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Facebook Watch vs. YouTube, Netflix and Amazon Prime

It seems that everyone is getting into the video business. First it was Netflix and Amazon. Then Apple recently announced that it will produce original content. And now even Facebook is getting into the game.

Facebook Watch is a new service that allows Facebook users to watch original TV shows created exclusively for the social network. But how does Facebook Watch compare to the established heavy hitters on the streaming scene? Read on to find out.

Facebook Watch vs. YouTube, Netflix and Amazon Prime

You can't win for free

As of now, there is no cost to watch any of the Facebook videos. Which puts it at a significant advantage over Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu. Are there too many streaming TV services? Are there too many streaming TV services? So, you've thrown the cord and launched yourself into the world of cord cutting. But what now? Is it possible that there are too many streaming TV services to choose from these days? Read more . But since nothing online is really free, you'll pay for content by being forced to watch ads.

In late August, Reuters reported that Facebook was still trying to figure out the best way to insert ads into videos. So it's very likely that you'll see a few different formats and locations as the company uncovers finer details.

While there is currently no subscription option for an ad-free experience, don't be surprised if you see a YouTube Red type option. Is YouTube Premium worth the money? 7 things to consider Is YouTube Premium worth the money? 7 things to watch out for YouTube Premium is making headlines and buzz, but is the paid subscription service really worth it? We look at the facts to help you decide. Read more popup in the future. Facebook Watch is all about making money, and that's another way to empty users' pockets.

Public sourced content

Interestingly, one of the things Facebook is betting on with Watch is community-created content. Facebook itself is paying for some programs and will create original videos. But a lot of what's currently on Watch is actually created by other people.

There are shows from The Try Guys from Buzzfeed, WIRED, The Daily Show, NowThis, GameSpot, Harper's Bazaar, and more.

Facebook Watch vs. YouTube, Netflix and Amazon Prime

Some original shows have already appeared. Ball in the family , Loosely exact nicole , and Humans of New York They're all original reality shows. According to TechCrunch, Facebook will spend up to $1 billion in 2018 to fund more shows.

As of now, there are many short videos and some shows. And those shows are pretty weird. One sends strangers on blind dates in places like ancient Egypt and the Middle Ages using VR headsets. Another is filled with videos of military veterans returning home. Yet another looks at all the ways the world could end (to be honest, this one sounds pretty good).

A strong focus on short videos

The videos on Facebook Watch range from just a few minutes to longer programs that are divided into multiple installments. You will see many videos that have series and episode numbers in their names:

Facebook Watch vs. YouTube, Netflix and Amazon Prime

This is something that Facebook is focusing on:there are no movies on Facebook Watch. Instead, it's geared toward quickly consumable content that people can view, comment on, and share in a matter of minutes.

In this way, Facebook is not trying to capture the same market as Netflix or Amazon. Instead, it's more like YouTube, at least in its current incarnation. Many People Are Calling Facebook Watch An Attempt To Attract A Few Advertising Dollars Off YouTube How To Make Money On YouTube [MakeUseOf Explains] How To Make Money On YouTube [MakeUseOf Explains] Until a profitable and mutually beneficial alternative comes along, advertising has to exist in Order for us - the consumers - to receive free content. YouTube is not bad because it places ads at the beginning... Read More

But as you'll see in the Clock tab, there are a lot of “shows” - even if the episodes are only a few minutes long. This seems to be something that Facebook also emphasizes, which makes it a bit different from YouTube, which has no problem hosting billions of unique videos.

How does it compare?

Not surprisingly, Facebook Watch currently doesn't have a candle on YouTube. A quick search for “otters” on Facebook Watch turned up three results…and one of them was actually about cats.

Facebook Watch vs. YouTube, Netflix and Amazon Prime

How many videos does YouTube bring for the same search?

1.6 million.

Note:After learning more about how Facebook Watch search works, I've learned that there are only three episodes appearing for the otter quest. But as I mention below, the search results can be a bit confusing. This is a perfect example of that.)

And when it comes to finding things you want to watch, Facebook has a long way to go. On the Watch tab, there are three options:Discover (which shows you a bunch of random options), Latest episodes , and Saved Episodes . There are no categories to help you find things; Just a list of who you're following. So if you're not following anyone, you have to scroll through a lot of things.

