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11 Geek Books Recommended by Tech Influencers

Our lives and societies are greatly influenced by the relentless progress of technology. Surely then, it is wise to understand a bit about what is influencing the technology influencers who are (in part) driving this technological advance.?

The Tim Ferriss Show is the best business podcast on iTunes. In each episode, Ferriss invites world-class artists (from any industry) to engage in a conversation where their backgrounds, projects, and approach are deconstructed.

At the time of writing, the show has around 150 episodes. About 10 percent of guests are what you might call "tech influencers." We decided to listen to each of those episodes and share with you a book recommendation from each of these tech influencers. Surprisingly, most of the recommended books did not focus on technology, but rather on lifestyle, productivity, entrepreneurship, and philosophy.

Use this as your reading list. Read the world's best books for free with Harvard Classics. Read the world's best books for free with Harvard Classics. The Harvard Classics is a multi-volume collection of the world's best books. Compiled by Dr. Charles W. Eliot in the early 20th century, they are now completely free to download. Read More

1. The singularity is near (Ray Kurzweil)

11 Geek Books Recommended by Tech Influencers

Named one of “The 50 Greatest Leaders in the World” by Fortune Magazine, Peter Diamandis He is the President and CEO of the X PRIZE Foundation. This is an organization that organizes large-scale competitions to solve the greatest challenges of humanity. Featured in this episode is the much loved. The singularity is near , by Ray Kurzweil. Motivational Speaker Tony Robbins (also in the episode) appreciate this work too.

This is essentially a book about transhumanism, discussing the epochal moments in history that are gradually leading up to the point where artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence (The Singularity). The book goes on to explore how genetics, robotics, and nanotechnology. How "Molecular Legos" Open the Door to True Nanotechnology. How "Molecular Legos" Open the Door to True Nanotechnology. Robots are cool. Robots that operate at the molecular level? They're even cooler, and there's no limit to what they could accomplish. Reading more will help us get to this point.

2. So Good They Can't Ignore You (Cal Newport)

11 Geek Books Recommended by Tech Influencers

Polymath, author and co-founder of Wired, Kevin Kelly compliments on Cal Newport So good they can't ignore you . He summarizes the argument within the book as:

By using deliberate practice, do you want to become an expert at something? Try deliberate practice Want to become an expert at something? Try deliberate practice It's very easy to feel down when trying to improve a certain skill. Use the power of "deliberate practice" to break through those maddening plateaus. Read More The 10,000 hour rule is wrong. How to really master a skill The 10,000 hour rule is wrong. How to Really Master a Skill Malcolm Gladwell gave us the 10,000 hour rule. It turns out that the rule is wrong. Here's the science on how you can master a skill much faster. Read More This is a refreshing and pragmatic alternative to the myth about "following your passion."

3. Antifragile:things to gain from disorder (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)

11 Geek Books Recommended by Tech Influencers

Matt Mullenweg He is the founder of WordPress, a platform that powers more than a fifth of the entire web..

One of several books Matt recommends in this episode is Antifragile . This is an examination of those things that grow in strength when put under stress, rather than simply being resistant to stress. This could be muscles, or riots, or it could be ourselves and our own careers. The goal is to be open to uncertainty and chance, knowing that consequently it is likely to only serve to improve our situation.

4. Steal like an artist (Austin Kleon)

11 Geek Books Recommended by Tech Influencers

Chase Jarvis is an award-winning photographer and the CEO of, a leading online education organization 5 Problems In Education That Technology Will Soon Solve 5 Problems In Education That Technology Will Soon Solve Education has been stuck on a plateau for several years, plagued by several different problems that seem to have no solution, but technology has finally found a way to solve these problems. Read more sphere. One of his recommended books is Steal like an artist by Austin Kleon.

This is a visual book based on a lecture Kleon gave a while ago, talking about the things he wished he had known as a creative. Based on the concept that almost nothing is truly original, Kleon gives you permission to borrow, influence, collect, and re-imagine the work of others to avoid mediocrity and find your own creative voice.

5. Creativity, Inc (Ed Catmull)

11 Geek Books Recommended by Tech Influencers

ed catmull , co-founder of Pixar and chairman of Pixar Animation and Disney Animation, knows a thing or two about the entertainment business of the 21st century. With this knowledge, we broke the rules a bit and decided to add Catmull's own book, Creativity inc . to this selection.

Incredibly highly rated on Amazon, Creativity inc. It's for anyone who manages a team, or wants to squeeze as much creativity out of their day as possible. How the Internet can make you more creative than ever How the Internet can make you more creative than ever Many say that the Internet is killing our creativity. But creativity is not an option. Thanks to the variety of tools available to us, the options are limitless. Get creative with these ideas. Read more . Through practical tips for removing the barriers to creativity, you'll not only learn how Pixar routinely produces classic after classic, but also how to apply these principles to your own work.

