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Top 12 Podcasts of 2016 You Need to Hear

Last year, MakeUseOf shared with you the Top 20 Podcasts of 2015 The Top 20 Podcasts of 2015 – As Recommended by MakeUseOf The Top 20 Podcasts of 2015 – As Recommended by MakeUseOf Have you ever wondered what your favorite podcast authors listen to? MakeUseOf when you want to learn something new, hear a good story, or just be entertained? This article means you need not wonder anymore. Read More This year we want to share 12 more that we consider the best podcasts of 2016. Whether you're looking for inspiration, to discover something new, or just to be entertained, these are the podcasts you really need to listen to.

Why podcasts?

Not everyone realizes it, but podcasts have been around since the 1930s in the form of radio shows. Nowadays, when we say podcast, we mean an audio file that you can download from the Internet.

Podcasts are similar to audiobooks, but with some distinctive differences. What is the difference between podcasts and audiobooks? What is the difference between podcasts and audiobooks? It may seem like a simple question, but do you really know the difference between podcasts and audiobooks? You will if you read this article. Read more . You can download and listen to podcasts using apps like Stitcher, Soundcloud, and Spotify, or create your own using just your phone. Podcasts are portable and personal, and some of them will even make your own life look boring 11 True Story Podcasts That Make Your Life Look Boring 11 True Story Podcasts That Make Your Life Look Boring These days there are podcasts on every topic under the sun. But the 11 podcasts listed here focus on true stories that can make your own life look dull by comparison. Read more.

12 months =12 podcasts

We've chosen 12 of the top rated podcasts of 2016 that will provide the perfect entertainment for you through 2017 and beyond. Some of these capsules are brand new and some are all time classics.

1. millennial

Top 12 Podcasts of 2016 You Need to Hear

“A podcast about what people never teach you:how to manage your 20s,” Millennial It's an engaging podcast about, well, being a millennial. Produced by Megan Tan, a radio producer from Portland, Maine, this podcast joined Radiotopia in 2016, becoming the 14th on the network.

Millennial is Tans' audio autobiography featuring interviews with people in Megan's life:her friends, coworkers, and family members. A twentysomething trying to balance her career, social and personal lives as she searches for her life purpose. It's hard not to relate.

2. Philosophy bites

Top 12 Podcasts of 2016 You Need to Hear

Organized by Nigel Warburton and David Edmonds, both authors of several BBC radio programmes, Philosophy Bites offers exactly what the name suggests it will. Features short interviews with philosophers on a specific topic.

This podcast has over 25 million downloads. Some of the episodes of Philosophy Bites They have been transcribed and compiled into books. Perfect for providing food for thought when you have some downtime.

3. Shut up and sit down

Top 12 Podcasts of 2016 You Need to Hear

Learn how to impress your friends the next time you play Dead of Winter , Featuring two board game gurus:Paul Dean and Quintin Smith. An ideal introduction to board game journalism., SU&SD It will tell you all about board games, card games, and party games, basically all types of games you can play at home with family and friends.

4. The nerd.

Top 12 Podcasts of 2016 You Need to Hear

The nerd is a comedy show "about what it really means to be a nerd." Hosted by Chris Hardwick, Jonah Ray, and Matt Mira, it offers interviews with comedians and people involved in nerd culture (or sometimes both) that will keep you entertained for months.

The show was created in 2010 and has only grown in viewership and popularity ever since. If, after listening to the podcast, you find yourself wanting more from El nerdista , Check out the TV show based on the podcast.

5. Pitch

Top 12 Podcasts of 2016 You Need to Hear

Tone is an engaging narrative podcast about music. “The first podcast (music) to start with,” Tone It is delivered by the three journalists and music producers. Namely Alex Kapelman, Whitney Jones and Afi Yellow-Duke. the Tone The podcast will help you gain more insight into the music you love, as well as make sure you're following the latest trends in the music industry.

6. working

Top 12 Podcasts of 2016 You Need to Hear

Working is a podcast about how Americans do their jobs. What does a nuclear non-proliferation expert do all day? What is the first thing an immigration attorney does in the morning? What is it like to enter the White House? David Plotz provides the answers to all the questions he always wanted to ask his neighbor about his work but never knew where to start..

7. IQ2

Top 12 Podcasts of 2016 You Need to Hear

Get an open mind and learn about serious problems with Intelligence Squared podcast, "The world's leading forum for debate and intelligent discussion." The show has live events that you can follow on YouTube and an online presence in the form of a podcast. IQ2 is a perfect podcast to make your commute meaningful as well as help you learn more about the art of debate.

