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Binge-Racing is the next Netflix trend you need to try

These days everyone knows about binge eating. Which is when you watch many episodes of your favorite TV show in a row. Why do people choose to binge? Because it's a cheap form of entertainment, it's fun, and it should help relieve boredom.

There are some amazing YouTube channels worth binge-watching, but streaming services like Netflix have turned binge-watching into a valid hobby. Binge watching is now a mainstream activity. However, for those who want to try something new, we have some good news.

Drunk Racing it's the “next big thing”.

What is Binge Racing??

Binge watching was the new trend. Netflix's A-Z Shows You Should Binge-Watch Netflix's A-Z Shows You Should Binge-Watch Netflix has such a variety of shows available that we literally made an A-Z list of shows for you to binge-watch . Enjoy! Read More But for true TV fans it is no longer enough. So people are taking the concept a step further by committing to finish shows within 24 hours of release.

You're probably thinking that sounds crazy.

How can you finish an entire TV show in 24 hours? The truth is you can't, unless it's a new show with only a few episodes. But what you can do is speed up a season of a show as soon as it drops on Netflix in your region. And that's what binge eating is all about..

Binge-Racing is the next Netflix trend you need to try

So why do people do it and what's wrong with watching binge eating harm your health and binge eating harm your health? The rise of streaming services has helped make binge-watching a very popular pastime. Unfortunately, there are some potential negative health consequences of excessive television viewing. Read more ? Binge-racing brings a spirit of competition into the game. Binge runners don't just want to skim through stories, they want to be the fastest to do it. For them, the speed of observation is an achievement to be proud of. Similar to how some people run through video games.

The Pros and Cons of Binge-Racing

If you've ever run a marathon program, you probably know what's good and bad about binge eating. The pros and cons of TV shows. The pros and cons of TV shows. Observing mugging is a recent phenomenon that almost everyone has. made thanks to Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime. But for all its various pros, it also has some downsides. Read more . Let's take a closer look at binge racing and discuss the pros and cons of this new phenomenon.

Pro:you get a show viewed quickly

If you choose to over-compete a new program, you automatically guarantee that you will only spend one day (and one night) on it and not an hour more.

When faced with a choice between watching a great Netflix show or doing something productive, chances are you go with the former. And with so much content available on Netflix, it's easy to keep choosing Netflix over working and procrastinating.

It may seem strange, but by choosing to take a break and watch the entire season in one sitting (and in less than 24 hours), you're choosing to be more productive. Instead of being distracted by this exciting show for weeks, you can do it quickly and get back to your normal schedule afterwards.

Pro:You don't see Spoilers

We all have that one friend who spoils shows and movies on social media. When is it okay to post spoilers on social media? When is it okay to post spoilers on social media? The pitchforks are ready! Time to talk about spoilers. For many people, they fall somewhere between Hitler and Ramsey Bolton on the scale of evil. Read More

Needless to say, if you're the first to finish a new show, you won't have to worry about spoilers anymore. And if your friend also happens to be a binge runner, they'll probably be too busy with their own Netflix deadlines to mess things up for you.

Con:It's easy to miss crucial details

An obvious downside to speeding through new shows is that you risk missing the little things that might be crucial to the plot.

To avoid that, we recommend that you take your binge runs seriously, plan your sessions, and be fully prepared for them. Stock up on snacks and make sure you get a good night's sleep. And, of course, a surefire way to keep small details from being missed is to have a binge-racing buddy you can talk to about the show when you're done.

Con:can make you less social

Unfortunately, if you don't find someone who shares your passion for auto racing, it might make you a little less social in the long run.

You will become that person who has already “seen everything”. Which means that while your friends are discussing the first few episodes of that awesome show they've just started, all you can do is nod and smile, since you don't want to ruin any major plot twists for them.

Binge-Racing is the next Netflix trend you need to try

However, if you happen to meet up as a fellow racer, it's hard to imagine a more satisfying experience. Being stuck on the same couch together for 24 hours is a great opportunity to bond. Mientras ambos tengan las mismas políticas sobre hablar mientras miran televisión.

¿Por qué convertirse en un Binge-Racer??

Ante todo, “binge-racer” es un nombre rudo Si ya eres un fanático de la observación de atracones, ¿por qué no ir más lejos??

En segundo lugar, las carreras de borrachera son perfectas si quieres ver más originales de Netflix 10 increíbles originales de Netflix que probablemente nunca hayas escuchado de 10 increíbles originales de Netflix que probablemente nunca hayas escuchado junto a los espectáculos de titulares como House of Cards y Stranger Cosas, hay innumerables originales de Netflix que pueden haberte pasado. Lee más y no puedes permitirte gastar demasiado tiempo en ellos. Binge-racing te ayudará a tener más organización en tus hábitos de observación. Tendrá que estar al tanto de los nuevos programas antes de su lanzamiento. Y probablemente tengas que planear cada sesión única de carreras de borrachera por adelantado.

Y, por supuesto, puedes ser parte de una nueva tendencia (creciente) que probablemente todos harán en el futuro. Especialmente cuando los robots toman nuestros trabajos y nos dejan con más tiempo libre..

Cómo encontrar los mejores shows de Netflix en Binge-Race

Según Netflix, en los últimos cuatro años, el número de atracadores en todo el mundo ha aumentado de 200,000 a más de 8 millones. Netflix también ha publicado una lista de los programas a los que les gusta competir en exceso..

En 2017, los 10 mejores shows de carreras de borrachera incluidos Chicas Gilmore , Los defensores , and Stranger Things . Lo que es un poco diferente a la lista de programas que a las personas les gusta ver por primera vez.

Binge-Racing is the next Netflix trend you need to try

Si decides subirte al carro y te convertirás en un corredor de atracones, solo necesitas encontrar el programa adecuado para poner en marcha tu hábito. Binge-racing se trata de ver toda una serie tan pronto como se caiga, por lo que lo mejor que puedes hacer es echar un vistazo a los programas que llegarán a Netflix..

Sin embargo, si hay un programa al que le encantan las carreras de borrachera que ya se ha emitido, siempre puede ver una temporada anterior durante un fin de semana y seguir considerándose un corredor de atracones..

Ready, Set, Binge!

¿Hemos logrado entusiasmarte con esta nueva tendencia televisiva? Ahora que sabes qué es el atracón y por qué deberías considerar intentarlo, lo único que queda es elegir un programa para ver..