listener and a music fanatic to care about records. but it is not necessary to buy records to be a demanding listener. The only thing the records buy is the nostalgia of top 40 bands from a different era. Taste? I think not.

If you really want to develop your taste and appreciation for music, then digital is the best way to go. With services like Spotify and the redesigned Remember A fresh look at the redesigned music service Remember A fresh look at the redesigned music service With a new redesign now available as an open beta, is heading on its own comeback journey. But is this music service worth revisiting? Read More

You can also get recommendations from experts and your favorite artists instead of a 40 year old bearded man named Greg who dresses “vintage” He wears t-shirts and still lives with his mother because his record store doesn't make enough profit for him to move. /P>

2. Everything you need, when you need it

Some say that buying records is an experience. Do you know that it is also an experience? Plumbing to your death. Ask someone who just got back from a skydive if they enjoyed it and they'll often say "That was an experience." ” - is now the word of choice to describe those things that are supposed to be fun but that all sane people end up hating every second. So yes, buying music at a record store really is an experience. .

Much better than walking into a seedy little shop (after walking on public transport or, God forbid, driving and paying for parking) is sitting at home in a comfortable chair, thinking about what music best suits your current mood. , and Using the power of the Internet, listen in just a few moments..

Instead of choosing from a small selection of albums, you have all the music production in the world to pull from.

3. Better digital sounds

How to recreate the sound of a record player with your smartphone:1. Start playing your favorite song. 2. Pick up an empty bag of chips (chips) and crunch next to your ear. Congratulations, you've now recreated the wonderful crackle of vinyl for a fraction of the cost of a turntable.

As this piece on vinyl myths, linked by commenter Adam, breaks down, “Despite decades of discussion, there is no technical proof of the sonic superiority of the vinyl medium compared to CD.”

Although most digital audio is compressed, how does file compression work? How does file compression work? File compression is at the core of how the modern web works, one could argue, because it allows us to share files that would otherwise take a long time to transfer. but how does it work? Read More Your grandmother's old record player is not high-quality audio equipment. Listening to a 320kbs track on Spotify through your iPhone and a good pair of headphones is going to sound much better, and it comes without the annoying hiss.

You'll also notice I said more Digital audio is compressed. If you are a serious audiophile you can download lossless FLAC files.

4. Vinyl is a terrible investment

Streaming services like Spotify are killing the concept of media ownership The End of Ownership:Netflix, Spotify, and The Streaming Generation The End of Ownership:Netflix, Spotify, and The Streaming Generation Streaming media is convenient, but it's giving up something important:ownership of digital media. Read More I know Matt can spot a bad investment opportunity why he shouldn't take investment advice from The Pirate Bay Why he shouldn't take investment advice from The Pirate Bay It's pretty much a rule. The gloomier the site you visit, the gloomier the advertising. Ergo, you should never use Pirate Bay ads to plan your financial future. Read More

While some rare vinyl is indeed collectible, nothing you buy at your local thrift store will sell for more than you paid for. That old copy of The White Album is as rare and collectible as a signed Terry Pratchett novel.

Forget Vinyl 4 Reasons Why Digital Is Superior

Leaving your record collection to your children is an even worse idea. The odds of them liking your music are pretty slim. Ask your children right now. They probably think Justin Bieber is cool, but they've never heard of the Eagles. So his impressive vinyl stack will be nothing more than a set of oversized coasters for drinks that are likely to end up in landfills.

Face it, digital is the future

Arguing over music formats is almost certainly your Apple/Android/Windows Hatred is irrelevant, Give in to your Apple/Android/Windows Hatred is irrelevant, Give up being upset that someone is buying something no one cares about. - So why do we get angry anyway? Read More With streaming services, you can listen to the music you want, whenever you want, and wherever you want. I'd love to see someone try that with a turntable..

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