8. Analogue (ue)

Top 12 Podcasts of 2016 You Need to Hear

Analogous term) is a podcast about digital devices that you can listen to without being afraid of not understanding how things work. The show is hosted by an American developer named Casey Liss and a full-time British podcaster named Myke Hurley. Between them they cover different ways of how gadgets are used in both the US and US.

At the same time, both presenters state that their mission is to show the public "How devices change our lives for the better, but also for the worse."

9. Pop Rocket

Top 12 Podcasts of 2016 You Need to Hear

Pop Rocket It is a weekly discussion of cultural news and trends. Entertaining and informative, it is presented by Guy Branum and his team:Wynter Mitchell, Margaret Wappler and Oliver Wang..

You can expect the hosts to cover the news in the media sphere, as well as some laughs discussing things like the white/gold/blue/black dress phenomenon. Pop Rocket También es una excelente fuente para encontrar nuevos programas / libros / música para disfrutar en su tiempo libre..

10. La verdad

Top 12 Podcasts of 2016 You Need to Hear

La verdad es un programa de audio-ficción de Jonathan Mitchell que es esencialmente “peliculas para tus oidos”. Cada episodio tiene una duración de 10 a 20 minutos y toma la forma de una historia independiente.. La verdad Tiene historias espeluznantes y divertidas. A pesar de que todas las historias están desarrolladas por el equipo, el diálogo se improvisa con frecuencia y encontrarás un final inesperado en cada pieza que escuchas..

11. Radiolab

Top 12 Podcasts of 2016 You Need to Hear

Un clásico de todos los tiempos de la estación pública de Nueva York WNYC, Radiolab es un podcast sobre ciencia y filosofía y la forma en que estos dos temas se superponen. El espectáculo ha recibido varios premios en los años de su existencia. Cada episodio dura aproximadamente 60 minutos, y hay 14 temporadas de 5 a 10 episodios disponibles en línea.

Historias, entrevistas y discusiones expositivas junto con efectos de sonido y música experimental hacen de Radiolab un podcast convincente y estimulante que recomendamos ampliamente.

12. Cosas que debes saber

Top 12 Podcasts of 2016 You Need to Hear

SYSK es un espectáculo de los bloggers estadounidenses Josh Clark y Chuck Bryant, dos hombres a los que les gusta hablar de cualquier cosa y de todo. Los episodios más populares de SYSK Incluye piezas sobre spam, resacas, propinas en restaurantes, queso, Barbie y pinball..

La descarga de millones de veces cada mes significa que este podcast se clasifica constantemente en el Top 10 en iTunes. Si te gusta SYSK , También debe revisar el largo Cosas que debes saber El programa de televisión se emitió en Science Channel en 2013.

Cómo escuchar estos podcasts

¿Estás listo para comenzar a escuchar estos podcasts pero no estás seguro de por dónde empezar? Siga las guías MakeUseOf de las mejores aplicaciones de podcast para iOS 6 Las mejores aplicaciones de podcast de iOS para iPhone y iPad 6 Las mejores aplicaciones de podcast de iOS para iPhone y iPad Un podcast es como un programa de radio que escucha a su conveniencia, y una buena aplicación de podcasting puede ayudar Haz que la experiencia sea mucho mejor. Leer más, las mejores aplicaciones de podcast para Android 4 App Showdown:¿Cuál es la mejor aplicación de podcast de Android? 4 Showdown de aplicaciones:¿Cuál es la mejor aplicación de podcast de Android? Hay excelentes aplicaciones de podcast disponibles para Android, ya sea que estés dispuesto a pagar por una aplicación tan buena como la que encontrarías en un iPhone o si deseas una aplicación gratuita y pulida. Leer más, los mejores administradores de podcast para Windows ¿Cuál es el mejor administrador de podcast para Windows? What is the best podcast manager for Windows? A desktop app is still the best option for playing podcasts on your Windows PC. Whether or not you have an Apple device, you'll find a great solution in this roundup. Lea más, y los mejores reproductores de medios para Linux 3 Reproductores de música frescos y ligeros para disfrutar de sus MP3 en Linux 3 Reproductores de música frescos y ligeros para disfrutar de sus MP3 en Linux Si es un usuario de Linux que ama la música, probablemente se haya dado cuenta los reproductores de audio vienen en todas las formas y tamaños, desde las alternativas de iTunes hasta las aplicaciones livianas. ¿Qué reproductor de música ligero debes elegir? Read more.

¿Estás de acuerdo con nuestra lista de los mejores podcasts de 2016? ¿Puedes pensar en otros podcasts populares de 2016 que deberían haber hecho la lista? ¿Cuál fue tu podcast favorito de 2016? Por favor, comparta sus pensamientos con nosotros en la sección de comentarios a continuación!