6. Things hidden since the foundation of the world (René Girard)

11 Geek Books Recommended by Tech Influencers

Billionaire investor, and founder of PayPal and Palantir, Peter Thiel , He was largely influenced by the author René Girard. Especially this book.

Criticizing accepted views on anthropology, religion, literature, and psychoanalysis, Girard examines imitation as the root of behavior in everything, including ourselves and the organizations we work for. It's a heavy but rewarding read.

7. Smartcuts:How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success (Shane Snow)

11 Geek Books Recommended by Tech Influencers

Noah Kagan he was employee number 4 at Facebook and later founded the ever popular website tools company SumoMe. In this interview, the book. SmartCuts comes highly recommended.

This is a book that delves into the lives, tips, and tricks of people and organizations that have managed to accomplish incredible things in incredibly short time frames. Snow then tries to identify the commonalities between these case studies to create a range of "smartcuts" to succeed.

8. The Long Time Clock:Time and Responsibility (Mark Stewart)

11 Geek Books Recommended by Tech Influencers

The clock of long time Highly recommended by the founder of Evernote. Phil Libin .

In contrast to SmartCuts , this is a book that emphasizes the importance of long-term thinking. As the world around us progresses so rapidly, and governments are preoccupied with short-term thinking, Brand argues that spending time thinking about the future is imperative. This is a fascinating look at how We should be framing our dreams, thoughts and projects in the context of the long-term vision.

9. You must be joking, Mr. Feynman.!

11 Geek Books Recommended by Tech Influencers

In this episode, CEO of AngelList and online entrepreneur. Naval Revikant recommends I'm sure you're kidding, Mr. Feynman!

This selection of autobiographical anecdotes sheds a hilarious light on the inner workings of this Nobel Prize-winning physicist. From his talks with Einstein to cracking safe deposit boxes that can't be cracked, the lesson to fill life with curiosity and not take yourself too seriously seems to be the valuable lesson here.

10. How to do things (David Allen)

11 Geek Books Recommended by Tech Influencers

Recommended by LinkedIn Co-Founder and Former Vice President of PayPal, Reid Hoffman , Working things out It has become a must read for anyone who wants to increase their productivity. Use your computer the right way to increase productivity. Use your computer the right way to increase productivity. Given the amount of time we spend on our computers, you'd think we'd all master them. As craftsmen the masters of their tools. The problem is that we rarely commit to learning. Let's change that! Read more.

The complete productivity system, as detailed in this book, has spawned dedicated communities and spurred the creation of various apps and online tools to help with the process. We've even written several articles on the subject, from Using the Getting Things Done (GTD) System in Your Email Inbox To Dealing With Inbox Overload and To-Do Lists in Emails To Dealing With Inbox Overload and To-Do Lists in Emails Email isn't just about communication, it also largely dictates your to-do list. Let's talk about the best tips for linking your inbox to your productivity with Andy Mitchell, the founder of ActiveInbox. Read More The problem may not be your productivity, it may be your priorities. Let's learn how to prioritize to-do list and how to get things done. Read more, along with the best videos from GTD Organize 2015:Learn The Martial Art Of Getting Things Done [Things To Watch] Organize 2015:Learn The Martial Art Of Getting Things Done [Things To Watch] Have you ever wondered why the successful and high achievers Do you always seem to keep a cool head? Read More

11. Zero to one (Peter Thiel)

11 Geek Books Recommended by Tech Influencers

Co-founder of Netscape and the Mosaic web browser, Mark Andreesen he considers himself “One of the founding fathers of the modern internet.”. Taking his recommendation to read Peter Thiel's book. Zero to one It should definitely be taken seriously, then.

This is a book about thinking big, and thinking differently. Podemos creer que estamos viviendo en una era de innovación, pero Thiel cree que la industria de la tecnología está estancada. En lugar de hacer pequeñas iteraciones sobre lo que hacen los demás, es mucho mejor aprender a pensar por sí mismo. Solo haciendo esto podremos realmente empujar nuestros límites y crear algo verdaderamente único que realmente haga una diferencia..

Cual leerás primero?

La gama de pensamientos y filosofías en estos pocos libros es vertiginosa. Esto representa el tipo de ideas que ocupan el espacio de cabeza de las personas que están ayudando a configurar la tecnología ahora y que continuarán haciéndolo en los próximos años.

Sin embargo, parece que hay un hilo común en estos libros, que es un empuje consistente contra el status quo. La opinión de que las cosas no son necesariamente como parecen a primera vista. Quizás si nos damos cuenta de esto, obtendremos la libertad de hacer algo diferente y significativo para nosotros mismos..

Entonces, ¿cuál de estos libros vas a leer primero? Háganos saber en la sección de comentarios a continuación junto con sus comentarios sobre las recomendaciones descritas anteriormente..