Facebook Watch vs. YouTube, Netflix and Amazon Prime

You must use the general Facebook search bar How to search Facebook, and find anything! How to search Facebook and find anything! Facebook search is possibly the most powerful and least used feature available to everyone, but we'll rarely use the feature for more interesting searches. Try these. Read More Just do a search, then click the Videos tab on the search results page.

Facebook Watch vs. YouTube, Netflix and Amazon Prime

The search feature isn't great yet, either. I searched for Finder, a science show, and clicked "Watch All Episodes" in the search results - because it was the top result. But because Seeker posts videos as standalists, and not as episodes in a show, they weren't there. I had to go back and scroll through the results page.

And as far as I can tell, there is no way to find a program to subscribe to by going to the creator page. the Game of Thrones The page, for example, doesn't show the program behind the scenes anywhere. You have to find it through Watch..

It's not too bad, but it's also not as intuitive as other video platforms.

What you must see now

There's a lot of weird stuff on Watch right now. But there has to be something good, right? Of course! Obviously this is a matter of opinion, but here are some programs and accounts that I think are worth following:

  • NASA ScienceCasts by nasa
  • Constantly curious by TED-Ed
  • Focal point by Finder
  • We are connected that way by National Geographic
  • Who is it? by NowThis Politics
  • Second chances by Oregon Zoo
  • Juego de tronos:Detrás de las escenas por juego de tronos

Nuevamente, estos son simplemente los shows que recomendaría. Si ha encontrado otros buenos videos en Facebook Watch, avísenos en los comentarios al final del artículo..

Facebook Watch Rival los otros grandes jugadores?

No hay forma de saberlo, pero en este momento, parece bastante improbable. Suprimir a YouTube es probablemente tan fácil como eliminar a Google de su trono de motores de búsqueda. Incluso si Facebook arroja miles de millones de dólares en este proyecto, y Zuck y compañía. sin duda lo hará - YouTube es demasiado grande para fallar, está arraigado en los hábitos en línea de todos.

Entonces, nuevamente, si Facebook puede encontrar una buena manera de diferenciarse de YouTube, tal vez tenga una oportunidad. A partir de ahora, no parece que la compañía tenga un plan sólido para lo que será Watch. Es probable que veamos mucha experimentación en lo que hacen de aquí en adelante..

Si Facebook puede sacar provecho del contenido original, la pestaña Nueva visualización de Facebook introduce la programación original en los EE. UU. La nueva pestaña Observación de Facebook presenta la programación original en los EE. UU. Facebook ha lanzado su nueva pestaña Observación, que lleva la programación original a las audiencias de EE. UU. ¡Aquí es cómo encontrarlo y usarlo! Leer más (como Netflix tiene con Cosas extrañas , Amazon tiene con Transparente , y Hulu tiene con El cuento de la criada ), seguro que tiene una oportunidad de éxito. Pero centrarse en un contenido mucho más corto dificultará competir con la competencia.

Los editores están viendo un buen compromiso con sus videos hasta ahora; DigiDay tiene un gran desglose de los esfuerzos de Mashable en Facebook Watch. Pero no será fácil entrar en un mercado ya lleno de gente con muchos bateadores..

Mark Zuckerberg dijo que Facebook quiere cambiar la experiencia de ver videos de una pasiva a una activa que incluye compartir, comentar y todas las otras cosas que la gente hace en Facebook. Pero, ¿la gente realmente quiere hacer eso? ¿O simplemente quieren sentarse y mirar en exceso? It's always sunny in Philly , a pesar de los riesgos para la salud. Cómo ver el atracón está dañando su salud Cómo el atracarse está dañando su salud El aumento de los servicios de transmisión ha ayudado a hacer de la televisión de atracón un pasatiempo muy popular. Desafortunadamente, hay algunas consecuencias negativas potenciales para la salud al ver televisión en exceso. Lee mas ?

Sólo el tiempo dirá.

¿Has visto algo en Facebook Ver todavía? ¿Crees que Facebook Watch podría tener éxito a pesar de la fuerte competencia? Si es así, ¿a qué servicio de YouTube, Netflix y Amazon Prime lo amenaza? Por favor comparta sus pensamientos en los comentarios a continuación!