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5 reasons to avoid buying Star Wars The Digital Movie Collection

Star Wars he is almost universally loved by geeks all over the world. Sure, it may be more of a space opera than sci-fi Star Trek vs. Star Wars:Which Is More Technologically Advanced? Star Trek vs. Star Wars:Which Is More Technologically Advanced? There are three topics that should never be discussed at the table:religion, politics, and the relative merits of Star Trek and Star Wars. Lucky for us, MakeUseOf is not a dinner table. Read More It may have been disappointing enough to undo much of the good of the Original Trilogy , but Star Wars still legend.

However, that doesn't mean you have to buy all six movies (and counting) on ​​each platform as they're offered for sale. In fact, you would do well to give Star Wars:The Digital Movie Collection , which is now available on a range of digital platforms, a very wide platform indeed. This is why.

Star Wars:The Digital Movie Collection

Star Wars:The Digital Movie Collection is the digital release of the six existing Star Wars films. This represents the first time you can officially own the movies in digital format, giving fans another option besides the VHS, DVD, and Blu-ray versions of yesteryear.

Along with the six movies. - A New Hope , The Empire Strikes Back , Return of the Jedi , The Phantom Menace , Attack of the Clones , and Revenge of the Sith - comes a host of bonus features, including cast and crew interviews and behind-the-scenes documentaries.

Star Wars:The Digital Movie Collection it's available from a host of different online retailers, including Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, and many others. Prices vary, but average around $90 for the entire collection and $20 for each individual movie.

So it all sounds good on paper, but here are five reasons we recommend you don't buy Star Wars:The Digital Movie Collection ...

These are not the movies you are looking for

We start with the biggest crime of all:these are not the original movies. Instead, these are the re-edited versions with all the various unnecessary changes George Lucas felt compelled to make in the 30 years since the originals wowed audiences in theaters.

This means that Greedo fires first, even though we all know that Han fired first. Han also stands on the tail of the new CG Jabba the Hutt in what will never be a convincing scene for anyone with working eyeballs. These aren't the movies you're looking for, these are the movies George Lucas ruined.

I find the lack of quality disturbing

Granted, these movies are presented in digital HD, which isn't bad at all, and any comparison to VHS is a bit cruel. But still, these versions of Star Wars Movies don't look as good as their Blu-ray counterparts, and are probably more similar in quality to enhanced DVDs.

This is no one's fault, not even Disney's, but rather the compression required to fit these movies into manageable files means that the finer details are lost in translation. Why would I want to watch one of the best movie series of all time in a less than optimal format?

Nostalgia is weak in this one

This may sound strange to anyone under a certain age who has seen all of Star Wars. movies in one giant binge-watching session A Brief Guide to Binge Watching [Weird &Wonderful Web] A Brief Guide to Binge Watching [Weird &Wonderful Web] Netflix and Amazon Prime Instant Video have turned binge-watching on a main stream pillar. Before you start binge-watching TV, you need to arm yourself with some important information. This short guide helps. Read More But for those of us older than a certain age, there is a considerable amount of nostalgia associated with these movies.

Which is why the lack of Fox fanfare at the beginning of any of the digital versions of these films, with the exception of A New Hope , it's so annoying. We got it, now Disney owns it. Star Wars But that doesn't mean that Mickey and his friends should uproot an important part of our childhood. That damn mouse.

No collection is worth this

We've already mentioned the price of this digital release, which sees each movie for about $20, and the collection for about $90. That's not cheap, especially when one of the movies being sold is the terrifyingly terrible The Attack. of the clones .

Sure, Disney paid $4 billion to acquire Lucasfilm and they need to get that money back somehow. However, it's not the fairest way to go about it with loyal fans who have already spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on DVDs, Blu-rays, toys, games, and other merchandise.

It's a trap!

Last but not least is the undeniable fact that physical beats are digital every time. While you may love having digital copies of your favorite movies, TV shows, music albums, books, and games, you shouldn't just ditch those paper copies as you make the transition.

You never actually own digital copies of entertainment media, you simply purchase a license to access it. And if you ever get bored of Star Wars you can't just sell them on eBay. 11 Critical Tips On How To Sell More On eBay 11 Critical Tips On How To Sell More On eBay eBay is one of the leading online shopping sites. You may be an experienced eBay seller, or you may have just started your career as an eBay seller, these tips can help you increase your profits. Read More You are paying a high price for something you do not own and can never sell. Negotiate!

So, will you be shopping?

Now you've read why we don't think you should buy Star Wars:The Digital Movie Collection , but maybe you have other ideas.

Already bought it and now regretting your decision? Do you disagree with some or all of our arguments against this version? How do you feel about the new movie, Star Wars:The Force Awakens ?

Please let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!